ITEM5 C15-2022-0082 ADV PACKET 11-14 — original pdf

BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2022-0082 BOA DATE: November 14th, 2022 ADDRESS: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr OWNER: Justin & Joy Hirsch COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 AGENT: Brian Wills ZONING: SF-3-NP (WANG) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 13 SWEETBRUSH SEC 2 ABS 313 SUR 8 GILBERT D J ACR .044 VARIANCE REQUEST: decrease the minimum rear yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet SUMMARY: erect a Garage/Guest House ISSUES: irregularly shaped lot, steep topography, and protected trees ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Preservation Austin SELTexas Save Barton Creek Assn. Save Historic Muny District Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group TNR BCP – Travis County Natural Resources Tarrytown Alliance Tarrytown Neighborhood Association West Austin Neighborhood Group ITEM5/1Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application - - - For Office Use Only Case # __________________ ROW # ___________________ Tax # ____________________ C15-2022-0082 0119080330 13031889 Section 1: Applicant Statement Street Address: __________________________________________________________________ 2406 Sweetbrush Dr, Austin, Texas 78703 Tract I: Lot 13, Sweetbrush Section Two, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or play thereof, ____________________________________________________________________________ recorded in Volume 38, Page 30 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas. Tract II: Being all of that certain tract or ____________________________________________________________________________ parcel of land containing 0.44 acres, more or less, situated in the Daniel J. Gilbert Survey No. 8, Travis County, Texas. 13 _________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ SF-3-NP Council District: 10 (WANG) ________________________________________________ Brian Wills, Project Manager for Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects Justin Hirsch and Joy Kerveillant-Hirsch ________________________________________________ October 6 2022 ______________________________________________________________ Garage/Guest House ____________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Page 4 of 8 ITEM5/2City of Austin, Land Development Code, Section 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) to decrease the rear yard ____________________________________________________________________________ setback (along Matthews Dr) from 25 feet to 10 feet. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Section 2: Variance Findings Property was planned with restrictive covenant in 1955 that requires residence to front Sweetbrush Dr and ____________________________________________________________________________ specifically calls out a 25ft front building line setback (on Sweetbrush Dr) and a 10ft rear building setback (on ____________________________________________________________________________ Matthews Dr); Matthews Drive ROW was decreases and acts more like an alley; the lot contains steep topography, ____________________________________________________________________________ several protected trees, and existing residence all of which constrain the placement of a garage to a limited area that ____________________________________________________________________________ would encroach on the City interpreted 25ft rear setback. See also Section 6. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ a) b) The lot is irregularly shaped and contains several large heritage & protected trees, an existing home and driveway, as ____________________________________________________________________________ well as steep topography which constrains the placement of a garage/guest house to a very limited area. The ____________________________________________________________________________ subdivision was planned with restrictions requiring residences to front on Sweetbrush Dr and specifically calling out ____________________________________________________________________________ a 10 foot rear setback from Matthews Dr. Matthews Dr is a "substandard roadway" that does not meet the City's ____________________________________________________________________________ design criteria for a local access street. Applying LDC Section 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) would constrain a ____________________________________________________________________________ garage/guest house to a design that is not harmonious with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr with an existing residence located greater than 35 feet ____________________________________________________________________________ from the front property boundary (subject property is set back 72 feet), with existing driveway access from ____________________________________________________________________________ Sweetbrush Dr, and with steep topography (greater than 12 feet of elevation change) along Matthews Dr. However, ____________________________________________________________________________ Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr without an allowable 10 foot setback from Matthews ____________________________________________________________________________ Dr. No other lots in this subdivision are shaped like Lot 13 nor do other lots contain the same combination of ____________________________________________________________________________ existing improvements, heritage or protected trees, and topography. Applying LDC Section 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) denies this property the 10 foot setback enjoyed by similar properties in the same zoning district. | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Page 5 of 8 ITEM5/3Multiple surrounding properties contain structures nearer than 25 feet to Matthews Dr. The requested variance is ____________________________________________________________________________ consistent with existing established residences in the area that were constructed close to the "substandard" Matthews ____________________________________________________________________________ Dr (which does not meet City standards for a local access street and is perceived as an alley). The subdivision was ____________________________________________________________________________ originally planned with a 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr because residences are required to front on Sweetbrush ____________________________________________________________________________ Dr. The area is known for mature shade trees and tree preservation is a key objective of the Combined West Austin Neighborhood Plan. The City’s interpretation of this property being a through lot (having a 25 foot rear setback) would ____________________________________________________________________________ constrain a garage/guest house, which is legally allowed to be constructed on this lot, to a design which is not ____________________________________________________________________________ harmonious with the neighborhood. (Continued in Section 6) - - 1. 2. 3. 4. N/A ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ N/A ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ N/A ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ N/A ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Page 6 of 8 ITEM5/4Brian Wills 10/6/2022 Brian Wills, Project Manager for Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects Austin Texas 78756 3904 Medical Pkwy, Suite C 512-450-0820 2406 Sweetbrush Dr Austin Texas 78703 Austin Texas 78756 Timothy D. Cuppett 3904 Medical Pkwy, Suite C 512-450-0820 (See next page) ITEM5/5Reasonable Use (continued): _______________________________________________________________________________ Lot 13 is an irregularly shaped lot platted in 1968 with restrictions that require residences to front Sweetbrush Dr. and _______________________________________________________________________________ establishes a 10 foot rear setback from Matthews Dr. The Subdivision and Restrictions were recorded in 1955 after the _______________________________________________________________________________ City formally vacated a 25 foot wide portion of ROW from Matthews Dr by City Council Ordinance #19510927-A in 1951. _______________________________________________________________________________ During subdivision review, the City took measures to ensure that Matthews Dr would not become the "front" street for _______________________________________________________________________________ lots abutting Sweetbrush Dr, Matthews Dr, and Scenic Dr per April 1955 Subdivision Committee minutes. _______________________________________________________________________________ The property contains several mature, heritage and protected trees and steep topography. The property features an _______________________________________________________________________________ existing residence (ca.1969) set back deep into the lot (72 feet) that faces Sweetbrush Dr with existing driveway access _______________________________________________________________________________ from Sweetbrush Dr. The existing residence and driveway are situated in such a way that constrains placement of a _______________________________________________________________________________ garage/guest house to a very limited area that is further constrained by the Critical Root Zones for several protected _______________________________________________________________________________ trees. Additionally, garage placement rules (LDC 25-2-1604) apply restrictions to an additional ±24% of the site area due _______________________________________________________________________________ to the unique placement and orientation of the existing residence and the irregular shape of the lot. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Zoning code allows for a garage/guest house to be constructed on this property. The City’s interpretation of a 25 foot _______________________________________________________________________________ rear setback, rather than a typical 10 foot rear yard setback, prevents constructing a garage/guest house that would _______________________________________________________________________________ otherwise be allowed on this property and would deprive the property owner of benefits enjoyed by other similar properties within the same zoning district. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Multiple properties along this stretch of Matthews Dr contain structures closer than 25 feet to Matthews Dr. The City has _______________________________________________________________________________ previously approved building plot plans reflecting fifteen (15) foot building line from Matthews Dr, and has previously _______________________________________________________________________________ approved multiple building permits for similar properties abutting this section of Matthews Dr with a 10 foot setback. _______________________________________________________________________________ Matthews Dr is a "substandard roadway" and the residence cannot legally front on Matthews Dr as well as being originally _______________________________________________________________________________ planned with a 10 foot rear setback. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ The City's interpretation of this lot being a through lot with a 25 foot rear setback would constrain the garage/guest house _______________________________________________________________________________ to a design that is not harmonious with surrounding properties. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Area Character (continued): _______________________________________________________________________________ The neighborhood group has expressed support for establishing a common front & rear street for lots considered _______________________________________________________________________________ through-lots in order to achieve consistent residence & garage placement and to avoid having residences on the same _______________________________________________________________________________ side of the block fronting on different streets. A variance allowing a 10 foot rear setback at the adjacent Lot 2A (2404 _______________________________________________________________________________ Sweetbrush Dr) was approved in 2019. A 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr at Lot 13 would match the approved 10 foot _______________________________________________________________________________ setback at 2404 Sweetbrush Dr as well as being compatible with other properties containint structures nearer than 15 feet _______________________________________________________________________________ to Matthews Dr. No other properties in this subdivision contain a garage / guest house in the front yard. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Page 8 of 8 ITEM5/6ITEM5/7TRACT II 0.044 AC. TRACT I LOT 13 0.447 AC. A T T H E W S D RIV E M 25ft VS. 10ft SETBACK PROPOSED GARAGE LOCATION HALF CRITICAL ROOT ZONES 10ft VS. 5ft SIDE SETBACK GARAGE PLACEMENT SETBACK STANDARD ZONING SETBACKS SWEETBRUSH DRIVE 1 CRITICAL ROOT ZONES & SETBACKS SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" SHEET IS FORMATTED TO 24" X 36". SCALES ARE ONE HALF OF NOTED WHEN PRINTED TO 12" X 18" ITEM5/8ITEM5/9ITEM5/10Property Profile Legend Property Addresses Planimetrics Survey 1 Building Footprints 2019 Planimetrics 2015 PlanimetricSurveyHistoric Contours Year- 2017 2 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours Zoning 1 Zoning LA SF Zoning Text Notes 0 150 300 ft 10/6/2022 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. ITEM5/11C15-2022-0082 Jessica Cohen, Chair – Board of Adjustment Elaine Ramirez, Senior Planner / B.O.A. Liaison, Development Services Department City of Austin 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr Austin, TX 78752 Re: Variance Request at 2406 Sweetbrush Dr, Austin, Texas 78703 Table of Contents Introduction & background Variance requirements I. II. III. Reasonable Use IV. Hardship – Unique to the property V. Hardship – Not general to the area VI. Area Character Exhibits List A. City’s interpretation of setback adjacent to Matthews Dr B. Property & public records 1. Sweetbrush Subdivision, 7/118 2. Sweetbrush Subdivision Section Two, 38/30 3. Restrictive covenant, 1645/376 4. Deed and covenant, 3426/1573 5. City Council Ordinance, 19510927-A 6. COA Subdivision Committee Minutes – April 1955 C. Property surveys 1. 