D-7 C15-2021-0035 PRESENTATION — original pdf

300 Pressler St 301 Pressler St 1505 W. 3rd Street M U L T I - F A M I L Y D E V E L O P M E N T Case No. C15-2021-0035 D-7/1-PRESENTATION2 D-7/2-PRESENTATION3 D-7/3-PRESENTATION4 D-7/4-PRESENTATION5 D-7/5-PRESENTATIONVARIANCE REQUEST Exceed Maximum Height allowed in this district of the Waterfront Overlay from 60 feet to 75 feet 6 D-7/6-PRESENTATION7 D-7/7-PRESENTATION8 D-7/8-PRESENTATIONP R O J E C T P L A N *Work with and be compatible with the park *Aid in resolving connectivity and mobility issues for Old West Austin *Resolve the barrier created by the Union Pacific railroad tracks *Provide extraordinary public amenities 9 D-7/9-PRESENTATIONP R O J E C T P L A N *Developer has worked with the City of Austin since 2017 Austin Water Austin Energy Austin Transportation Department Parks and Recreation Department and Parks Board *Parkland Improvement Agreement *Quiet Crossing and Safety Enhancement Agreement *Community Facilities Agreement 10 D-7/10-PRESENTATIONP U B L I C I M P R O V E M E N T S A N D A M E N I T I E S • Union Pacific Quiet Crossing and Safety Installation • Bike and Pedestrian Trail Created from Pressler St to Lance Armstrong • Public Trailhead at Terminus of Pressler at the Park with seating and ADA Bikeway accessibility • Lamar Beach Park Beautification Project • Includes mass grading, ~4,900 linear feet of rock walls, and ~750 inches of new trees planted • Burying and Improving Existing Utilities 6 utility borings under the Union Pacific right-of-way • • Overhead Austin Energy Line Placed Underground • Upgraded Water and Wastewater Lines with enhanced service to Old West Austin 11 D-7/11-PRESENTATION12 D-7/12-PRESENTATION13 D-7/13-PRESENTATIONP U B L I C P L A Z A O P E N S P A C E T S R E L S S E R P T S L U A P UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD K E E R C CONSTRAINTS SUMMARY (SF ) Public Plaza Open Space 2,400 N P U B L IC P L A Z A O P E N S P A C E L A M A R B E A C H P A R K K E E R C 14 D-7/14-PRESENTATION15 D-7/15-PRESENTATION16 D-7/16-PRESENTATION17 D-7/17-PRESENTATION18 D-7/18-PRESENTATION19 D-7/19-PRESENTATION20 D-7/20-PRESENTATION21 D-7/21-PRESENTATIONPROPOSED PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH TOWN LAKE PLAN • The Town Lake Corridor Study called for “a long-range comprehensive plan for the Corridor.” • The resulting Town Lake Comprehensive Plan identified issues and set forth goals that the proposed project would help to address, including: • “Downtown-oriented housing for professionals, employees, and students was perceived to be a strong need by almost all sectors interviewed.” • “Presently, the Town Lake parklands and the image of the total Corridor suffer from a lack of continuity.” • “Existing amenities should be enhanced and expanded, including Hike and Bike Trail extensions and crossings.” • “Roadways and pedestrian paths should make the lake more accessible physically and visually.” 22 D-7/22-PRESENTATION23 D-7/23-PRESENTATION24 D-7/24-PRESENTATION25 D-7/25-PRESENTATION7 5 ’ H E I G H T 6 LEVELS 26 D-7/26-PRESENTATIONH E I G H T C O M P A R I S O N | 6 0 ‘ V S 7 5 ‘ 6 0 ’ H E I G H T 5 LEVELS 7 5 ’ H E I G H T 6 LEVELS 27 D-7/27-PRESENTATION28 D-7/28-PRESENTATIONP R O P O S E D R E Z O N I N G • Would rezone from CS-CO-NP and LI-CO-NP to LI-PDA-NP • CS-MU site development regulations • CS-MU permitted, conditional, and prohibited uses • Exception to Increase Maximum Height from 60’ to 75’ 29 D-7/29-PRESENTATIONH E I G H T C O M P A R I S O N | 6 0 ‘ V S 7 5 ‘ 6 0 ’ H E I G H T 5 LEVELS 7 5 ’ H E I G H T 6 LEVELS 30 D-7/30-PRESENTATIONS I T E M A P T S R E L S S E R P T S L U A P UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD K E E R C 1 5 0 5 W . 3 R D 3 0 0 P R E S S L E R 3 0 1 P R E S S L E R K E E R C L A M A R B E A C H P A R K 31 D-7/31-PRESENTATION