H-2 C15-2022-0032 LATE BACKUP — original pdf
From: To: Subject: Date: Richard Wambold Ramirez, Elaine Fwd: Case # C15-2022-0032 Friday, April 29, 2022 2:48:24 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Sorry for not getting this to you earlier. I had sent a message asking for a brief call and then accidentally misspelled your last name when I did send it. If you have any questions do no hesitate to email me. Thank you , Richard L Wambold. Begin forwarded message: From: Richard Wambold Date: April 28, 2022 at 1:36:59 PM CDT To: elaine.ramiez@austintexas.gov Subject: Case # C15-2022-0032 Owner: Cody Stavig Address : 2904 Rivercrest Drive Lot 15 Blk A Rivercrest Addition Sec 1 My name is Richard Wambold and I live next door at 2906 Rivercrest Drive. My wife and have owned the property since 2008. According to this document the property is owned by Mr Stavig. I believe he lives in Portland Oregon and we have not had the opportunity to meet him or discuss any of the issues raised in this notice. We and other neighbors who have spoken out in similar situations just want to protect the character of our neighborhood and the value of our investments. Because of this I am against granting the variances requested. The reasoning is simple and not meant as a criticism to our new neighbor or his architectural plan. We have all had to build within the same constraints as he faces and have found a way to do so. His lot is average size and doesn’t have a unique impairment that I’m aware of. I suspect he wants to add additional space in his home, most of us do. Rivercrest Drive is a beautiful narrow lane which would take on the feel of an alley if we all built out so close to it. As a next door neighbor it would block much our view of the street and block the street view of our home, potentially negatively impacting the value of our home. In closing I would like to add that I am aware of several similar requests that have either been denied or withdrawn by the applicants. Many years ago our own request, while substantially different, was denied. At the time a neighbor shared with me that the neighborhood was not responding to me or my particular H-2/1-LATE BACKUP problem. Rather it was protecting the charm that brought me there and that hopefully I would appreciate it one day. I do now and hopefully our new neighbors will see this as well. Thank you for proving us a way to share our concerns, Richard L Wambold. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. H-2/2-LATE BACKUP