F-3 C15-2021-0101 ADV PACKET FEB 14 PART1 — original pdf
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet D-2 DATE: Monday December 13, 2021 CASE NUMBER: C15-2021-0101 ___Y____Thomas Ates ___Y____Brooke Bailey ___Y____Jessica Cohen ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne ___Y____Barbara Mcarthur ___Y____Rahm McDaniel ___Y____Darryl Pruett ___Y____Agustina Rodriguez ___-____Richard Smith (OUT) ___Y____Michael Von Ohlen ___Y____Nicholl Wade ___Y____Kelly Blume (Alternate) ___-____Carrie Waller (Alternate) ___-____Vacant (Alternate) APPLICANT: Michael Whellan OWNER: 201 E Koenig Ln, LTD. (Donald Reece) ADDRESS: 201 and 403 KOENIG LN/5613 Avenue F (C) (2) to increase height limit from three (3) stories and 40 feet (maximum allowed) to VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2 –Development Standards, Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites): a) 60 feet (requested) b) (C) (3) to increase allowed height from 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive (maximum allowed) to 60 feet (requested) in order to erect a Vertical Mixed-use project with on-site affordable units and one acre of on-site, developed parkland in a “CS-MU-V-CO-NP”, General Commercial Services-Mixed Use-Vertical Mixed Use-Conditional Overlay – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (North Loop Neighborhood Plan) Note: The Land Development Code Section 25-2-1063 Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites (C) (2) three stories and 40 feet, if the structure is more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet from property. (C) (3) for a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. F-3/1 BOARD’S DECISION: BOA DEC 13, 2021 MEETING Madam Chair Jessica Cohen motions to Postpone the remaining cases to January 10, 2022 at City Hall due to technical difficulties –internet issues; Board Member Rahm McDaniel seconds on a 11-0 vote; POSTPONED TO JANUARY 10, 2022 DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES- INTERNET ISSUES. FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: ______________________________ Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison ____________________________ Jessica Cohen Madam Chair forF-3/2F-3/3F-3/4F-3/5F-3/6F-3/7F-3/8F-3/9F-3/10F-3/11F-3/12F-3/13F-3/14F-3/15F-3/16F-3/17F-3/18F-3/19F-3/20F-3/21F-3/22F-3/23F-3/24F-3/25F-3/26F-3/27F-3/28F-3/29F-3/30F-3/31F-3/32F-3/33F-3/34F-3/35F-3/36F-3/37F-3/38F-3/39F-3/40F-3/41F-3/42F-3/43F-3/44