D-6 C15-2021-0034 GRANTED DS W APPROVED DRAWINGS — original pdf

CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet D-6 DATE: Monday June 14, 2021 CASE NUMBER: C15-2021-0034 __Y____Thomas Ates __Y_____Brooke Bailey __Y_____Jessica Cohen __Y_____Melissa Hawthorne __Y_____Don Leighton-Burwell __Y_____Rahm McDaniel __Y_____Darryl Pruett __Y_____Agustina Rodriguez __-_____Michael Von Ohlen __Y_____Nicholl Wade __-_____Vacant __-_____Kelly Blume (Alternate) __Y_____Carrie Waller (Alternate) __-_____Vacant (Alternate) OWNER/APPLICANT: Eric and Melissa Puga ADDRESS: 5409 AVENUE H VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the LDC Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2, Development Standards Section 2.1 (Maximum Development Permitted) to increase the F.A.R from 40% (required) to 43.31% (requested) in order to add an addition to an existing single family residence in an “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family- Neighborhood Plan zoning district (North Loop Neighborhood Plan) BOARD’S DECISION: BOA meeting April 12, 2021 cancelled; May 10, 2021 POSTPONED TO JUNE 14, 2021 DUE TO LACK OF BOARD MEMBERS/VOTES; June 14, 2021 The public hearing was closed by Chair Jessica Cohen, Board Member Brooke Bailey motions to Grant as per drawing D-6/10; Board Member Melissa Hawthorne seconds on a 10-0 vote; GRANTED AS PER DRAWING D-6/10. FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: a variance for an addition 207 sf is beyond 40% FAR to add onto family residence, is just over 1,100 sf, very limited in space, seeking a variance to increase the home to a total of approx. 1,400 sq 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: current property includes a garage apartment which was built prior to buying the residence 12 years ago, this will allows to stay in the neighborhood, seeking to build a single floor addition that will include an additional bedroom, have support from the neighborhood association. (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: garage apartment is unique to this property as it was built prior to buying the home, it has substantial impact on FAR 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: the front elevation of the home will remain intact and will preserve the original 1951 pier and beam foundation and design, the addition will only impact a portion of the backyard and will not be viewable from the street, all neighbors adjacent to the property, across the street, down the block on both sides have signed a petition of support, due to the alley behind the property, do not share fence lines or space with back neighbors, they will remain un-impacted. ______________________________ Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison ____________________________ Jessica Cohen Chairman Diana Ramirez for SH3458@80 [E] SH3458@80 [E] SH3458@80 [E] 0 8 6 3 A P ] E [ 0 8 @ 0 6 6 3 H S Bedroom 1 CLNG HT 8' 14 X 11 BP(2)2480 BP(2)2480 Closet 1 CLNG HT 8' Closet 2 CLNG HT 8' Bedroom 2 CLNG HT 8' 10.5 X 8.5 SD2480 UP UP EXISTING Living Room CLNG HT 8' UP UP 0 8 2 3 D B 0 8 8 1 D S Closet 5 CLNG HT 8' 0 8 8 1 D S SD2480 Bath 1 CLNG HT 8' Kitchen CLNG HT 8' 0 8 6 3 N E 0 8 @ 8 5 0 7 W S 0 8 @ 4 2 6 3 W S 0 8 @ 8 1 2 2 W S PA(2)3680 SD3280 Closet 4 CLNG HT 8' SD2480 SD3280 SD3280 Bedroom 4 CLNG HT 8' 12 X 13 Bedroom 3 CLNG HT 8' 12 X 13 0 8 @ 2 1 2 7 W P Addition 271 SF SD1880 Pantry Closet 3 CLNG HT 8' 0 8 4 2 D S r e y r D r e h s a W 0 8 6 3 ) 2 ( D S Bench Mud Room CLNG HT 8' Bath 2 CLNG HT 8' SW 2218@80 0 8 2 3 D S 0 8 6 3 N E UP SH3660@80 [E] SH3660@80 [E] SH3660@80 [E] SH3660@80 [E] SH3660@80 [E] BLDG 1 EXISTING PRIMARY RESIDENCE BLDG 1 ENLARGED PRIMARY RESIDENCE This document is issued under the s e a l o f W I L L I A M L A W R E N C E HODGE, Texas architect #19074. T h i s i s a S C H E M A T I C D E S I G N d o c u m e n t a n d a s s u c h i s F O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y . T h i s d o cu m ent is n o t f o r r eg ulato r y ap pr ov al, ap pr aisal, pr icing, o r construction. All room dimensions are approximate and are rounded to t h e n e a r e s t f o o t u n l e s s n o t e d otherwise. All areas are approximate and are rounded to the nearest foot u n l e s s n o t e d o t h e r w i s e . W I L L I A M H O D G E A I A A R C H I T E C T 4 8 0 1 S C O N G R E S S A V E # N 3 A U S T I N , T X 7 8 7 4 5 5 1 2 . 7 8 6 . 9 2 9 8 H O D G E A R C H I T E C T . C O M NEW PROJECT AT 5409 AVE H AUSTIN, TX 78751 ISSUE DATE 05 March 2021 SHEET TYPE Schematic Design. SD 1 D-6/10