2022 B&G Surveying 2. 2015 All Points Surveying 3. 2014 All Points Surveying 4. Certified arborist tree condition report (2022) D. Neighborhood context map and photos Proposed Garage/Guest house E. 1. Conceptual site diagram with tree critical root zones & setbacks 2. Conceptual site section diagram Preliminary site data summary F. G. City approved 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to Matthews Dr 1. 2400 Sweetbrush Dr: 2009 Building Permit 2. 2406 Sweetbrush Dr: 2014 & 2015 Building Permits 3. 2500 Matthews Dr: 2011 Building Permit 4. 2518 Matthews Dr: 2014 Building Permit H. Approved variance for 10 foot setback at adjacent property (2404 Sweetbrush Dr) I. J. Excerpts from Combined West Austin Neighborhood Plan Neighbor support for granting the variance request CKA Index ITEM5/12C15-2022-0082 Jessica Cohen, Chair – Board of Adjustment Elaine Ramirez, Senior Planner / B.O.A. Liaison, Development Services Department City of Austin - Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Re: Variance Request at 2406 Sweetbrush Dr, Austin, Texas 78703 Introduction & Background I. (Brief) Goals: Zoning: Variance: • Garage, Guest House, and/or addition to the existing home, to address growing needs • Enclosed parking for 2 vehicles (at basement level) with living space above • Preserve heritage trees, existing residence & access from Sweetbrush Dr • No closer to front yard than existing residence; complement site & neighborhood context • City initially stated 15 foot setback during DSD Consultation in May, citing approved permits • City later stated 25 foot setback during subsequent DSD Preliminary Plan Review in June • City suggested a variance was required • Requesting a 10 foot setback (typical for rear yard in SF-3 district) adjacent to Matthews Dr • No increase to allowable impervious or building cover, FAR or building height • 25 foot setback adjacent to Matthews Dr constrains the garage/guest house to a design which is not sensitive to the site, harmonious with neighborhood context or objectives of the neighborhood plan • Applying for variance prior to submitting architectural plans for building permit • Engaged surrounding neighbors and received strong support Site, History, Context: Irregularly shaped lot; front property boundary is an arc; steep topography • Numerous heritage & protected shade trees • • Existing residence located deep within the lot (triggers a 72 foot front setback for garage) • Existing driveway on Sweetbrush Dr; No access from Matthews Dr • Sweetbrush Subdivision (1955) restrictions established a 10ft rear setback from Matthews Dr and required homes to front on Sweetbrush Dr • City vacated 25 feet of Matthews Dr ROW in 1951 (reduced from 50 feet to 25 feet) • Matthews Dr is unclassified (does not meet min. criteria for local access street) • Multiple properties along this segment of Matthews Dr have structures within 25 feet (Expanded) Earlier this year, Justin & Joy Hirsch began looking into building a garage/guest house, or addition to their existing home, to address their family’s growing needs. The additional space would provide enclosed parking for their 2 vehicles (at the basement level) and living space above the garage (at main floor level). The Hirsch’s want to preserve the site’s numerous mature shade trees, the existing residence with access from Sweetbrush Dr, and the limited view of Lake Austin. The CKA Page 1 of 5 ITEM5/13C15-2022-0082 garage/guest house will be appropriately scaled and detailed to be sensitive to the site, existing structures, and surrounding context. Due to the constraints, the only practical location for a garage/guest house is a limited area to the West of the existing residence. During preliminary planning, the Hirsch’s architect sought guidance on zoning regulations applicable to this property from the City of Austin (COA) Development Services Department (DSD) during a consultation on 5/26/2022 when City Staff advised that the setback adjacent to Matthews Dr would be 15 feet, citing previously approved building permits at this property. Relying upon this information, the Hirsch’s architect proceeded to develop conceptual site layouts based on the City’s guidance. However, during a subsequent Preliminary Plan Review (PPR) conducted on 6/30/2022, City Staff revised its interpretation of the rear setback to now be 25 feet citing “through-lot” rules (Exhibit A). When asked to verify this new interpretation for the rear setback in light of the original subdivision planning, vacated ROW and substandard roadway (Matthews Dr), previously approved building permits, numerous mature shade trees, steep topography, and multiple nearby structures already built close to Matthews Dr, City Staff suggested that the Hirsch’s pursue a zoning variance. While the Hirsch’s had hoped to avoid requesting a variance, ultimately it became clear this was their only option. In an effort to respect the process and properly resolve conflicts effecting design, the Hirsch’s are requesting a variance prior to submitting architectural plans for building permit review. The Hirsch’s intend to achieve a solution that otherwise complies with zoning and building codes, and other applicable restrictions, but for the imposed 25 foot rear setback which is the basis for the variance request. The Hirsch’s initially planned to seek a hearing on the BoA October agenda, but decided to delay their application to allow communication and engagement with the neighbors and neighborhood association. An initial presentation was made to the West Austin Neighborhood Group during the general meeting held on 9/12/2022 and the Hirsch’s have received strong support from surrounding property owners. Further review of the history and records for this property, as well as the pattern established by development on nearby properties, revealed strong evidence to support a 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to Matthews Dr, which is the typical rear yard setback for an SF-3 lot not considered to be a through-lot. Combined with the unique constraints of this property, a 25 foot rear setback prevents reasonable use by restricting the placement of a garage/guest house in the limited area where it would be most appropriate and complementary to the context. Resultantly, the Hirsch’s are requesting a variance from LDC Section 25-2-515 Rear Yard of Through Lot to decrease the setback adjacent to Matthews Dr from 25 feet to 10 feet. Granting this variance would allow placement of a garage/guest house in a manner that preserves large heritage and protected trees, accommodates steep topography, preserves the historic-aged residence and existing driveway, complies with garage placement rules that uniquely effect this irregularly shaped lot, complements development on surrounding properties, and conforms to the original planning and subdivision restrictions. The request is not seeking, nor would it result in, an increase to the allowable impervious cover, building cover, floor-to-area ratio, or building height. II. A variance may be granted if, because of special circumstances of a property, the strict application of the City of Austin Land Development Code regulations deprives the property owner of privileges Variance requirements CKA Page 2 of 5 ITEM5/14C15-2022-0082 Reasonable Use that are enjoyed by another person who owns property in the area that has the same zoning designation. A variance to a regulation may not grant special privileges that are inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the area. III. (Brief) The property was planned with a restrictive covenant in 1955 that requires residences to front Sweetbrush Dr and specifically calls out a 25 foot front building line setback on Sweetbrush Dr and a 10 foot rear building setback on Matthews Dr; Matthews Dr ROW was decreased by City Council Ordinance in 1951 and today acts more like an alley; the lot contains numerous protected trees, steep topography, and uniquely situated existing residence all of which constrain the placement of a garage/guest house to a very limited area that would encroach on a 25 foot through-lot rear yard setback but not a standard 10 foot rear yard setback. (Expanded) Lot 13 is an irregularly shaped lot platted in 1968 with restrictions that require residences to front Sweetbrush Dr and establishes a 10 foot rear setback from Matthews Dr. In 1955, 25 feet of ROW width (used for Matthews Dr) was vacated by City Council Ordinance #19510927-A. Per April 1955 Subdivision Committee minutes, the committee took measures to ensure that Matthews Dr would not become the front street for residences abutting Sweetbrush Dr, Matthews Dr, or Scenic Dr. The subject property contains several heritage and protected trees and steep topography. The property features an existing residence (ca.1969) set back deep into the lot (72 feet) that faces Sweetbrush Dr with existing driveway access from Sweetbrush Dr. The existing residence, driveway, trees, and topography constrains placement of a garage/guest house to a very limited area. Additionally, garage placement rules (LDC 25-2-1604) apply restrictions to an additional ±24% of the site area due to the unique placement and orientation of the existing residence and the irregular shape of the lot. Zoning code allows for a garage/guest house to be constructed on this property. Combined with the unique constraints of the site, a 25 foot through-lot rear yard setback, rather than a typical 10 foot rear yard setback, prevents placement of a garage/guest house in the limited area where it would be most appropriate and harmonious with the neighborhood. Applying through-lot rules to this property deprives the property owner of benefits enjoyed by other similar properties within the same zoning district. The zoning regulations being applied to the property do not allow reasonable use because: 1. The subdivision was originally planned with restrictions (1645/376) (Exhibit B3) that: a. Requires residences to front Sweetbrush Dr. b. Establishes a 25 foot front building setback from Sweetbrush Dr. c. Establishes a 10 foot rear building setback from Matthews Dr. 2. The Sweetbrush Subdivision (7/118) (Exhibit B1), Sweetbrush Subdivision Section Two (38/30) (Exhibit B2) and Restrictive Covenant (1645/376) (Exhibit B3) were recorded after a portion of Matthews Dr ROW had been vacated by City Council Ordinance #19510927-A in 1951 (Exhibit B5). CKA Page 3 of 5 ITEM5/15C15-2022-0082 3. The City desired for residences along this segment of Matthews Dr to front on either Sweetbrush Dr or Scenic Dr, and for Matthews Dr to serve as rear access per April 1955 Subdivision Committee minutes (Exhibit B6). 4. Multiple properties along this stretch of Matthews Dr contain structures closer than 25 feet to Matthews Dr (Exhibit D). 5. The City has previously approved multiple building permits for properties abutting this section of Matthews Dr with 10 foot rear setback (Exhibits C2, C3, and G1 - G4). Reference to through-lot status could not be located in the permit history for this property. Hardship – Unique to the property IV. The lot is irregularly shaped and contains several large heritage & protected trees, an existing home and driveway, as well as steep topography which constrains the placement of a garage to a very limited area. The subdivision was planned with restrictions requiring residences to front on Sweetbrush Dr and specifically calling out a 10 foot rear setback from Matthews Dr. Matthews Dr is an unclassified roadway that does not meet the City's current design criteria for a local access street. Applying through-lot rules to this property would constrain a garage/guest house to a design that is not sympathetic to the unique features and environmental assets of the site. 1. The lot is irregularly shaped (Exhibit C1, B2). 2. The property contains multiple large heritage & protected trees and steep topography with as much as 12 feet of grade change adjacent to Matthews Dr (Exhibit C1). 3. The property contains an existing driveway on Sweetbrush Dr therefore a 2nd driveway on Matthews Dr is not allowed (Exhibit C1). 4. The property features an existing home situated in a way that limits placement of a garage/guest house to a limited area West of the existing residence (Exhibit E1). 5. Deed restriction (3426/1573) (Exhibit B4) increases the East side yard setback from 5 feet to 10 feet. 6. Restrictive Covenant (1645/376) (Exhibit B3) requires residences to front on Sweetbrush Dr and specifically calls out a 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr. 7. Matthews Dr is an unclassified roadway with 30 foot ROW that does not meet the criteria for a local access street. An old cattle guard still remains embedded in the pavement near the corner of Windsor Rd and Matthews Dr (Exhibit D & B5). Hardship – Not general to the area V. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr without an allowable 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr with an existing residence located greater than 35 feet from the front property boundary (subject property is set back 72 feet) and with existing driveway access from Sweetbrush Dr. It’s the only lot with very steep topography (greater than 12 feet of elevation change) within the setback area along Matthews Dr. No other lots in this subdivision are shaped as unusual as Lot 13 nor do other lots contain the same combination of existing improvements, heritage and protected trees, and topography. Applying through-lot rules to this property would constrain a garage/guest house to a design that is not harmonious with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. CKA Page 4 of 5 ITEM5/16C15-2022-0082 1. