D-4 C15-2021-0032 LATE LATE BACKUP — original pdf

Ramirez, Elaine From: Sent: To: Subject: Julie Malouf Monday, June 14, 2021 12:48 PM Ramirez, Elaine Proposed variance for 1601 Brackenridge St *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Ms. Ramirez, This email serves to confirm our strong opposition to the setback variance application for 1601 Brackenridge St, Austin 78704. This is a double corner property that is exposed to streets on three sides, Brackenridge St., Monroe Ave. and Drake Ave, and while other "surrounding" structures referred to in the application have been granted setback exceptions, corners have different setback rules for a reason. This is a high traffic corner, as Monroe is a main artery to and from the shops and restaurants on South Congress. There is a high volume of kids on bicycles and scooters, many of which pay little attention to traffic laws and their surroundings. The proposed reduction from 25' to 5' will greatly reduce visibility at the intersection of Monroe and Drake and the ability to anticipate issues with oncoming traffic or bicycles, unnecessarily putting people's lives at risk. At approximately 6400 square feet, there is plenty of space for a structure to exist on the lot at 1601 Brackenridge St. without needing to reduce the setback from the street and endanger lives. We respectfully ask you to please decline this proposed variance for the reasons mentioned above. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Julie Malouf Property owner - 1611 Drake Ave CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 1 T HE F AS ANO F IR M DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL FAMILY LAW KAREN FASANO, J.D., LL.M 732.825.7140 PHONE 732.865.7166 FACSIMILE www.fasanofirm.org 882 NAVESINK RIVER ROAD RUMSON, NEW JERSEY 07760 1509 Alta Vista Avenue Austin, Texas 78704 June 14, 2021 Re: This letter shall serve as formal opposition to the proposed setback variance relative to the VIA EMAIL Elaine.ramirez@austintexas.gov 1604 Brackenridge Street, Austin Texas 78704 Proposed Setback Variance Dear Ms. Ramirez: above-mentioned property (hereinafter “1604 Brackenridge”). 1604 Brackenridge is a corner lot located in a residential neighborhood/tourist destination at a busy intersection just off South Congress Avenue with a high volume of predestination, bicycle, and motorized traffic. The proposed setback reduction from twenty-five (25) feet to five (5) feet is an egregious departure from established property law, traffic management mandates, and safety protocols. Further, the proposed setback reduction is highly improper for a corner lot subject to greater setbacks for well-established community planning and safety reasons. It must be noted that the applicant’s comparison to other non-corner properties is misplaced, as the zoning requirements are not analogous, nor applicable to 1604 Brackenridge. While any reduction in the setback must be denied as it will impair traffic flow and obstruct driver visibility, the ill conceived proposed five (5) foot setback is an affront to our community standards and common sense as it would result in a dangerous and potentially deadly intersection. No valid reason exists to jeopardize the safety of residents and visitors for the financial gain of an individual or real estate developer. As such, the variance request for 1604 Brackenridge must be denied in favor or public safety and preservation of our community standards. I remain available at your convenience should you require additional information. Regards, KAREN FASANO, ESQ.