Board of AdjustmentJuly 12, 2021

D-7 C15-2021-0070 ADV PACKET — original pdf

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BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET VARIANCE REQUEST: a) decrease the minimum Lot Size requirements from 5,750 square feet to 5,292 square feet and decrease the minimum Front Yard Setback requirements from 25 feet to 17 feet CASE: C15-2021-0070 BOA DATE: July 12th, 2021 ADDRESS: 904 Avondale Rd OWNER: Frank & Jeannine Clark COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 AGENT: N/A ZONING: SF-3-NP (South River City NP) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT A HARDY NORMAN ADDN SUMMARY: remodel/addition of a front covered porch ISSUES: shape of lot, size of lot, heritage trees, and topography of lot ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP Single-Family residential Single-Family residential Single-Family residential Single-Family residential Single-Family residential NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group South Central Coalition South River City Citizens Assn. Zoning Committee of South River City Citizens D-7/1 A D E M A L A RUTHERFORD A T A VIS T L A A V O N D A L E K R A P RIV E R SID E S T H EIG VIS H A R T HARWOOD AV O N D A L E MILAM D O O W N E K MIL A M MIL A M ! ! ± SUBJECT TRACT PENDING CASE ! ! ! ! ZONING BOUNDARY NOTIFICATIONS CASE#: LOCATION: C15-2021-0070 904 AVONDALE RD This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 163 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. D-7/2 904 Avondale Rd. Austin TX 78704 LOT A HARDY NORMAN ADDN A SF3 Frank and Jeannine Clark Owners at 904 Avondale Rd. June 10 2021 Covered front porch HARDY NORMAN ADDN D-7/3 *SEE ADDITIONAL SPACE BELOW* LDC 25-2-492 Modify Front Yard setback from 25' to approx 17' (to align with front of house). LDC 25-2-492 Modify min. lot size for SF-3 zoning from 5,750 s.f. to 5301 s.f. (field measured at 5292 s.f.) See below for more explanation. Home built in 1949, prior to current setback requirements, does not comply with current setback requirements. Home currently not allowed small lot amnesty in Travis Hts. Neighborhood, so is non conforming. However, the intent of the rejection of small lot amnesty in this area is to preserve the character of the neighborhood. Our tiny house will have the character and retain it's small original cottage style without adding additional square footage. *SEE ADDITIONAL SPACE BELOW* 1. Shape of lot 2. Size of lot 3. Heritage trees 4. Topography of lot Size of lot, Shape of Lot, and proximity to critical root zones of three heritage trees, and steep topography are non standard and very site specific for this property. D-7/4 This is a 594 square foot cottage.It currently has asbestos siding. The original exterior was wood shingles. We are restoring the original shingle style home without adding interior square footage. That, along with other landscape enhancements, this home will match the character of the neighborhood. Our neighbors have given us written support of the variance request. Screened porches enhance livabililty of the home, but also contribute to good communication and social bonding between neighbors, resulting in more harmony and less crime. n/a- No parking is impacted by this variance request. n/a- No parking is impacted by this variance request. n/a- No parking is impacted by this variance request. n/a- No parking is impacted by this variance request. D-7/5 Jeannine Clark, IIDA Digitally signed by Jeannine Clark, IIDA Date: 2021.06.09 11:47:33 -07'00' 06-10-21 Austin TX 78704 Frank and Jeannine Clark 904 Avondale Rd. (512) 890-5809 Jeannine Clark, IIDA Digitally signed by Jeannine Clark, IIDA Date: 2021.06.09 11:48:28 -07'00' 06-10-21 Austin TX 78704 Frank and Jeannine Clark 904 Avondale Rd. (512) 890-5809 Frank and Jeannine Clark 904 Avondale Rd. (512) 890-5809 Austin TX 78704 *EXPLANATION OF CODE VARIANCE REQUEST* Front porch addition that is proposed to encroach into the front yard setback beyond what is typically allowed. Secondly, since this property does not meet the minimum lot size requirements of SF-3 zoning, and cannot meet the requirements for a Substandard Lot, it is viewed as a D-7/6 nonconforming use and is subject to the 20% improvement valuation stipulation prescribed in Land Development Code 25-2-947. Therefore, a variance from Land Development Code 25-2-492 to modify the front yard setback to allow for the porch’s encroachment into the front yard and a variance from Land Development Code 25-2-492 to modify the minimum lot size for SF-3 zoning from 