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr without a 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr (Exhibits D, G1 - G4, H). Applying through-lot rules to Lot 13 denies the 10 foot setback enjoyed by similarly situated properties in the same zoning district. 2. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr with a driveway on Sweetbrush (Exhibit D). 3. 2406 Sweetbrush is the only home between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr situated more than 35 feet from the front lot line. 2406 Sweetbrush Dr is ±72 feet from the front lot line. 4. Lot 13 is the only lot between Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr with greater than 12 feet of elevation change (i.e. topography) within 15 feet of Matthews Dr (Exhibit D). Area Character VI. (Brief) Multiple surrounding properties contain structures nearer than 25 feet to Matthews Dr. Granting the variance request would be compatible with other properties in the area, many of which contain structures nearer than 25 feet to Matthews Dr (which resembles an alley). The subdivision was originally planned with restrictions requiring residences to front on Sweetbrush Dr and specifically calls out a 10 foot setback from Matthews Dr. The area is known for mature shade trees and tree preservation is a key objective of the Combined West Austin Neighborhood Plan. Applying through- lot rules would constrain a garage/guest house to a design which is not harmonious with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and which conflicts with neighborhood plan objectives. (Expanded) The neighborhood group expressed a preference for establishing consistent front & rear streets for lots considered through-lots. A 10 foot rear setback (adjacent to Matthews Dr) at Lot 13 would match the 10 foot rear setback approved next door at 2404 Sweetbrush Dr, which also abuts Sweetbrush Dr and Matthews Dr, as well as being compatible with other properties containing structures close to Matthews Dr. No other properties in this subdivision contain a garage/guest house in the front yard. Approval of this variance request will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district, because: 1. See Exhibit J for letters from surrounding neighbors who support granting the variance. 2. Multiple surrounding properties with structures nearer than 25 ft to Matthews Dr (Exhibit D). 3. Subdivision was originally planned with a 10 ft rear setback from Matthews Dr (Exhibit B3). 4. Matthews Dr does not meet current standards for a local access street and is perceived as an alley. The West 25 feet of the original 50 foot wide ROW was vacated by Austin City Council in 1951 because the 50 foot strip of land “has never been opened, constructed, or maintained by the City of Austin as a public street…” (Ordinance 19510927-A). The City also acknowledged there is a doubt as to the legal status of this tract of land (Exhibit B5). 5. The area is known for mature shade trees and tree preservation is a key objective of the Combined West Austin Neighborhood Plan (Exhibit I). 6. Sweetbrush Dr is the established front street for these lots. The neighborhood group did not oppose establishing a 10 foot rear setback for a similarly situated lot (Exhibit H and full public record for Case #C15-2019-0025). 7. The rear setback at 2406 Sweetbrush Dr (subject property) should be the same as the 10 foot rear setback approved at 2404 Sweetbrush Dr (next door to subject property) because both properties are similarly situated (Exhibit H and D). CKA Page 5 of 5 ITEM5/17Brian Wills From: Sent: To: Subject: Mayfield, Alyssa Thursday, July 21, 2022 10:17 AM Brian Wills RE: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr - PPR Follow-up Brian, I spoke with the Residential Zoning Supervisor and they said the setback along Matthews is 25’. They spoke with Susan and she stated that she didn’t reject for the 15’ setback at the time because no work was being done in the area that would have been in the 25’ setback. Secondly the neighbor at 2404 Sweetbrush had to get a variance to have a 10’ setback in 2019. Thank you, Alyssa Mayfield, Assoc. AIA Plans Examiner– Expedited Plan Review City of Austin Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, 2nd Floor Please contact my direct supervisor with any kudos or concerns at PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk’s website | City Clerk’s FAQ’s From: Brian Wills Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022 7:28 PM To: Mayfield, Alyssa Subject: RE: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr - PPR Follow-up Hi Alyssa, I hadn’t heard back yet, so I thought I’d reach out. 1 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** C15-2022-0082Exhibit AITEM5/18Were you able to confirm the setback along Matthews Dr will be either a 10’ Rear Yard (per plat and restrictive covenant) or 15’ Street Yard (per previously approved building permit)? As I mentioned, we believe either a 10’ or 15’ setback would be appropriate considering: • City Staff stated during our DSD Consultation on 5/26/22 that the setback along Matthews Dr for this lot would be 15’ based on the setback shown on a previously approved building permit under case #2014-028218 PR. The 15’ setback was also subsequently reviewed and approved in a 2015 building permit for a pool and deck under case #2015-121802 PR. • The deed restrictions require residences to front on Sweetbrush Dr and establish a 10’ rear yard setback along Matthews Dr for the lots between Sweetbrush and Matthews. • Matthews Dr is not suitable for access to 2406 Sweetbrush. The property’s existing driveway on Sweetbrush will be maintainted. • Matthews Dr, with only 30’ ROW, is constructed and acts like an alley. Our research indicates that a 25’ wide portion of ROW for Matthews Dr was vacated by City Council action in 1951. • There are multiple other properties along this stretch of Matthews Dr with structures nearer than 25’ to Matthews Dr. I haven’t seen the provisions of 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) applied to a lot that cannot reasonably enjoy (or make use of) access from the secondary street. If you could point me to another example or two, it would be very enlightening. Please feel free to call to discuss. Thanks, Brian Wills, AIA NCARB Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects From: Brian Wills Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 3:49 PM To: Mayfield, Alyssa Subject: RE: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr - PPR Follow-up Hi Alyssa, Attached is the only email correspondence I have with Anthony, which was a follow up question regarding how the garage placement rules of 25-2-1604 would be applied for this irregular lot. I came in mostly empty handed for my initial consultation meeting with Anthony (no site layouts options) simply to hear what rules / regulations were applicable for this property. I asked if he could confirm that it would be a rear yard along Matthews Dr to which he responded that it would be 15’ setback based upon previously approved building permit under case# 2014-028218 PR (which he displayed on the screen during the meeting). He said he was confident 15’ setback was correct because that project was reviewed by Susan Barr, who he said is now a manager / supervisor with DSD. Also attached are the notes that I took from the walk-in consultation with Anthony. Thanks, Brian Wills, AIA NCARB Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects From: Mayfield, Alyssa Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 1:25 PM 2 C15-2022-0082Exhibit AITEM5/19To: Brian Wills Subject: RE: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr - PPR Follow-up Brian, I contacted Anthony McBryde to get some of the walk-in correspondence you had in regards to this project. He has not sent it to me yet, but if you have any emails in regards to that walk-in/correspondence with Anthony could you please send it to me. Thank you, Alyssa Mayfield, Assoc. AIA Plans Examiner– Expedited Plan Review City of Austin Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, 2nd Floor Please contact my direct supervisor with any kudos or concerns at PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk’s website | City Clerk’s FAQ’s From: Brian Wills Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 2:12 PM To: Mayfield, Alyssa Subject: 2406 Sweetbrush Dr - PPR Follow-up *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hi Alyssa, Hope you had a good July 4th weekend. I’m following up on the PPR for 2406 Sweetbrush Dr from last Thursday (6/30 at 3p), specifically in regards to the setback along Matthews Dr (which I think was the only outstanding question that arose). I wanted to share information we gathered that suggests a 25’ setback would not be appropriate along Matthews Dr at this property: 1. Matthews Dr resembles / functions as an alley between Windsor Rd and El Greco Cv and therefore should not be considered a “street” for purpose of 25-2-515 a. Matthew’s Dr 30’ ROW is significantly less than the ~50’ ROW that would otherwise be required for Level 1 street b. The roadway design changes dramatically North of Windsor Rd and South of El Greco Cv (See Exhibit 1 attached) i. ROW width is reduced (from 50’ down to 30’) ii. Pavement width is narrowed drastically (from ~25’ down to ~15’) iii. Curb-and-gutter is discontinued 3 C15-2022-0082Exhibit AITEM5/20c. Residents apparently disputed City’s assertion that Matthews Dr was a public street as far back as the 1950s 2. Deed restrictions (see Exhibit 2 attached) applicable to Sweetbrush subdivision a. Per restriction #4 residences shall front Sweetbrush Dr or Rockmoor Ave (i.e. residences are not allowed to front b. Per restriction #5 setback along Sweetbrush is 25’ c. Per restriction #8 setback along West line (along Matthews Dr) of Lots 1, 2, and 3 (adjacent properties) is 10’ d. Allowing a 10’ setback along Matthews Dr would be consistent with the character of the neighborhood and intended Matthews Dr) use / planning. 3. During development consultation on 5/26/22, City Staff stated that the Matthews Dr setback would be 15’ based on previously approved building permit applications (see Exhibit 3 attached). a. 2015-121802 PR – Pool and deck b. 2014-028218 PR – Addition / remodel c. 2008-079611 PR – Rebuild arbor and driveway. *Arbor exists closer than 15’ to Matthews Dr 4. Topography (see Exhibit 4 attached) at the frontage along Matthews Dr makes access from Matthews Dr impractical (if not impossible). a. +/-12ft of elevation change near the Westerly lot corner b. Even with a 25’ setback along Matthews Dr, a driveway pitch could be as steep as 37.5%, which is 150% (1.5x) c. Note: a driveway already exists on Sweetbrush Dr, which is not being abandoned, therefore a 2nd driveway would not steeper than 15% max. referenced in TCM be allowed by-right on Matthews Dr 5. The lot is irregularly shaped and uniquely situated such that applying the through-lot rules to this particular lot would overly burden this property and not allow for a reasonable use compared to other properties in light of the hardships that exist. For these reasons, we believe a 10’ setback along Matthews Dr is the correct setback and we hope you could agree with this reasoning. If you remember, we showed a site concept with an addition located about 15ft from the Matthews Dr property line, which we thought might work well given the constraints (setbacks, topography, trees, etc) we understood at the time. Looking forward to hearing back from you; feel free to give me a call to discuss. Thanks, Brian Wills Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 4 C15-2022-0082Exhibit AITEM5/21C15-2022-0082Exhibit B1ITEM5/22C15-2022-0082Exhibit B2ITEM5/23C15-2022-0082Exhibit B3ITEM5/24C15-2022-0082Exhibit B3ITEM5/25C15-2022-0082Exhibit B4ITEM5/26- A r AN ORDimNCE AN ORDINANCE PERPETUALLY ABANDONING, CLOSING AND VACATING THE WEST TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET OF MATTHEWS DRIVE, BEING A CERTAIN FIFTY. (50) FOOT STRIP OF LAND AS HEHEIN DESCRIBED; RETAINING AND RESERVING A PERPE1UAL EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES THEREIN; AND SUSPENDING THE ORDINANCE RULE RE- QUIRING THE READING OF ORDINANCES ON THREE SEPARATE DAYS. WHEREAS, E. C. Fallwell and wife, by deed recorded September 8, 192k, in Voluioe 361, Page 621, of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed to : F. Howe a certain tract of land fronting on Scenic Drive in the City of Austin and WHEREAS, in the deed from Fallwell and wife to Rowe the grantors covenanted and agreed that the tract of land adjoining the property conveyed, on the east 50 feet in width and extending from the nonthirest corner ofBsaid Lot 1 in a northerly direction to Scenic Road; said tract constituting a continuation of Laurel Avenue (Matthews Drive) as shown by the plat therein referred to shall forever remain open as a public hi^iway for the benefits of the property hereby conveyed and for the benefit of the public as a highway" 5 and WHEREAS, E. C. Fallwell, by deed recorded in 1927, in Volume 1*07, Page 60 of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed to Z. T. Scott a tract of 25*57 acres and in such conveyance made allowance for the 50-foot street referred to in the deed from Fallwell to Rowe; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the deeds to Rowe and Scott, E* C* Fallwell con- veyed to Cliff Realty Conpany all the land lying between the Scott tract and Scenic Road (except the small tract sold to Rowe and a small tract later ac- quired by A. N, McCallum, Jr.); and C15-2022-0082Exhibit B5ITEM5/27WHEREAS, thereafter the Cliff Realty Company subdivided the land into 20 lots and designated a road 50 feet wide running the