D-11 C15-2021-0051 PRESENTATION — original pdf

1510 E 2nd St - 1 & 2 1513 E 2nd St - A & B D-11/1-PRESENTATION1513 E 2nd St – Units A & B (Next door to 106/108 Comal) New construction 1,143sf primary house w/ attached 1,156sf Secondary Apartment. Front yard setback averaging used for 12ft setback facing E 2nd St. There is a 15ft setback from Comal St and 5ft setback from the side yard neighbor. D-11/2-PRESENTATIOND-11/3-PRESENTATION1510 E 2nd St – Unit 1 New construction 1,790sf main house set back 15ft from Comal and 5ft from the side yard neighbor. 1510 E 2nd St – Unit 2 New construction 1,080sf Accessory Dwelling Unit with front door facing Comal St. The front of the unit is set back 15ft from Comal and the back of the unit is set back 5ft from the side yard neighbor. D-11/4-PRESENTATIOND-11/5-PRESENTATION99 COMAL ST Existing non-compliant 600sf home facing Comal with front yard setback of 10 ft or less. 85 COMAL ST Existing non-compliant 807sf home facing Comal permitted for addition of 695sf. Front yard setback is 10ft or less. D-11/6-PRESENTATIOND-11/7-PRESENTATION