Board of AdjustmentFeb. 14, 2022

F-3 C15-2021-0101 LATE LATE BACKUP — original pdf

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Gonzalo Camacho Ramirez, Elaine From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Response to Notice of Public Hearing Case Number C15-2021-0101 (201 E Koenig Lane) Monday, February 14, 2022 2:17:42 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Good afternoon Miss Ramirez, In reference to the subject matter about the development variance hearing Case Number C15-2021-0101, please note the following: The developer was aware of the zoning regulations and its limitations at time of purchase. Any variance and related impacts should be mitigated by the developer. The increase of height from three stores to four, while clear on the elevation, the Notice of Public Hearing fails to educate the impact related to the increase in traffic due to the added capacity. Properly done, the notice should have included the added impacts in particular those related to traffic - how else can residents opinion on the changes? It is not expected for the developer to solve existing street safety issues and concerns but it is necessary to bring up to the attention of the City, residents, and Capital Metro some of these issues/concerns. [Is Capital Metro informed of the proposed development plus changes and impacts it will have on its bus route #7?] There were many lessons learned from the previous development on the west side of Avenue F where, West Koenig Flats. Following are some of them for consideration: With a grandfathered driveway on Koenig the West Koenig Flats had the opportunity to provide access to its residents on Koenig, neither the developer nor the City explored this option. Could not the current developer explore the option to access Koenig instead of residential streets? West Koenig Flats has only one driveway to access its multi level parking. This driveway is on Avenue F adjacent to the Capital Metro bus stop. When drivers are blocking the street or driveway buses are not able to pull up to the stop. Similar situation when buses are stopped residents are blocked from accessing the driveway. The proposed developer has a driveway on the same block that is already congested. Avenue F has sidewalks on the east side only and at the 5600 block (west side). Residents from the west side have to cross Avenue F to access a sidewalk. West Koenig Flats has a high volume of deliveries daily most of which park illegally on Avenue F. Residents moving in and out of the apartments use 56th Street where there is a high traffic of moving trucks. West Koenig Flats has a high number of emergency vehicles such as ambulances. In terms of existing traffic concerns, I have observed several vehicle crashes and near misses at the 5600 block of Avenue. Following are some examples: A northbound driver failed to yield to a southbound vehicle at the intersection of Koenig and Avenue F resulting in hitting the rear end of the southbound vehicle. Police and ambulance were present. The driver of the southbound vehicle was a pregnant lady. A southbound driver did not notice Cap Metro bus that was at the bus stop was about to take a left turn, regular route. The southbound driver passed the bus at the time the bus was making a left. The driver to avoid the crash ran into the southeast curb where today there is pedestrian crosswalk. It was fortunate the driver was able to control his car else I was standing 50 feet away. A driver under the influence drove over the street curb and crashed into a traffic sign. 10 Years ago the 5500 block of Avenue F was mostly adult residents. In the last few years many families have made the 5500 block their home of residence, at least 5 homes have children, about 8 children. The west side of Avenue F does not have a sidewalk so pedestrians have to cross to the east side. The streets providing access to the new development are residential streets and are designed as such, narrow lanes with parking. The increase of traffic also brings higher speeds and drivers who are distracted, in a hurry and stressed. Adding more traffic will not improve the situation. Avenue G with the temporary designation of "healthy street" has been a huge success from the number of people, families, pets, cyclists, etc. active along the street. Since there are no sidewalks all these "healthy street" activities occur in the middle of the street. How is the proposed development impact the healthy street aspect of Avenue G? Also note the intersection of Avenue F and Koenig is a signalized intersection to access the neighborhood. The sight distances for passenger cars are limited therefore either a driver has to wait for a green light to proceed else taking a risk of car crash. There are many crashes at this intersection and likely the City does not have record of them. Under existing conditions traffic on Avenue F is already unsafe. The least the City can do is to provide residents and Capital Metro a traffic impact analysis that reflects the added traffic due to increase in height and how the impacts will be addressed. Being aware of the City's zero fatality policies, adding traffic to an already unsafe location without identifying impacts and mitigations does not make sense. Please provide us access to the traffic impact as proposed and with the added capacity. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Gonzalo Camacho 5515 Avenue F CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to