ITEM02 C15-2024-0024 ADV PACKET AUG12_PART3 — original pdf
ITEM02/19ITEM02/20Similar properties in the area reflect protective measures in place. First photo illustrates 2103 Winstead Ln, which is located at the next exit on Mopac in my neighborhood (0.5 mile from my home), Tarrytown. The wall built by the DOT measuring 15’ in some places protects this property from 3 angles, circled in yellow. This property owner also suffered from repeat vehicles damaging the property before the wall was built. ITEM02/21ITEM02/22The next property is even closer to me, on the other side of MoPac with a similar juxtaposition to the highway, at the northbound Westover exit ramp. 1709 Westover has property without a dissected lot, but is also completely protected by the 15’ DOT wall circled in yellow. ITEM02/23ITEM02/24Image below: My property, 2104 Westover, located on the southbound Westover exit ramp has no protection from a 15’ wall. The wall, again circled in yellow, ends distinctly before the property. ITEM02/25ITEM02/26