5,750 sq. ft. to 5301 sq. ft (or 5292 sq. feet as field measured). *HARDSHIP ADDITIONAL SPACE INFORMATION* Hardship #1 The shape of the lot: The pie-shape creates a very small area for any construction due to the lot depth and angles of the setbacks. The angle of the front setback cuts through a portion of the porch and house since the lot is so shallow on the short end; therefore the buildable area is severely restricted. Hardship #2: In many other areas of town, the city has acknowledged the need to provide a means of developing on small lots and therefore allows small lot amnesty for lots under 5750 sq. feet; however in our case, the small lot amnesty is not applicable due to the neighborhood not adopting the code, and limits the amount of improvements. The improvements will be in character of the neighborhood and do not increase the conditioned square footage of the existing house. We have received approval from the neighbors Hardship #3: Heritage trees: There are three heritage Live Oak Trees on the property. In order to limit the adverse effects of building around the trees, construction impact must stay out of the 1/2 CRZ. Taking into account the critical root zones of the trees, the allowable site disturbance is very limiting. Hardship #4: Topography of the lot: There is 21 feet of vertical grade change on the property. The lot is 5301 sq. ft per assessor, so the slope is significant thus limiting the location of building a screened porch. In addition to the above mentioned constraints, the flattest portion of the property is where the front porch is located. D-7/7 4 N 1 2 3 5 6 7 CITY OF AUSTIN TREE PROTECTION STANDARD NO. 610S-4 F E D B A TREE PROTECTION FENCE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE 20'-0" FOR 20" DIA. TREE DRIP LINE WOOD CHIP MULCH AREA STRUCTURE 8' 5' VARIES LIMITS OF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE RADIUS = 1 FT PER INCH OF TRUNK DIA. WOOD CHIP MULCH 6" DEPTH AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE MINIMUM NECESSARY WORK SPACE. IF LESS THAN 5' THEN ADD BOARD STRAPPED TO TRUNK TREE PROTECTION NOTES: LOT 23 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OVERSEEING EACH SUBCONTRACTOR CLEANS UP AND REMOVES, DAILY, ANY AND ALL DEBRIS GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 2 CONTRACTOR O PROVIDE TEMPORARY POWER POLE AS REQUIRED FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN TEMPORARY LIGHT AS REQUIRED FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. 3 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES. PORTABLE TOILETS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN THE 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY TREE. 4 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE APPROPRIATE WASTE CONTAINMENT TO PROTECT THE SITE FROM CONTAMINATION FROM AND AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MIGHT BE HAZARDOUS TO GROUND WATER AND VEGETATION. ROLL OF DUMPSTERS OR SIMILAR SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT ACCESS DOES NOT DAMAGE THE EXISTING LANDSCAPE OR RIGHT OF WAY ELEMENTS AND SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN THE 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY TREE. 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN APPROPRIATE LOCATION FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT SO THAT IT REMAINS CONTAINED AND DOES NOT LEACH INTO OR OTHERWISE IMPACT THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY TREE. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE WASHOUT IN A LOCATION THAT WILL BE COVERED WITH HARDSCAPING OR FLATWORK TO MIMIZE IMPACT OF FUTURE LANDSCAPING. 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL LOACTE STAGING LOCATIONS OUTSIDE OF ANY CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF TREES. CONTRACTOR SHALL FENCE OFF ANY PORTIONS OF THE SITE NOT REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACESS OR STAGING. 7 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTIVE FENCING, TRUNK ARMOR, AND ROOT PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY THE ARBORIST OR GOVERNING CODE FOR ALL PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. IT IS THE INTENT OF THE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER TO PROTECT ALL TREES IN PROXIMITY TO THE CONSTRUCTION AREA FROM DAMAGE OR INJURY DURING CONSTRUCTION. 8 CONTRACTOR TO USE CAUTION WHEN REMOVING FLATWORK OR STRUCTURES ADJACENT TO TREE TRUNKS OR ROOT AREAS. 