full length of the lots, bounded on the east by the Scott tract and on the west by the 20 lots, the map or plat of which subdivision was never recorded in the plat records of Travis County; and WHEREAS, E. C. Fallwell and wife, by deed dated November 28, 1928, con- veyed to E. H. Perry certain property out of the tract originally acquired by E. C. Fallwell from Mary Eliza Brown October 25, 1920, by deed recorded in Volume 326, Pages 137-138 of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, the land thus conveyed to Perry being Fallwell*s interest remainifcing after con- veyances to Howe, the Cliff Realty Company, and others; and WHEREAS, E. H. Perry, by deed in 1936 recorded in Volume 539, Page 577, of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed several tracts of land to Charles E. Marsh and excepted from the conveyance the road Fallwell and wife attempted to dedicate in the conveyance to Eowe in 192U; and WHEREAS, E. H* Perry, by deed in 1938 recorded in Volume 601, Page ^21;, Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed to J» S« Price, without warranty the 50-foot strip of land theretofore reserved by him in the conveyance to Charles E. Marsh; and "WHEREAS, the 50-foot strip of land which Fallwell and wife originally attempted to dedicate as a highway in 192i| was then beyond the corporate limits of the City o£ Austin, and did not become property subject to being made a public street until such time as the land was annexed to the City of Austin; and C15-2022-0082Exhibit B5ITEM5/28"WHEREAS, said 50-foot strip of land has never been opened, constructed, or maintained by the City of Austin as a public street, but has been used exclu- sively by -the owners of private property abutting thereon; and WHEREAS, said 50-foot strip of land is separated from Scenic Drive, a public street, by a series of residence lots approximately 130 feet in depth, and runs approximately parallel to Scenic Drive for the greater distance of such strip, thereby obviating the necessity of a public street at the location of said 50-foot stripj and "WHEREAS, the owners of private property abutting said 50-foot strip have requested the City Council to vacate and abandon the west one-half of said 50- foot strip of land., reserving therein to the City of Austin the right to main- tain and repair such utility lines as may be in place, and to leave for the passage of said private owners and of the public the remaining east 25 feet of said 50-foot strip; and "WHEREAS, it is apparent that there exists a doubt as to the legal status of the 50-foot strip as a public street in the City of Austins an<* WHERE/IS, the City Council deems it to the best interests of the public and of the o-wners of private property abutting said 50-foot strip to vacate and abandon the west 25 feet of said strip and assume control of the east 25 feet for the use and benefit of the public; Now, Therefore, BE IT CRDAIHED BT THE C1TT COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF AUSTIN: SECTION !• That the west 25 feet of Matthews Drive (or Laurel Avenue), extending from the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Laurel Heights, northerly to the south line of the Lyndon Johnson et ux* tract of land as described in Volume 602, page 293, of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, same being a portion of that certain 50-foot strip of land described by E. C. Fallwell and C15-2022-0082Exhibit B5ITEM5/29wife in a deed to B* F. Rowe, recorded September 8, 192l|> in Volume 361, page. 621, of the Peed Records of Travis County, Texas, be and the same is hereby abandoned, closed, and vacated; but the City of Austin hereby reserves therein a perpetual easement and right to maintain and repair such utility lines as may now be in place in said vacated strip. SECTION 2. That the rule requiring that ordinances shall be read on three separate days be hereby suspended, and this Ordinance shall become effective as provided in the Charter of the City of Austin. PASSED.* September 1951 APPROVED: September Mayor APPROVED: ATTEST: City Attorney .City Clerk 272-MDS C15-2022-0082Exhibit B5ITEM5/30C15-2022-0082Exhibit B6ITEM5/31C15-2022-0082Exhibit C1ITEM5/32C15-2022-0082Exhibit C2ITEM5/33C15-2022-0082Exhibit C3ITEM5/342406 sweetbrush. Austin Tx. Data compiled by Vincent Debrock, BCMA TX-1336B. on 08/09/22. tag D@4.5ft Sp. TP Class Assessment notes Point of contact: 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 149 150 151 152 153 20 Live oak 26 Live oak 17 Live oak 21 C. Elm 9 C. Elm 14 C. Elm 18.9 Live oak 16 C. Elm 16 Magnolia 11 HB 19.5 C. Elm 10 C.elm 148 19.7 C. Elm 154 2137 21.5 C. Elm 28 Live oak P H P P P P H Poor Good Good Fair Poor Good Good Good Poor Fair NA Poor NA Poor Good Buried stem/choking roots 8" wide cavity @ base Ziziphus Jujuba root crown not visible inside the tree well Cavity on main stem; 1/2 canopy very thin, potential root rot? Major main stem defect. Mod to HIGH risk of failure Buried root flare. C15-2022-0082Exhibit C4ITEM5/352408SWEETBRUSH2405SWEETBRUSH2403SWEETBRUSH2401SWEETBRUSH2409SWEETBRUSH2402ROCKMOOR2400ROCKMOOR2500MATTHEWS2208MATTHEWS2216MATTHEWS2510MATTHEWSLAKE AUSTINN3719 WINDSOR2206MATTHEWS2404SWEETBRUSH2518MATTHEWS2400SWEETBRUSH2512MATTHEWS2400MATTHEWSVARIANCE REQUEST AT 2406 SWEETBRUSH DR, AUSTIN, TX 787032406SWEETBRUSHSUBJECTPROPERTYContext Map & PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DPROPERTIES WITH STRUCTURES NEARERTHAN 25 FEET TO MATTHEWS DRLOT LINESTREET CENTERLINEITEM5/361. SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM SWEETBRUSH LOOKING NORTH12MATTHEWS DR34567891011121213LAKEAUSTINNSUBJECTPROPERTYSCENIC DRSWEETBRUSH DRROCKMOOR AVEEL GRECO CVKENMORE CTContext Map & PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/372. CATTLE GUARD IN MATTHEWS DR NEAR WINDSORLOOKING NORTH3. CATTLE GUARD & STRUCTURE WITHIN 25 FEETAT 2400 SWEETBRUSH LOOKING SOUTH2400 SWEETBRUSH DRContext Map & PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/384. MATTHEWS DR NEAR 2400 SWEETBRUSHLOOKING NORTH5. STRUCTURE WITHIN 25 FEET AT 2404 SWEETBRUSH6. STRUCTURE WITHIN 25 FEETAT 2404 SWEETBRUSHContext Map &Photos2404 SWEETBRUSH DR2404 SWEETBRUSH DRC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/399. MATTHEWS DR NEAR NORTHWEST CORNEROF SUBJECT PROPERTY LOOKING SOUTH8. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTYLOOKING EAST7. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTYLOOKING NORTH2406 SWEETBRUSH DR(SUBJECT PROPERTY)NOTE EXIST. FENCE IS NEARERTO MATTHEWS DR THAN THEPROPOSED GUEST HOUSE.2404 SWEETBRUSH DR2406 SWEETBRUSH DR(SUBJECT PROPERTY)PROPERTY CORNERContext Map &PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/4010. STRUCTURE WITHIN 25 FEET AT 2510 MATTHEWSLOOKING SOUTH11. STRUCTURE WITHIN 25 FEET AT 2518 MATTHEWSLOOKING NORTH2510 MATTHEWS DRContext Map & PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/4112. STRUCTURE WITHING 25 FEET AT 2518 MATTHEWSLOOKING NORTH13. MATTHEWS DRIVE NEAR EL GRECO CVLOOKING SOUTH2518 MATTHEWS DR2518 MATTHEWS DRContext Map & PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/422402-2404 SWEETBRUSH DR - NO DRIVEWAY ON SWEETBRUSH DR2400 SWEETBRUSH DR - NO DRIVEWAY ON SWEETBRUSH DR2402-2404 SWEETBRUSH DR - NO DRIVEWAY ON SWEETBRUSH DR2406 SWEETBRUSH DR(SUBJECT PROPERTY)Context Map &PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/43FROM DRIVEWAY LOOKING WESTPERGOLA PLANNED FOR REMOVALPENDING VARIANCE APPROVALTREE #T14718.9" LIVE OAKTREE #T14819.7" CEDAR ELMTREE #T214728" LIVE OAK (M.S.)TREE #T15016" MAGNOLIATREE #T14226" LIVE OAKTREE #T214728" LIVE OAK (M.S.)PERGOLA PLANNEDFOR REMOVALPENDING VARIANCEAPPROVALTREE #T15016" MAGNOLIALIMB OFTREE #T142 26" LIVE OAKMATTHEWS DR(+/-12FT BELOW)FROM UNCOVERED PARKING LOOKING SOUTHContext Map &PhotosC15-2022-0082Exhibit DITEM5/44TRACT II 0.044 AC. TRACT I LOT 13 0.447 AC. A T T H E W S D RIV E M EXIST. PERGOLA PLANNED FOR REMOVAL PENDING VARIANCE APPROVAL 25ft VS. 10ft SETBACK POTENTIAL GARAGE LOCATION HALF CRITICAL ROOT ZONES 10ft VS. 5ft SIDE SETBACK GARAGE PLACEMENT SETBACK STANDARD ZONING SETBACKS SWEETBRUSH DRIVE 1 CRITICAL ROOT ZONES & SETBACKS SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" SHEET IS FORMATTED TO 24" X 36". SCALES ARE ONE HALF OF NOTED WHEN PRINTED TO 12" X 18" NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION. ITEM5/4525'-0" 10'-0" 72'-0" GARAGE PLACEMENT SETBACK 25'-0" FRONT YARD SETBACK 568.1' EXIST. MAIN FIN. FLOOR PROPOSED GUEST FIN. FLOOR " ' / 4 1 1 1 - 1 "2 0 1 - 2 1 ' 559.0' EXIST. MAIN FIN. FLOOR PROPOSED GUEST FIN. FLOOR MATTHEWS DRIVE MATTHEWS DRIVE 546.2' 555' 550' E N I L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S D R A Y R A E R ' 0 1 K C A B T E S - T O L H G U O R H T ' 5 2 K C A B T E S T N E M E C A L P E G A R A G ' 2 7 EXISTING BRICK / STUCCO RESIDENCE PROPOSED GUEST HOUSE K C A B T E S D R A Y T N O R F ' 5 2 EXIST. 2ND FLR. PLATE 588' EXIST. 2ND FIN. FLOOR 579' SIDEWALK AT DRIVE 564.1' DRIVEWAY AT CURB 568.4' SWEETBRUSH DRIVE 570' 565' 560' E N I L Y T R E P O R P E N I L Y T R E P O R P CONCEPT SITE SECTION 1 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION.C15-2022-0082Exhibit E2ITEM5/46C15-2022-0082 Jessica Cohen, Chair – Board of Adjustment Elaine Ramirez, Senior Planner / B.O.A. Liaison, Development Services Department City of Austin 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Re: Variance Request at 2406 Sweetbrush Dr, Austin, Texas 78703 21,387 sf (0.491 ac) Preliminary Site Data Summary Site Area Standard SF-3 setback area (25ft front, 5ft side, 10ft rear) 10ft versus 5ft side setback 25ft versus 10ft rear setback Garage placement setback (net other setbacks) “Potential Building Area” Building Coverage Allowed Building Coverage Actual – Current Impervious Coverage Allowed Impervious Coverage Actual – Current Floor-to-area Ratio Allowed Floor-to-area Ratio Actual (Net) – Current 5,525 sf 628 sf 2,440 sf 5,070 sf 7,724 sf 8,555 sf 2,290 sf 9,625 sf 8,268 sf 8,555 sf 4,380 sf 25.8% 2.9% 11.4% 23.7% 36.1% 40.0% 10.7% 45.0% 38.7% 40.0% 20.5% CKA Exhibit F ITEM5/47 new uncovered concrete patio and new storage area addedto rear of carport; new FOLDER DETAILS Permit/Case: 2009-047443 PR Reference File Name: 2009-047443 PR Description: outdoor chimney Sub Type: Work Type: Status: Issued: R- 434 Addition & Alterations Addition Approved May 13, 2009 Project Name: 2400 SWEETBRUSH DR Application Date: May 13, 2009 Expiration Date: May 13, 2009 Related Folder: Yes Description Value FOLDER INFO Airport Overlay Airport Overlay Approval Date Airport Overlay Comments Approved Flood Plain Elevation Are you requesting a 1704/245 Determination? Board of Adjustment Case Number Board of Adjustment Date Approval Building Height (in feet) Date Applied for Septic Does Carport have habitable space above? Does property access a paved alley? Does property access a paved street? Driveway Width 1 Driveway Width 2 ESPA Application Number ESPA Approval Date No 23 No Yes 12 132-12 2009-05-12 Electric Service Planning Application Req'd? Yes Elevation Certification required Finished Floor Elevation Flood Plain Elevation 25 Flood Plain Elevation 500 Flood Plan Elevation 100 Front Set Back Has Smart Housing Been Approved? Is there a Cut & Fill in excess of 4 ft Is there an existing Board of Adjustment case? 25 No No Is this a Legal Lot ? LDC Section? Land Status Case Number Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .226580645161290322580645161290322580645 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G1ITEM5/48Description Value Square Footage of Lot 15500 Status PLANNING UNDERWAY/APPROVED TO BEGIN International Residential Code 10 5 Yes Yes No 5/8 NONE 3512 1 1 434 No 2006 sf res sf res 1599 1599 Maximum FAR allowed 6200 Number of Parking Spaces Required 2 Ordinance # Related to Address/Project RDCC Approval Date RDCC Modification Rear Set Back Side Set Back Site has Waste Water availability? Site has Water availability? Site has a septic system? Size of Water Meter Street Side Set Back Subdistrict Total Gross Floor Area Total Gross Floor Area Percent of Lot 15500 Total New/Addition Bldg Square Footage 809 Total Number of Driveways Total Number of Sidewalks Usage Category Certificate of Occupancy to be Issued Code Type Code Year Current Use Proposed Use Existing 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Balconies Sq. Ft Existing Basement Sq. Ft Existing Breezeways Sq. Ft Existing Covered Patios Sq. Ft Existing Covered Porches Sq. Ft Existing Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft 660 Existing Othr Bld/Covered Areas Sq.Ft Existing Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft Existing Wood Decks Sq. Ft No of Bathrooms Specify (Existing) Total Existing Building Square Footage 3858 New/Addn 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft 104 New/Addn 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Balconies Sq. Ft New/Addn Basement Sq. Ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G1ITEM5/49Description Value New/Addn Breezeways Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Patios Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Porches Sq. Ft New/Addn Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Other Bldg/Covered Areas Sq.Ft 705 New/Addn Spa Sq. Ft New/Addn Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft New/Addn Wood Decks Sq. Ft Specify (New) Is there a protected size tree on this or adjacent lot? Existing 1 Fl Area Existing 1 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 1Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 2 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3rd Fl Area Existing Basement Gross Area Existing 2 Fl Area 1599 Existing Carport 00 Existing Garage attached Existing Garage detached Existing Total 1 Fl Gross Area 1599 Existing Total 2 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 3rd Fl Gross Area Existing Total Sq Ft Is Property w/in 200 ft. of Hazardous Pipeline? Current Zoning for Building Flood Plain Is this property in MUD ? Name of Historic District Name of NCCD P.U.D. Name/Case Number GIS Zoning 1 GIS Zoning 2 GIS Zoning 3 GIS Zoning 4 GIS Zoning 5 AC Pads Sq. Ft Concrete Decks Sq. Ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No 1599 1599 No SF-3 No 18 0 0 Driveway area on Private Property Sq. Ft 600 Max. Bldg. Cov. Sq. Ft. Allowed 6200 Max. Impervious Coverage Sq Ft Allowed 6975 Other Sq. Ft Name of Neighborhood Plan WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP C15-2022-0082Exhibit G1ITEM5/50Description Value Sidewalk/Walkways on Private Property Sq. Ft 324 Total Impervious Coverage Percent.of Lot 25.8 Total Impervious Coverage Square Footage 3305 Uncovered Patios Sq. Ft Uncovered Wood Decks Sq. Ft Total Job Valuation 5000 New/Addition Basement Gross Area New/Addition Carport New/Addition Garage attached New/Addition Garage detached New/Addition Total Sq Ft New/Addn 1 Fl Area New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 2 Fl Area New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 3 Fl Area New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn Total 1 Fl Gross Area 104 New/Addn Total 2 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 3 Fl Gross Area Description of Work 1 Number of Floors 1 Number of Permits 1 Number of Units 1 Building Inspection Driveway Inspection Electric Inspection Energy Inspection Environmental Inspection Fire Inspection Health Inspection Landscaping Inspection Mechanical Inspection Plumbing Inspection Sewer Tap Inspection Sidewalks Inspection Tree Inspection Water Tap Inspection On Site Sewage Facility Inspection 104 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Historical Landmark Review? Property w/in Design & Compatibility Boundary? Total Building Coverage Percent, of Lot 16 Total Building Coverage on lot Sq. Ft. 2363 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS new uncovered concrete patio and new storage area addedto rear of carport; new outdoor chimney C15-2022-0082Exhibit G1ITEM5/51Number Pre Street StreetType Dir Unit Type Unit Number City State Zip Legal Desc 2400 SWEETBRUSH DR AUSTIN TX 78703 Address People Type Name / Address Phone Applicant (Tom E. Link) 211 E 7TH ST AUSTIN TX 78701 (512) 320-0384 Fee Description Fee Amount Balance Initial Residential Review Fee $100.00 $0.00 Process Description Status Start Date End Date Assigned Staff Scheduled End Date # of Attempts Residential Zoning Review Approved May 15, 2009 Darren Cain May 13, 2009 May 13, 2009 PROPERTY DETAILS PEOPLE DETAILS FOLDER FEES PROCESSES AND NOTES Residential Revision After Issuance Open Tree Ordinance Review Open Plan Review Administration Open FOLDER ATTACHMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION EXHIBIT Back to Search Results 0 2 0 0 Michael Embesi Residential Zoning Reviewers Download Download Description Detail Download C15-2022-0082Exhibit G1ITEM5/52 Inground swimming pool & spa w/ req'd enclosure device for existing 2 story SF res R- 329 Res Structures Other Than Bldg Description Value FOLDER DETAILS Permit/Case: 2015-121802 PR Reference File Name: 2015-121802 PR Project Name: 2406 SWEETBRUSH DR New Approved Oct 7, 2015 Oct 21, 2015 Apr 4, 2016 Yes Description: Sub Type: Work Type: Status: Issued: Application Date: Expiration Date: Related Folder: FOLDER INFO Airport Overlay Airport Overlay Approval Date Airport Overlay Comments Approved Flood Plain Elevation Board of Adjustment Case Number Board of Adjustment Date Approval Certified Applicant Type Date Applied for Septic Does Carport have habitable space above? Does property access a paved alley? Does property access a paved street? Driveway Width 1 Driveway Width 2 Elevation Certification required Finished Floor Elevation Flood Plain Elevation 25 Flood Plain Elevation 500 Flood Plan Elevation 100 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Front Set Back Has Smart Housing Been Approved? Is there Auxiliary Water? Is there a Cut & Fill in excess of 4 ft Is there an existing Board of Adjustment case? Is this a Legal Lot ? Is this a former Landfill Site? LDC Section? Maximum FAR allowed Number of Parking Spaces Required Ordinance # Related to Address/Project No No Yes 0 25 No No No No No 0 0 Land Status Case Number C8I-2014-0075 ESPA Application Number DRB 254-328 (new pool) ESPA Approval Date 2015-09-11 Electric Service Planning Application Req'd? No C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2aITEM5/53International Residential Code 2012 single family Inground swimming pool & spa w/ req'd enclosure device for existing 2 story SF res Description Value Square Footage of Lot 21464 PLANNING UNDERWAY/APPROVED TO BEGIN RDCC Approval Date RDCC Modification Rear Set Back Side Set Back Site has Waste Water availability? Site has Water availability? Site has a septic system? Size of Water Meter Status Street Side Set Back Subdistrict Total Gross Floor Area Total Gross Floor Area Percent of Lot Total New/Addition Bldg Square Footage 605 Total Number of Driveways Total Number of Sidewalks Usage Category Certificate of Occupancy to be Issued Code Type Code Year Current Use Proposed Use Existing 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Balconies Sq. Ft Existing Basement Sq. Ft Existing Breezeways Sq. Ft Existing Covered Patios Sq. Ft Existing Covered Porches Sq. Ft Existing Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Othr Bld/Covered Areas Sq.Ft Existing Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft Existing Wood Decks Sq. Ft No of Bathrooms Specify (Existing) Total Existing Building Square Footage New/Addn 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Balconies Sq. Ft New/Addn Basement Sq. Ft New/Addn Breezeways Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Patios Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Porches Sq. Ft 10 5 Yes Yes No n/a 0 0 329 No NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2aITEM5/54Description Value New/Addn Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Other Bldg/Covered Areas Sq.Ft 0 0 45 560 0 No No No Yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New/Addn Spa Sq. Ft New/Addn Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft New/Addn Wood Decks Sq. Ft Specify (New) Flood Plain Review Required Grading and Drainage Review? Is Property in Erosion Hazard Zone? Is there a protected size tree on this or adjacent lot? Existing 1 Fl Area Existing 1 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 1Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 2 Fl Area Existing 2 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3 Fl Area-Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3rd Fl Area Existing Basement Gross Area Existing Carport Existing Garage attached Existing Garage detached Existing Total 1 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 2 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 3rd Fl Gross Area Existing Total Sq Ft Flood Plain Name of Historic District Name of NCCD P.U.D. Name/Case Number GIS Zoning 1 GIS Zoning 2 GIS Zoning 3 GIS Zoning 4 GIS Zoning 5 AC Pads Sq. Ft Concrete Decks Sq. Ft Driveway area on Private Property Sq. Ft Max. Bldg. Cov. Sq. Ft. Allowed Max. Impervious Coverage Sq Ft Allowed Other Sq. Ft 0 0 403 8586 9659 130 Sidewalk/Walkways on Private Property Sq. Ft 0 Total Impervious Coverage Percent.of Lot 42.2 Is Property w/in 200 ft. of Hazardous Pipeline? No Current Zoning for Building SF-3-H-NP Is this property in MUD ? No Name of Neighborhood Plan WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2aITEM5/55Inground swimming pool & spa w/ req'd enclosure device for existing 2 story SF res Description Value Total Impervious Coverage Square Footage 9058 Uncovered Patios Sq. Ft Uncovered Wood Decks Sq. Ft New/Addition Basement Gross Area New/Addition Carport New/Addition Garage attached New/Addition Garage detached New/Addition Total Sq Ft New/Addn 1 Fl Area New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 2 Fl Area New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 3 Fl Area New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn Total 1 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 2 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 3 Fl Gross Area Description of Work 1 Number of Floors 1 Number of Permits 1 Number of Units 1 Building Inspection Driveway Inspection Electric Inspection Energy Inspection Environmental Inspection Fire Inspection Health Inspection Landscaping Inspection Mechanical Inspection Plumbing Inspection Sewer Tap Inspection Sidewalks Inspection Tree Inspection Water Tap Inspection Fire Review? On Site Sewage Facility Inspection PV (Solar) System Installation? Historical Landmark Review? Residential Zoning Review Required? Technical Building Code Review Required Property w/in Design & Compatibility Boundary? Total Building Coverage Percent, of Lot Total Building Coverage on lot Sq. Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No 0 0 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2aITEM5/56FOLDER DETAILS Permit/Case: 2014-028218 PR Reference File Name: 2014-028218 PR Description: existing patio. Addition to include a covered porch at grade & a powder room with a bedroom suite on the 2nd floor. Remodel to include window replacement and select interior locations. Fireplace relocation on covered porch. Repermitting expired MP 10-044636. Partial demo to existing 2-story single family residence for a 2-story addition over an Sub Type: Work Type: R- 434 Addition & Alterations Addition and Remodel Project Name: 2406 SWEETBRUSH DR Revision Approved Mar 21, 2014 Apr 10, 2015 Oct 5, 2015 Yes Value Application Date: Status: Issued: Expiration Date: Related Folder: FOLDER INFO Description Airport Overlay Airport Overlay Approval Date Airport Overlay Comments Approved Flood Plain Elevation Are you requesting a 1704/245 Determination? No Board of Adjustment Case Number Board of Adjustment Date Approval Building Height (in feet) 31.75 Certified Applicant Type No Date Applied for Septic Does Carport have habitable space above? Does property access a paved alley? Does property access a paved street? No Driveway Width 1 20.5 Driveway Width 2 ESPA Application Number ESPA Approval Date 70-10 RLS 2014-03-11 Electric Service Planning Application Req'd? Yes Elevation Certification required C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/57Description Value No 25 No No No Existing Non- complying Finished Floor Elevation Flood Plain Elevation 25 Flood Plain Elevation 500 Flood Plan Elevation 100 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Front Set Back Has Smart Housing Been Approved? Is there Auxiliary Water? Is there a Cut & Fill in excess of 4 ft Is there an existing Board of Adjustment case? Is this a Legal Lot ? LDC Section? Land Status Case Number Maximum FAR allowed 8567 Number of Parking Spaces Required 2 Ordinance # Related to Address/Project RDCC Approval Date RDCC Modification Rear Set Back Side Set Back Site has Waste Water availability? Site has Water availability? Site has a septic system? Size of Water Meter 10 5 Yes Yes No 1" Square Footage of Lot 21419.12 Status Street Side Set Back Subdistrict Total Gross Floor Area Total Gross Floor Area Percent of Lot Total New/Addition Bldg Square Footage Total Number of Driveways 1 1043.54 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/58Value Code Type International Residential Code Code Year 2012 Current Use Single family residential Proposed Use Single family residential Description Total Number of Sidewalks 0 Usage Category 434 Certificate of Occupancy to be Issued Yes Change of Use No 1812.54 1812.54 Existing 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Balconies Sq. Ft Existing Basement Sq. Ft 660 Existing Breezeways Sq. Ft Existing Covered Patios Sq. Ft Existing Covered Porches Sq. Ft 81.4 Existing Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Othr Bld/Covered Areas Sq.Ft Existing Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft Existing Wood Decks Sq. Ft No of Bathrooms Specify (Existing) Total Existing Building Square Footage New/Addn 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Balconies Sq. Ft New/Addn Basement Sq. Ft New/Addn Breezeways Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Patios Sq. Ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4366.48 521.77 521.77 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/59Value Description New/Addn Covered Porches Sq. Ft New/Addn Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Other Bldg/Covered Areas Sq.Ft New/Addn Spa Sq. Ft New/Addn Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft New/Addn Wood Decks Sq. Ft Specify (New) Flood Plain Review Required Is Property in Erosion Hazard Zone? 