D-1 C16-2022-0001 PRESENTATION — original pdf
S I G N V A R I A N C E T A R G E T P Y L O N B O A M E E T I N G Walton Signage Esteban Vilchez D-1/1-PRESENTATIONV A R I A N C E F A C T O R S • Existing Code: According to code, the max over all height is 35’ from “grade”. The Target parking lot is escalated above grade by 4’ so we were allowed an over all height of 31’ for this new pylon. • Location Issues: We had a location for the pylon however, when we went to dig the hole, there was an underground pipe that was not detected as it was on Targets property and not part of the underground utilities that is marked by the underground utility locator. • Variance Request: I would like to see if we can get an additional 10’ – 12’ of height approved. The location that would require this are within the tree line and would therefore need the height increase for the sign to be seen. D-1/2-PRESENTATIOND-1/3-PRESENTATIONE X A M P L E S O F S I G N W I T H E X I S T I N G C O D E A P P L I E D • As you can see from this flag test, the proposed location of the pylon would not clear the tree line as well as not provide any visibility whatsoever if you are looking westbound or eastbound down Great Hills Rd. The proposed request would not only provide us with the opportunity to save the landscaping on the property, but also provide traffic markers on the Great Hills Rd. D-1/4-PRESENTATIOND-1/5-PRESENTATIOND-1/6-PRESENTATIOND-1/7-PRESENTATIOND-1/8-PRESENTATIONE X A M P L E S O F S I G N W I T H V A R I A N C E A P P L I E D • As you can see the proposed drawings depict the pylon around 10’-12’ taller which would clear the tree line as well as provide all the necessary markers for traffic. D-1/9-PRESENTATIOND-1/10-PRESENTATIOND-1/11-PRESENTATIOND-1/12-PRESENTATIOND-1/13-PRESENTATIONH A R D S H I P • We believe that the proposed request should be approved because according to code chapter 25-10 which states: “The Board may grant a variance only if it finds that the variance is necessary because the requirement prevents any reasonable opportunity to provide adequate signs on the the site, considering the unique features of a site including its dimensions, landscaping, or topography” • Due to the tree line issue itself we ask that this variance be granted D-1/14-PRESENTATION