9 PER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR TREE HEALTH, CONTRACTOR TO LIMIT USE OF EQUIPMENT TO THE EXTENT OF THE NEW SLAB PER THE SITE PLAN. C 10 PER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR TREE HEALTH, OVER EXCAVATION TO BE LIMITED TO 18" OUTSIDE OF SLAB AND FOOTING EXTENTS, AS TO ALLOW FOR INSTALLATION OF WATERPROOFING AND FRENCH DRAINS. 11 ANY EXCAVATION, CUT OR FILL IN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY TREE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ARBORIST AND, WHERE APPLICABLE, CITY ARBORIST, PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING PERFORMED. 12 ALL EXCAVATION, CUT OR FILL, REQUIRED IN THE 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY PROTECTED TREE SHALL BE PERFORMED WITH HAND TOOLS AND OR AIR-SPADE AS DIRECTED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST OR THE CITY ARBORIST. 13 NO COMPACTION OF SOILS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY PROTECTED TREES. 14 NO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF SOILS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECH SHALL BE PERFORMED IN THE 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF ANY PROTECTED TREES. 15 LESS THAN 25% OF THE CANOPY OF ANY OF THE PROTECTED TREES ADJACENT TO PROJECT WILL BE IMPACTED BY THE NEW STRUCTURE. ANY AND ALL PRUNING SHALL BE ASSESSED BY THE CERTIFIED ARBORIST AND PERFORMED PER THEIR RECOMMENDED MEANS AND METHODS. 16 IT IS THE ARCHITECT'S AND OWNER'S INTENT TO PROTECT ALL TREES IN PROXIMITY TO CONSTRUCTION AREA FROM DAMAGE OR INJURY DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. THE SUGGESTIONS FOR TREE PROTECTION PROVIDED ABOVE ARE EXPLICITLY NOT GUARANTEED TO FULLY PROTECT THE TREES. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE CONTRACTOR HIRE A TREE SPECIALISTS TO REVIEW WITH THE OWNER FOR TREE PROTECTION. OTHERWISE THE CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS LIABILITY FOR PROTECTING THE TREES FROM ANY DAMAGE THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 17 IF HEAVY EQUIPMENT WILL BE ROLLING OVER ANY AREA OF THE FULL CRZ OF PROTECTED TREES, PROVIDE 3/4" PLYWOOD OVER 2X4 LUMBER OVER 12" LAYER OF MULCH TO BRIDGE OVER THE ROOTS AND PREVENT SOIL/ ROOT COMPACTION. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, SPREAD MULCH AROUND SITE TO LEAVE A MAX LAYER OF 3" WITHIN ROOT ZONES. GENERAL SITE NOTES: 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE TOPO/ FINISHED GRADE TO PROVIDE PROPER DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM BUILDING AS REQUIRED. 2 CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY UTILITY LINES FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. 3 EROSION CONTROL BARRIERS TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 4 STABILIZED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION DRIVEWAY TO BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 PROVIDE CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTS AS REQUIRED ON CONCRETE DRIVE, WALKS, AND PATIOS. 6 ALL EXTERIOR HVAC EQUIPMENT TO BE SCREENED PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, DEED RESTRICTIONS OF SUBDIVISION OR NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION. 7 DRIVEWAY TO BE INSTALLED PER CITY OF AUSTIN 433S-1A BA SIS O F B E A R ING S/ P L A T (S 68 ° 57 '58 " E 77.88') S 68°57 ' E 95.32 ' EXISTING BLDG FOOTPRINT 77.99' PROPERTY LINE HERITAGE LIVE OAK ELECT. METER H.W. HEATER 901' 902' ELE C. LINE 903' L.O.C. 904' AC L.O.C. C.R.Z. EXIST. ONE-STORY RESIDENCE F.F.E. = 906.80' A.A.G. = 905.25' 649 sq ft GROSS SF 906'6" A.A.G. HIGH 921' 10' REAR SETBACK 919' 920' I E N L Y T R E P O R P 3 7 . 3 6 ' C.R.Z. ) ' 1 4 . 7 3 E ' 9 3 ° 0 2 N ( ' 6 3 . 7 3 E ' 6 1 ° 0 2 N K C A B T E S E D S ' 5 I EXIST . C O N C . D RIV E W A Y 13.90' 551 sq ft 553 sq ft BUILDABLE SITE AREA E X IST F R O N T P O R C H T O BE R E F R A M E D & E N C L O S E D . . C O . L DUMPSTER/ MATERIAL STAGING . . C O . L AREA OF ENCROACHMENT W.W. LINE 905' PORT-O- JOHN w P R O P E R T Y LI N E L.O.C. 26.80' 906' L.O.C. EXIST. GAS METER L.O.C. ½ C.R.Z. S 2 ( S 9 ° 1 2 1' 9 ° 1 1 2 7' E " E 3 3 7 . 4 7 . 3 1') 6') 2 9.2 6' L. O . C . sw TREE PROTECTION FENCE & TREE MULCH PER C.O.A. STANDARDS HERITAGE LIVE OAK 2 5' F R O N T S E T B A C K LOT A 907' EXIST. 59" Ø LIVE OAK TREE 908' 909' ½ C . R . Z . HERITAGE LIVE OAK TREE PROTECTION FENCE & TREE MULCH PER C.O.A. STANDARDS ' 4 5 . 8 2 I A N O T R O P T N E T ½ C R . Z . . LOT B ' 2 1 . 5 9 W " 8 5 ' 1 5 ° 0 2 S ) ' 2 3 . 5 9 W ' 0 5 ° 0 2 S ( C.R.Z. K C A B T E S E D S ' 5 I E N I L Y T R E P O R P ' 2 3 . 5 9 920' 919' EXIST. 34" Ø LIVE OAK TREE 918' 6 7.9 3' 911' Y LI N E 912' 910' P R O P E R T 6 8.0 1' 913' 914' 915' 917' 916' A V ½ C.R.Z. S 3 A = 3 ° 4 ( R ( C = 6 8 2 '2 4 0 . 