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No Is there a protected size tree on this or adjacent lot? Yes Existing 1 Fl Area Existing 1 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 1Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 2 Fl Area Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3rd Fl Area Existing Basement Gross Area Existing Carport Existing Garage attached Existing Garage detached Existing Total 1 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 2 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 3rd Fl Gross Area Existing Total Sq Ft Is Property w/in 200 ft. of Hazardous Pipeline? No Current Zoning for Building SF-2-NP Flood Plain C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/60Value Description Is this property in MUD ? No Name of Historic District Name of NCCD Name of Neighborhood Plan WANG P.U.D. Name/Case Number GIS Zoning 1 GIS Zoning 2 GIS Zoning 3 GIS Zoning 4 GIS Zoning 5 AC Pads Sq. Ft Concrete Decks Sq. Ft Driveway area on Private Property Sq. Ft Max. Bldg. Cov. Sq. Ft. Allowed Max. Impervious Coverage Sq Ft Allowed Other Sq. Ft Sidewalk/Walkways on Private Property Sq. Ft Total Impervious Coverage Percent.of Lot Total Impervious Coverage Square Footage Uncovered Patios Sq. Ft Uncovered Wood Decks Sq. Ft 8567 9638 40.40 Total Job Valuation 228000 Building Valuation Remodel 35000 Electrical Valuation Remodel Mechanical Valuation Remodel 6500 1500 Plumbing Valuation Remodel 8000 Total Valuation Remodel 51000 Yes Yes Yes Will Addition have Electrical Work ? Will Addition have Mechanical Work ? Will Addition have Plumbing Work ? New/Addition Basement Gross Area New/Addition Carport C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/61Value Description New/Addition Garage attached New/Addition Garage detached New/Addition Total Sq Ft New/Addn 1 Fl Area New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 2 Fl Area New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 3 Fl Area New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn Total 1 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 2 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 3 Fl Gross Area Number of Floors 1 2 Number of Permits 1 Number of Units 1 Building Inspection Yes Driveway Inspection Electric Inspection Yes Energy Inspection Yes Environmental Inspection Fire Inspection Yes Health Inspection No Landscaping Inspection Mechanical Inspection On Site Sewage Facility Inspection PV (Solar) System Installation? Plumbing Inspection 1 1 No No No Yes No Yes Description of Work 1 Partial demo to existing 2-story single family residence for a 2-story addition over an existing patio. Addition to include a covered porch at grade & a powder room with a bedroom suite on the 2nd floor. Remodel to include window replacement and select interior locations. Fireplace relocation on covered porch. Repermitting expired MP 10-044636. C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/62Description Value No No No Yes No Yes Yes Sewer Tap Inspection Sidewalks Inspection Tree Inspection Yes Water Tap Inspection Fire Review? Historical Landmark Review? Residential Zoning Review Required? Technical Building Code Review Required Amnesty CO Property w/in Design & Compatibility Boundary? Total Building Coverage Percent, of Lot 11.28 Total Building Coverage on lot Sq. Ft. 2415.71 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G2bITEM5/63FOLDER DETAILS Permit/Case: 2011-071909 PR Reference File Name: 2011-071909 PR Description: Addition/Partial Demo to Single family Home. Partial Demo to rear of Home, removing Existing Stone Patio/Balconey and Stairway. Addition of New Stone Patio/Balconey and New Stair Way. New Addition approx 382 sqft. Sub Type: Work Type: Status: Issued: R- 434 Addition & Alterations Addition Approved Aug 15, 2011 Project Name: 2500 MATTHEWS DR Application Date: Aug 12, 2011 Expiration Date: Feb 8, 2012 Related Folder: Yes Value FOLDER INFO Description Airport Overlay Airport Overlay Approval Date Airport Overlay Comments Approved Flood Plain Elevation Are you requesting a 1704/245 Determination? No Board of Adjustment Case Number Board of Adjustment Date Approval Building Height (in feet) 29 Date Applied for Septic Does Carport have habitable space above? Does property access a paved alley? No Does property access a paved street? Driveway Width 1 12 Driveway Width 2 ESPA Application Number 224-208 ESPA Approval Date 2011-08-15 Electric Service Planning Application Req'd? Yes Elevation Certification required Existing Non- complying Finished Floor Elevation No C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/64Value Description Flood Plain Elevation 25 Flood Plain Elevation 500 Flood Plan Elevation 100 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Front Set Back Has Smart Housing Been Approved? Is there a Cut & Fill in excess of 4 ft Is there an existing Board of Adjustment case? Is this a Legal Lot ? LDC Section? Land Status Case Number Maximum FAR allowed Number of Parking Spaces Required Ordinance # Related to Address/Project RDCC Approval Date RDCC Modification Rear Set Back Side Set Back Site has Waste Water availability? Site has Water availability? Site has a septic system? 25 No No .4 2 10 5 Yes Yes No Street Side Set Back Subdistrict NONE Total Gross Floor Area Total Gross Floor Area Percent of Lot Total New/Addition Bldg Square Footage 730 Usage Category 434 Total Number of Driveways Total Number of Sidewalks Certificate of Occupancy to be Issued Code Type Code Year Current Use Proposed Use 1 1 Yes 2006 sf res sf res Size of Water Meter 3/4 Square Footage of Lot 23223 Status PLAN APPROVED International Residential Code C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/65Value Description Existing 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft 2654 3632 Existing Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft 382 Existing Balconies Sq. Ft Existing Basement Sq. Ft Existing Breezeways Sq. Ft Existing Covered Patios Sq. Ft Existing Covered Porches Sq. Ft Existing Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Othr Bld/Covered Areas Sq.Ft Existing Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft Existing Wood Decks Sq. Ft No of Bathrooms Specify (Existing) 158 641 Total Existing Building Square Footage 7467 New/Addn 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Balconies Sq. Ft 382 New/Addn Basement Sq. Ft New/Addn Breezeways Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Patios Sq. Ft 285 New/Addn Covered Porches Sq. Ft New/Addn Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Other Bldg/Covered Areas Sq.Ft 63 New/Addn Spa Sq. Ft New/Addn Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft New/Addn Wood Decks Sq. Ft Specify (New) Is there a protected size tree on this or adjacent lot? No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/66Value Description Existing 1 Fl Area Existing 1 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 1Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 2 Fl Area Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3rd Fl Area Existing Basement Gross Area Existing Carport Existing Garage attached Existing Garage detached Existing Total 1 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 2 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 3rd Fl Gross Area Existing Total Sq Ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is Property w/in 200 ft. of Hazardous Pipeline? No Current Zoning for Building SF-3-NP Flood Plain Is this property in MUD ? No Name of Historic District Name of NCCD Name of Neighborhood Plan P.U.D. Name/Case Number GIS Zoning 1 GIS Zoning 2 GIS Zoning 3 GIS Zoning 4 GIS Zoning 5 AC Pads Sq. Ft 87 Concrete Decks Sq. Ft 0 Driveway area on Private Property Sq. Ft 925 Max. Bldg. Cov. Sq. Ft. Allowed 9289 Max. Impervious Coverage Sq Ft Allowed 10450 Other Sq. Ft 539 WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/67Description Value Sidewalk/Walkways on Private Property Sq. Ft 1495 Total Impervious Coverage Percent.of Lot Total Impervious Coverage Square Footage 40.4 9382 Uncovered Patios Sq. Ft 1434 Uncovered Wood Decks Sq. Ft Total Job Valuation 75000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 New/Addition Basement Gross Area New/Addition Carport New/Addition Garage attached New/Addition Garage detached New/Addition Total Sq Ft New/Addn 1 Fl Area New/Addn 1 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 1 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 2 Fl Area New/Addn 2 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 2 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 3 Fl Area New/Addn 3 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 3 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn Total 1 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 2 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 3 Fl Gross Area Description of Work 1 Number of Floors 1 Number of Permits 1 Number of Units 1 Building Inspection Yes Driveway Inspection No Electric Inspection Yes Energy Inspection Environmental Inspection Fire Inspection Health Inspection Landscaping Inspection No No No No No Mechanical Inspection Yes Addition/Partial Demo to Single family Home. Partial Demo to rear of Home, removing Existing Stone Patio/Balconey and Stairway. Addition of New Stone Patio/Balconey and New Stair Way. New Addition approx 382 sqft. C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/68Value RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS Description On Site Sewage Facility Inspection Plumbing Inspection Sewer Tap Inspection Sidewalks Inspection Tree Inspection Water Tap Inspection Historical Landmark Review? Property w/in Design & Compatibility Boundary? No No No No No No No Total Building Coverage Percent, of Lot 21 Total Building Coverage on lot Sq. Ft. 4902 PROPERTY DETAILS PEOPLE DETAILS PROCESSES AND NOTES Residential Revision After Issuance Open Tree Ordinance Review Open Plan Review Administration Open FOLDER ATTACHMENT APPLICATION COLOR PHOTOS Back to Search Results Number Pre Street StreetType Dir Unit Type Unit Number City State Zip Legal Desc 2500 MATTHEWS DR AUSTIN TX 78703 Address People Type Name / Address Phone Applicant Homeowner Standifer and Associates (Kent Miller) 719 3rd ST Blanco TX 78606 (Thomas & Mary Borders) 2500 MATTHEWS DR AUSTIN TX 78703 (512) 750-9981 512 Process Description Status Start Date Scheduled End Date End Date Assigned Staff # of Attempts Residential Zoning Review Approved Aug 17, 2011 Aug 12, 2011 Aug 15, 2011 Brent Hendricks Description Detail Download 0 4 0 0 Michael Embesi Download Download Download C15-2022-0082Exhibit G3ITEM5/69FOLDER DETAILS Permit/Case: 2014-005288 PR Reference File Name: 2014-005288 PR Description: Partial demolition of existing residence for new additions and removal of third floor. Basemen interior remodel to reconfigure interior space to accommodate new addition of office space, elevator, stair hall, mech. room and closet. First floor interior remodel to reconfigure space and to accommodate new addition of new powder room, entry hall, dining, new breezeways o both sides near detached garage and covered porch extension aka balcony. Second floor interior remodel to reconfigure space and new addition of TV den with exterior balcony, bedroom 4 extension , new powder room and covered porch extension aka balcony. Remodel of both detached garage. R- 434 Addition & Alterations Addition and Remodel Sub Type: Work Type: Status: Issued: Project Name: 2518 MATTHEWS DR Application Date: Jan 17, 2014 Approved Aug 4, 2014 Expiration Date: Jan 12, 2015 Related Folder: Yes Value FOLDER INFO Description Airport Overlay Airport Overlay Approval Date Airport Overlay Comments Approved Flood Plain Elevation Are you requesting a 1704/245 Determination? No Board of Adjustment Case Number Board of Adjustment Date Approval Building Height (in feet) 32.5 Certified Applicant Type No Date Applied for Septic Does Carport have habitable space above? Does property access a paved alley? Does property access a paved street? Driveway Width 2 ESPA Application Number ESPA Approval Date Driveway Width 1 12 No Yes C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/70Description Electric Service Planning Application Req'd? Yes Value Yes 25 No No No 0 2 0 10 5 Yes Yes No 1 Elevation Certification required Existing Non- complying Finished Floor Elevation Flood Plain Elevation 25 Flood Plain Elevation 500 Flood Plan Elevation 100 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Front Set Back Has Smart Housing Been Approved? Is there Auxiliary Water? Is there a Cut & Fill in excess of 4 ft Is there an existing Board of Adjustment case? Is this a Legal Lot ? LDC Section? Land Status Case Number Maximum FAR allowed Number of Parking Spaces Required Ordinance # Related to Address/Project RDCC Approval Date RDCC Modification Rear Set Back Side Set Back Site has Waste Water availability? Site has Water availability? Site has a septic system? Size of Water Meter Status Street Side Set Back Subdistrict Total Gross Floor Area Total Gross Floor Area Percent of Lot Square Footage of Lot 19819 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/71Value Code Type International Residential Code Description Total New/Addition Bldg Square Footage 1887 Total Number of Driveways Total Number of Sidewalks Usage Category 434 Certificate of Occupancy to be Issued Yes Change of Use No 2012 sf-res sf-res Code Year Current Use Proposed Use Existing 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft Existing Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Balconies Sq. Ft Existing Basement Sq. Ft Existing Breezeways Sq. Ft Existing Covered Patios Sq. Ft Existing Covered Porches Sq. Ft Existing Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft Existing Othr Bld/Covered Areas Sq.Ft Existing Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft Existing Wood Decks Sq. Ft No of Bathrooms Specify (Existing) Total Existing Building Square Footage New/Addn 2nd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn 3rd Flr Area Sq. Ft New/Addn Attached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Balconies Sq. Ft 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New/Addn 1st Flr Area Sq. Ft 1133 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/72Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description New/Addn Basement Sq. Ft 444 New/Addn Breezeways Sq. Ft New/Addn Covered Patios Sq. Ft 310 New/Addn Covered Porches Sq. Ft New/Addn Detached Garage/Carport Sq. Ft New/Addn Other Bldg/Covered Areas Sq.Ft New/Addn Spa Sq. Ft New/Addn Swimming Pool(s) Sq. Ft New/Addn Wood Decks Sq. Ft Specify (New) Flood Plain Review Required Yes Is Property in Erosion Hazard Zone? Is there a protected size tree on this or adjacent lot? No No Existing 1 Fl Area Existing 1 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 1Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 2 Fl Area Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 2 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceiling Ht over 15' Existing 3 Fl Area- Ceilng Ht 15' or less Existing 3rd Fl Area Existing Basement Gross Area Existing Carport Existing Garage attached Existing Garage detached Existing Total 1 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 2 Fl Gross Area Existing Total 3rd Fl Gross Area Existing Total Sq Ft C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/73Value Description Is Property w/in 200 ft. of Hazardous Pipeline? No Current Zoning for Building sf-3 Flood Plain Is this property in MUD ? No Name of Historic District Name of NCCD Name of Neighborhood Plan windosr P.U.D. Name/Case Number GIS Zoning 1 GIS Zoning 2 GIS Zoning 3 GIS Zoning 4 GIS Zoning 5 AC Pads Sq. Ft Concrete Decks Sq. Ft Driveway area on Private Property Sq. Ft Max. Bldg. Cov. Sq. Ft. Allowed Max. Impervious Coverage Sq Ft Allowed Other Sq. Ft Sidewalk/Walkways on Private Property Sq. Ft Total Impervious Coverage Percent.of Lot 70 Total Impervious Coverage Square Footage Uncovered Patios Sq. Ft Uncovered Wood Decks Sq. Ft 13812 Total Job Valuation 1500000 Building Valuation Remodel 1340000 Electrical Valuation Remodel 50000 Mechanical Valuation Remodel 60000 Plumbing Valuation Remodel 50000 Total Valuation Remodel 1500000 Will Addition have Electrical Work ? Will Addition have Mechanical Work ? Yes Yes 7927 8915 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/74Description Will Addition have Plumbing Work ? Yes Value New/Addition Basement Gross Area New/Addition Carport New/Addition Garage attached New/Addition Garage detached New/Addition Total Sq Ft New/Addn 1 Fl Area New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 1 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 2 Fl Area New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 2 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn 3 Fl Area New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht 15' or less New/Addn 3 Fl Area-Ceilng Ht over 15' New/Addn Total 1 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 2 Fl Gross Area New/Addn Total 3 Fl Gross Area Description of Work 1 Number of Floors 1 2 Number of Permits 1 Number of Units 1 Building Inspection Yes Driveway Inspection Electric Inspection Yes Energy Inspection Yes Environmental Inspection Fire Inspection Yes Health Inspection No Landscaping Inspection 1 1 No No No Partial demolition of existing residence for new additions and removal of third floor. Basemen interior remodel to reconfigure interior space to accommodate new addition of office space, elevator, stair hall, mech. room and closet. First floor interior remodel to reconfigure space and to accommodate new addition of new powder room, entry hall, dining, new breezeways o both sides near detached garage and covered porch extension aka balcony. Second floor interior remodel to reconfigure space and new addition of TV den with exterior balcony, bedroom 4 extension , new powder room and covered porch extension aka balcony. C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/75Value Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Description Mechanical Inspection On Site Sewage Facility Inspection PV (Solar) System Installation? Plumbing Inspection Sewer Tap Inspection Sidewalks Inspection Tree Inspection Water Tap Inspection Fire Review? Historical Landmark Review? Residential Zoning Review Required? Technical Building Code Review Required Amnesty CO Property w/in Design & Compatibility Boundary? Total Building Coverage Percent, of Lot 35 Total Building Coverage on lot Sq. Ft. 7033 PROPERTY DETAILS PEOPLE DETAILS Number Pre Street StreetType Dir Unit Type Unit Number City State Zip Legal Desc 2518 MATTHEWS DR AUSTIN TX 78703 Address People Type Name / Address Phone Applicant (hector avila) AUSTIN TX (512) 791-0517 FOLDER FEES Residential Plan Review Fee Technology Surcharge-DSD Combined Plan Review Update Fee Technology Surcharge-DSD PROCESSES AND NOTES Fee Description Fee Amount Balance $342.00 $13.68 $342.00 $13.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Process Description Status End Date Assigned Staff Start Date Scheduled End Date Coordinating Reviews Approved Jul 16, 2014 Residential Zoning Review Approved Jul 16, 2014 Jan 21, 2014 Feb 20, 2014 Aug 4, 2014 Aug 4, 2014 Juan Camou (512-974- 2621) Residential Zoning Reviewers # of Attempts 7 3 C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/76Process Description Status End Date Assigned Staff Start Date Scheduled End Date # of Attempts Tech Master Review Approved Jul 16, 2014 Jul 16, 2014 Residential Technical Reviewers Residential Revision After Issuance Open Flood Plain Review Approved Jan 28, 2014 Fire Review Approved May 15, 2014 Jan 22, 2014 Kevin Autry (512-974- 2726) May 19, 2014 Marvin Lewis (512- 974-0219) Tree Review Plan Review Administration Approved with Conditions Open Aug 4, 2014 Aug 4, 2014 Keith Mars (512-974- 2755) Juan Camou (512-974- 2621) Feb 20, 2014 Jan 22, 2014 May 19, 2014 Aug 4, 2014 Jun 9, 2014 3 0 1 1 1 1 Description Detail Download FOLDER ATTACHMENT Initial application Update #1 on 5-7-14 Update #2 on 7/9/2014 extension form rec set Back to Search Results Download Download Download Download Download C15-2022-0082Exhibit G4ITEM5/77C15-2022-0082Exhibit HITEM5/78C15-2022-0082Exhibit HITEM5/79THE CENTRAL WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN An Amendment to the Austin Tomorrow Plan September 2010 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/80TABLE OF CONTENTS Plan Summary Introduction Chapter Structure and Content Guiding Principles City Principles & Priorities Major Issues Vision Statement Priority Action Items Pg 7 Pg 7 Pg 7 Pg 7-8 Pg 8 Pg 9 Pg 11-12 The Planning Process Planning Process Survey Meetings Other Departments Neighborhood in Context Neighborhood History Statistical Profile Lay of the Land Land Use Goal Introduction Objectives & Recommendations Preserve Single-Family Preserve Multi-Family & Neighborhood Commercial Design Guidelines Medical District Austin State School Brackenridge Tract Pg 13-15 Pg 15 Pg 15-17 Pg 17 Pg 18-25 Pg 25-29 Pg 29-40 Pg 41 Pg 41-42 Pg 42 Pg 42-44 Pg 44 Pg 44-46 Pg 46-47 Pg 47-50 6 Transportation Goal Introduction Pg 51 Pg 51-53 Objectives & Recommendations Character & Livability Pg 53-57 Access to Key Destinations Pg 57-64 Loop 1 & Lamar Boulevard Pg 64-65 Access to Parks & Open Space Pg 69-70 Recreation & Wellness Pg 70-72 Parks, Open Space & Environment Parks Goal Introduction Objectives & Recommendations Environmental Goal Introduction Objectives & Recommendations Urban Forest Flooding Waterways Connecting to Natural & Social Heritage Community Life Pg 66 Pg 66-69 Pg 73 Pg 73-74 Pg 74-76 Pg 76-77 Pg 77 Pg 78-79 Pg 80 Pg 80-81 Goal Introduction Objectives & Recommendations Interaction Supporting Local Schools Pg 84 Crime Next Steps Pg 84-85 Pg 81-84 Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Plan Organization & Implementation Pg 86 Pg 86 Central West Austin C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/81 Plan Summary PLAN SUMMARY INTRODUCTION This Plan Summary gives readers background information on neighborhood planning in the City of Austin and the Central West Austin neighborhoods. Main principles and priorities of this plan are listed in this chapter. Additional information on neighborhood planning in the city can be found in this chapter or at neighborhood/default.htm. CHAPTER STRUCTURE Each chapter in this plan addresses a major issue area: Land Use; Parks, Open Space and the Environment; Transportation and Community Life. Each chapter includes goals, objectives and recommendations that support the Vision Statement (page 9). The objectives are written in bold. Recommendations, which offer specific means for how the objective can be achieved, are beneath each objective. Under each recommendation is a symbol which shows who should help to implement the recommendation. Some recommendations, such as some of those in the Land Use chapter, will be implemented upon adoption of the plan. Other recommendations, such as those in the Community Life chapter, will be implemented by community members. The Neighborhood Plan Contact Teams will be the main organization responsible for coordinating with applicable City of Austin agencies, other government agencies, etc. to prioritize and implement the Central West Austin recommendations included in this plan (see the Taking Action chapter for more information). Finally, each chapter includes several callout boxes. These boxes focus on a specific chapter topic and often include background information. GUIDING PRINCIPLES This plan focuses on a few key principles that should guide growth in the neighborhood. These are universal principles found in other planning documents including Envision Central Texas and the Austin Tomorrow Plan. The principles are: preservation of neighborhood character, connectivity, and environmental conservation. These are themes that were identified by stakeholders throughout the planning process. CITY POLICIES AND PRIORITIES The City of Austin’s Neighborhood Planning program follows from decades of citizen initiatives to plan development in the City. These initiatives intended to establish planning that guides the form, location and characteristics of development in order to preserve the quality of life and character of existing neighborhoods. In 1979, the City Council adopted a comprehensive plan, the Austin Tomorrow 7 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/82VISION STATEMENT Plan Summary A neighborhood plan vision statement reflects the shared interests of neighborhood stakeholders. The following vision statement was developed from comments collected from stakeholders during the planning process. Central West Austin is a mature, stable and diverse community that includes a collection of four predominantly single family neighborhoods supporting and supported by small-scale businesses, with tree-lined streets and local schools, history, and amenities, all of which are worthy of protection. The Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan shall preserve the existing character and integrity of single-family neighborhoods to reflect the historical nature and residential character of the neighborhood. The plan will address the needs of a diverse pedestrian, bicycle and kid friendly community by providing walkable streets, safe parks and attractive open spaces, and will promote a sustainable neighborhood with compatibly scaled and located neighborhood-serving commercial and civic areas, so as to maintain the neighborhood’s quality of life, avoid increasing traffic, preserve the mature tree canopy, protect creeks and the lakes, and prevent flooding. This vision will be achieved by accomplishing the following goals. Central West Austin 9 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/83 Plan Summary LAND USE Preserve and protect the historic character and integrity of Central West Austin’s predominantly single-family neighborhoods, with their neighborhood- serving commercial centers, civic areas, safe parks, and attractive open spaces, so as to maintain the neighborhood’s quality of life, avoid increasing traffic, preserve the mature tree canopy, protect creeks and the lakes, and prevent flooding. Development of property as office, commercial, retail, multi-family, or civic uses should be in accordance with the Future Land Use Map, as informed by the Plan text, and should be appropriately oriented, scaled and buffered to protect the existing single-family homes from any intrusion and adverse effects from higher intensity uses. The future use of the Brackenridge Tract and the Austin State Supported Living Center property should take into account the impact of such use on the surrounding neighborhood, and if developed should be compatible with the existing single-family homes in the neighborhood. Buffering to protect the existing single-family homes in the neighborhood is also desired. TRANSPORTATION Support the livability, vitality, and safety of the Central West Austin neighborhood by providing streets that enhance its neighborhood character, encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use, and better serve its schools, library, parks and other key destinations. 10 Key Themes: Do not widen streets; Enforce speed limits; Protect against cut-through traffic; Control on-street parking; and Maintain acceptable traffic service levels PARKS Preserve, connect and enhance existing parks and recreational areas and facilities in the Central West Austin Planning Area, as well as open space on large properties (e.g., Austin State School and the Brackenridge Tract) for the health, recreational and historical benefits they bring to the community. . Create opportunities for additional public open space such as trails, pocket parks, and landscaped traffic islands, as well as parks and recreational areas and facilities on large properties. ENVIRONMENT Central West Austin will encourage a healthy urban ecosystem that uses trees and appropriate vegetation to make the neighborhood pleasant and unique, improve environmental conditions, and connect its social and natural heritages. COMMUNITY LIFE Central West Austin will foster and improve life for all ages through community interaction. Central West Austin C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/84 Land Use Goal Statement and Introduction Preserve and protect the historic character and integrity of Central West Austin’s predominantly single-family neighborhoods, with their neighborhood-serving commercial centers, civic areas, safe parks, and attractive open spaces, so as to maintain the neighborhood’s quality of life, avoid increasing traffic, preserve the mature tree canopy, protect creeks and the lakes, and prevent flooding. Development of property as office, commercial, retail, multi- family, or civic uses should be in accordance with the Future Land Use Map, as informed by the Plan text, and should be appropriately oriented, scaled and buffered to protect the existing single-family homes from any intrusion and adverse effects from higher intensity uses. The future use of the Brackenridge Tract and the Austin State Supported Living Center property should take into account the impact of such use on the surrounding neighborhood, and if developed should be compatible with the existing single- family homes in the neighborhood. Buffering to protect the existing single-family homes in the neighborhood is also desired. The neighborhoods