0 2 H 0 . 3 = 3 3 ° 4 R 1' 0' ; L 0' E 6 " E 6 = 4 0 7 . 9 0 . 3 3 ') = 6 8 7 . 9 . 0 0' 1') 3') O N D IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE CALCULATIONS MAIN HOUSE BUILDING COVERAGE = 649 SF UNCOVERED PORCH/ PATIO/WD DECK = 109 SF @ 50% = 54.5 SF COVERED PORCH/ PATIO/ DECK = 140 SF CONCRETE DRIVE = 566 SF LANDSCAPING STONE = 123 SF A/C PAD = 9 SF TOTAL = 1,541.5 SF = 29.13% IMPERVIOUS COVER LOT AREA = 5,292 SF @ 45% = 2,381.4 SF ALLOWABLE A L E (5 0' R. O . W .) R O A D ARCHITECTS + DEVELOPMENT 2700 E 3RD ST | AUSTIN, TEXAS 78702 | 903-244-7919 CAUTION: DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS F THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY ONLY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PROJECT CONSULTANTS C H OLA S I N A U H S O J 252 0 7 H O G A N I E C N E D S E R K R A L C I 4 0 7 8 7 X T N T S U A D R E L A D N O V A 4 0 9 BUILDING PERMIT Wednesday, June 9, 2021 REV ID CHANGE NAME DATE E D C B LANDSCAPE WALL EXIST. 25" Ø LIVE OAK TREE . . C O . L Wednesday, June 9, 2021 PROJECT NO: MODEL FILE: 904 Avondale DRAWN BY: COPYRIGHT: SHEET TITLE A Project No. JH, AJ, LC © 2020 HOGAN ARCHITECTS AND DEVELOPMENT LLC ARCHTITECTURAL SITE PLAN 1 6 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 0 4' 8' 16' Wednesday, June 9, 2021 | 5:37 PM 7 G-04 SHEET 4 OF 50 1 2 3 4 5 GSPublisherVersion D-7/8 904 Avondale Rd. Application for Variance - Screened porch encroaching into front yard setback & Variance for non conforming use- substandard lot size. Owners: Frank and Jeannine Clark. *Frank is a restoration carpenter with 25 years of experience. *Jeannine is an interior designer. *This is our retirement home. D-7/9 This corner of the porch intersects the required front yard setback from 25’ to 17 PROPOSED EXISTING Existing porch footprint to remain. New Porch with roof extension and screens, open on two sides. New porch will not extend past the current street-side face of the home. D-7/10 Current condition: Existing 1949 vintage ‘tiny home’ Cottage– 594 square feet, 1 bedroom. Goal: • Restoration of the existing home to conform to the character of the neighborhood without adding interior square footage. • Add screened front porch as part of the renovations. (at existing non-enclosed front porch). Conflicts which require variance: • A triangle portion of the proposed screened porch encroaches the required 25’ front yard setback per LD Code 25-2- 513G. Request to reduce setback in this area to align with front of existing home, approx. 17’ from property line. LD Code 25-2-947. Lot size is 5292 s.f. , which is a non conforming size lot. • D-7/11 HARDSHIP SUMMARY There is, quite literally, no other location we can add this screened porch, and the porch is vital to the enjoyment of our tiny home. The shape of the lot: The pie-shape creates a very small area for any construction due to the lot depth and angles of the setbacks. The angle of the front setback cuts through a portion of the porch and house since the lot is so shallow on the short end; therefore the buildable area is severely restricted. The size of the lot: The lot is considered substandard by the current city code since it does not meet the minimum lot depth or size. The lot is 5,292 SF. In many other areas of town, the city has acknowledged the need to provide a means of developing on small lots and therefore allows small lot amnesty; however in our case, the small lot amnesty is not applicable due to the neighborhood not adopting the code, and limits the amount of improvements. The improvements will be in character of the neighborhood and do not increase the conditioned square footage of the existing house. We have received approval from the neighbors Heritage trees: There are three heritage Live Oak Trees on the property. In order to limit the adverse effects of building around the trees, construction impact must stay out of the 1/2 CRZ. Taking into account the critical root zones of the trees, the allowable site disturbance is very limiting. Topography of the lot: There is 21 feet of vertical grade change on the property. The lot is only 5,292 SF, so the slope is significant thus limiting the location of building a screened porch. In addition to the above mentioned constraints, the flattest portion of the property is where the front porch is located. D-7/12 D-7/13 Subject Property- 904 Avondale Rd. We have the full support of our neighbors! D-7/14 D-7/15 D-7/16 D-7/17 D-7/18 D-7/19 D-7/20 D-7/21 D-7/22 D-7/23 D-7/24 D-7/25 D-7/26