of Central West Austin are, by and large, stable and well- maintained residential districts, with pockets of businesses that serve the neighborhood and surrounding commu- nity. These neighborhoods are well- functioning, and their development pat- terns, character, and quality of life should be preserved now and into the future. On both sides of MoPac, stakeholders are concerned that new development or rede- velopment not increase traffic in the neighborhood. Stakeholders are supportive of promoting neighborhood niche services that fit into the scale of their commercial areas and serve the immediate commu- nity. Residents are also concerned about the loss of older, smaller houses to large, modern houses that many feel are out of scale and character with neighboring Central West Austin 41 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/85Single-Family Residential design guidelines Retain the design and character of the neighborhood’s residential areas by encouraging the preservation of existing structures. When redevelopment or remodeling of an existing structure occurs, it should be compatible in scale, height, setbacks, landscaping, tree cover, garage placement, façades, and architectural style of neighboring houses. New development should be designed and constructed using the latest green technologies and principles embodied in Austin Energy’s Green Building program to help reduce energy consumption. Historic buildings should be preserved. Multi-Family & Commercial design guidelines New and remodeled multi-family and commercial development should be compatible with the immediate neighborhood by having similar setbacks, building scale, façades, and rooftops. To contribute to the health of the neighborhood, new development should include landscaping that creates usable open space, trees that shade the structure and street, parking placed to the rear or side of the building, windows and doors that promote friendliness and “eyes on the street,” pedestrian amenities like light posts, and vegetative screening for air conditioners and dumpsters. It should also improve pedestrian and bicycle access between the property and immediate neighborhood wherever possible. New development should be designed and constructed using the latest green technologies and principles embodied in Austin Energy’s Green Building program to help reduce energy consumption. Historic buildings should be preserved. Land Use Chapter L.4.2 The triangle where 35th and 38th Streets split should be a welcoming gateway to the neighborhood and should allow for neighborhood serving uses. The Randalls and Medicine Shoppe represent the type of vital neighborhood-serving businesses that should be preserved in the future. Any re- development should include, first and fore- most the continued use of the Randalls site as a grocery store as well as ensuring that Crawford Avenue remains open as a public street. If the Randalls parcel redevelops, the neighborhood would support a secon- dary residential use above the grocery store, but would not support residential as a stand- alone use. The triangular corner lot that is currently home to the Medicine Shoppe deserves recognition as a prominent loca- tion in the neighborhood. Redevelopment should continue the site as a neighborhood use and a welcoming gateway to the neigh- borhood by connecting to and beautifying the city-owned open space which makes up the westernmost portion of the triangle. P L.4.3 Allow office and commercial development along 34th Street between Medical Park- way and Shoal Creek Greenbelt. There should be a transition with neighborhood- scaled stores and offices between the Shoal Creek Greenbelt and Medical Parkway and more intensive development from Medical Parkway to Lamar Boulevard. De- velopment should add to the existing shops and restaurants on 34th Street to create a lively, pedestrian-friendly streetscape. P L.4.4 Allow neighborhood mixed use develop- ment along the north side of 31st Street to transition between the residential proper- ties to the south of 31st Street and the more intensive development to the north and along Lamar Boulevard. The block Central West Austin 45 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/86 Transportation Goal Statement and Introduction Support the livability, vitality, and safety of the Central West Austin neighborhood by providing streets that enhance its neighborhood character, encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use, and better serve its schools, library, parks and other key destinations. Key Themes: Do not widen streets (T.1.1) Enforce speed limits (ongoing APD efforts; see also T.1.3) Protect against cut-through traffic (T.1.2) Control on-street parking (T.1.5) Maintain acceptable traffic service levels (T.1.10; see also T.1.2 and T.1.4) Streets in Central West Austin should be more than paths for cars. They are where neighbors meet one another, bicyclists ride, push strollers, walk dogs, and joggers exercise. They also give form to the neighborhood by shaping blocks and ar- ranging lots. Their frontages create semi- public spaces out of front yards, where children play and residents socialize. The character of the neighborhood’s houses and yards and its mature tree canopy encour- ages walking and cycling. Maintaining the neighborhood’s traditional character, and moving it into a sustainable future, means striking the right balance between having residential streets that are social spaces and having bigger streets that accommo- date vehicle traffic, transit, walking and cycling. Loop 1/MoPac and Lamar Boulevard are major thoroughfares for all of Austin. Ad- ditional traffic is placed on the neighbor- hood’s internal streets from drivers getting to and from major roadways and from drivers using these streets as alternate routes during rush hour. Unfortunately, the lack of neighborhood sidewalks on these smaller streets creates safety prob- lems with such cut-through traffic. The higher speeds of drivers looking for a quicker route to or from work impair the local functions of these streets, as well as their potential for bike and pedestrian use and social interaction. This is especially acute for those streets without sidewalks or bike lanes. Central West Austin 51 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/87street furniture, such as benches Some elements of Complete Streets appropriately scaled lighting street trees and vegetation appropriately scaled sidewalks sidewalk bulb-outs at intersections crosswalks and pedestrian islands user friendly and accessible transit stops bus pullouts on-street parking bicycle lanes public art appropriate number of curb cuts ple, a neighborhood street may only use those components that are appropriate considering the traffic and nearby land uses. Through implementation, the neighborhood should see a cycle of im- provement in which pleasant streetscapes encourage pedestrians to use roads which creates greater opportunities for socializa- tion and leads to slower vehicular traffic that is sensitive to pedestrian activity. As vehicular traffic slows over time, streets become safer and encourage an increase in use by everyone. Objective 1: Streets in Central West Austin should support neighborhood character and livability. T.1.1 Maintain neighborhood character and liv- ability by not adding lanes to streets or widening streets or bridges in Central West Austin. At the following intersec- tions, stakeholders generally support in- tersection widening and improvements when they balance reducing congestion Transportation Chapter Current neighborhood concerns regarding volume and speed (T.1.2): Exposition & Pecos Blvd — Street and intersections are overburdened during peak hours due to overflow from MoPac. Speeding is also a concern. At rush hour, traffic cuts through on westbound roads between Windsor and Enfield including Cherry Lane and Clearview. Windsor Rd —Excessive volume and speeding from Lamar to Pecos Street. Windsor also gets traffic during pickup and dropoff times at the Austin Girls School. Pecos St— Excessive traffic during rush hour and speed and fast acceleration at all times. Forest Trail — cut-through between Enfield Road and Windsor Road Winsted Ln — Burdened when MoPac is congested. W. 7th St — Used as a cut- through to Lake Austin Boulevard and Exposition Boulevard. Bridle Path — Used to avoid Enfield, when congested. McCall Rd — High traffic around the Girls School of Austin. 29th St — Excessive traffic during rush hour. Used as a cut- through to MoPac. Northwood Ave — Excessive traffic during rush hour. Used as a cut-through to MoPac. Westover East of MoPac-Used as a cut-through to MoPac. Jefferson St/Hartford Rd — Used as a cut-through to MoPac. 31st/Shoal Creek— Burdened due to traffic from Seton and St. Andrew School. Used to avoid 34th and 38th Streets, when congested Harris Blvd—speeding and used to avoid Lamar Central West Austin 53 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/88P.3.1 Encourage the protection of trees by supporting City personnel during review and inspection. If modifications are needed, request allocation of resources, from City management, to assist with the enforcement of all tree preservation and protection standards. ℕ P.3.2 Educate residents in spotting and reporting violations of the tree protection ordinance. Additionally, become familiar with the City’s protocol and procedures. The tree information can be obtained from the City Arborist Program web site: http:// J: NPCT, COA P.3.3 Create a volunteer registry of protected and near-protected trees to aid the City Arborist in identifying protected trees. Residents preparing to sell their homes could add their trees to the registry, to protect them after sale. Also consider using the citizen-based urban forest mapping tool, such as the Tree Roundup ( J: NPCT with COA, neighborhood associations, homeowner associations P.3.4 Create a Central West Austin recommended tree list from Appendix F of the Environmental Criteria Manual, or the Native and Adapted Landscape Plants booklet, to assist property owners in selecting appropriate species. The tree list should draw from the list of Austin- friendly trees, incorporate the neighborhood's preferences for species, and identify the uses different species can be put to (wind breaks, shade, stormwater, habitat, and preventing interference with utilities). J: NPCT with COA Parks, Open Space & Environment Chapter P.3.5 Undertake annual fall/spring tree plantings to ensure an urban forest diverse in ages and species. Trees should also be selected from the list in recommendation 3.4. J: NPCT with TreeFolks P.3.6 Replace less desirable (non-adaptive), invasive, diseased, and failing trees with native and adaptive trees. Invasive trees in public areas are most commonly found along creeks and drainage basins, where seeds are washed away and are able to take hold fastest. J: NPCT with TreeFolks Native and Adopted Trees Native and adapted trees require less main- tenance, are more disease- and pest- resistant, and maintain a connection to Aus- tin’s natural heritage. The City maintains a preferred plant list, used for development regulations; the non-profit Tree Folks provides a Tree Growing Guide for Austin and the Hill Country. Both are good sources for choosing trees. P.3.7 Use trees to reduce heating and cooling costs. Deciduous trees south of buildings reduce heat gain in the summer, but allow it in the winter. Evergreens can serve as winter windbreaks and should be planted on the north side of buildings. J: NPCT with neighborhood associations, home‐ owners associations, individual property owners P.3.8 Educate residents in tree selection, inspection, and maintenance, and encourage them to get regular care by a certified arborist. J: NPCT with COA, TreeFolks, neighborhood asso‐ ciations, homeowner associations Central West Austin 75 C15-2022-0082Exhibit IITEM5/892405SWEETBRUSH2401SWEETBRUSH2409SWEETBRUSH2402ROCKMOOR2500MATTHEWS2216MATTHEWSLAKE AUSTINN2400MATTHEWSPROPERTY OWNERS WHO SUPPORTGRANTING OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTLOT LINESTREET CENTERLINEVARIANCE REQUEST AT2406 SWEETBRUSH DR, AUSTIN, TX 78703SUBJECTPROPERTYC15-2022-0082Exhibit J2405ROCKMOOR3711 WINDSOR2401ROCKMOOR2406SWEETBRUSH2408SWEETBRUSH2404SWEETBRUSH3625WINDSOR3705 WINDSORITEM5/90C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/91C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/92C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/93C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/94Jessica Cohen, Chair Board of Adjustment Permitting and Development Center 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Elaine Ramirez, Senior Planner / B.O.A. Liason City of Austin - Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Re: Letter of Support for Variance Request at 2406 Sweetbrush Dr, Austin, Texas 78703 As the owner of nearby property at 2400 Matthews DR , I am writing to express my support for Justin and Joy Hirsch’s request for a variance from the “Rear Yard of Through Lot” rules to reduce the setback from Matthews Drive from twenty five (25) feet to ten (10) feet, which is typical of rear yards for lots not considered to be a through-lot. In my opinion, granting this variance would not alter the existing character of the area, impair the use of adjacent conforming property, nor impair the purpose of the zoning regulations of the zoning district. Respectfully submitted, Signed Brian Spaly Printed 2400 Matthews DR, Austin, TX 78703 Address October 3, 2022 Date C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/95C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/96C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/97C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/98C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/99C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/100C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/101C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/102C15-2022-0082Exhibit JITEM5/103