D-12 C15-2021-0028 ADV PACKET PART1 — original pdf

CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet D-2 DATE: Monday May 10, 2021 CASE NUMBER: C15-2021-0028 ___-____Thomas Ates ___Y____Brooke Bailey ___Y____Jessica Cohen ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne ___Y____Don Leighton-Burwell ___Y____Rahm McDaniel ___Y____Darryl Pruett ___-____Agustina Rodriguez ___Y____Michael Von Ohlen ___Y____Nicholl Wade ___-____Vacant ___-____Kelly Blume (Alternate) ___-____Carrie Waller (Alternate) ___-____Vacant (Alternate) OWNER/AGENT: David Morgan ADDRESS: 3406 GONZALES ST VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (2) (a) which requires an Accessory Dwelling Unit to be located at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure (required), to 6 ft. 7 in. from the principal structure (requested) in order to erect a Single-Family residence in an “SF-3-NP”, Single- Family Residence-Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Govalle Neighborhood Plan) Note: Per LDC the second Dwelling Unit must be contained in a structure other than the principal structure and a) must be located at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure; or b) above a detached garage. BOARD’S DECISION: May 10, 2021 POSTPONED TO JUNE 14, 2021 DUE TO LACK OF BOARD MEMBERS/VOTES FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: D-12/13. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: ______________________________ Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison ____________________________ Don Leighton-Burwell Chairman Diana Ramirez for D-12/2BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2021-0028 BOA DATE: May 10th, 2021 ADDRESS: 3406 Gonzales St OWNER: David Morgan COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 AGENT: N/A ZONING: SF-3-NP (Govalle) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E 63.2FT OF S150FT LOT 1 BLK 4 DIV A RESUB LOT 3-6 LATTIMORE SUBD VARIANCE REQUEST: SUMMARY: erect a Two-Family Residential Use ISSUES: protected trees Site SF-3-NP North LR-MU-CO-NP SF-3-NP South SF-3-NP East SF-3-NP West ZONING LAND USES Single-Family Neighborhood Commercial-Mixed Use Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Del Valle Community Coalition East Austin Conservancy El Concilio Mexican-American Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Govalle Neighborhood Association Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Neighbors United for Progress Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group D-12/3May 3, 2021 James Smith 3406 Gonzales St Austin TX, 78702 Re: C15-2021-0028 Property Description: E 63.2FT OF S150FT LOT 1 BLK 4 DIV A RESUB LOT 3-6 LATTIMORE SUBD Dear James, Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance(s) from the following sections of the Land Development Code; Section 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (2) (a) which requires an Accessory Dwelling Unit to be located at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure (required), to 6 ft. 7 in. from the principal structure (requested) in order to erect a Single-Family residence in an “SF-3-NP”, Single- Family Residence-Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Govalle Neighborhood Plan) Austin Energy does not oppose the above setback variance for an ADU, provided any proposed and existing improvements follow Austin Energy’s clearance criteria requirements, the National Electric Safety Code and OSHA. Any removal or relocation of existing electric facilities will be at owners /applicants’ expense. Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of review action: https://austinenergy.com/wcm/connect/8bb4699c-7691-4a74-98e7- 56059e9be364/Design+Criteria+Manual+Oct+2015.pdf?MOD=AJPERES the above If you have any questions about the following comments, please contact my office. Thank you, Eben Kellogg, Property Agent Austin Energy Public Involvement | Real Estate Services 2500 Montopolis Drive Austin, TX 78741 (512) 322-6050 D-12/4Y R E L TIL S E L L E R S O RIC E H C R E T N U G Y N T O W O N GONZALES 7 T H E L A D G RIN P S N E L L A HOLTON HIDALGO ! ! ± SUBJECT TRACT PENDING CASE ! ! ! ! ZONING BOUNDARY NOTIFICATIONS CASE#: LOCATION: C15-2021-0028 3406 GONZALES STREET This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 168 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. D-12/5D-12/6D-12/7D-12/8D-12/9D-12/10D-12/11D-12/12D-12/13D-12/14D-12/15LOT SIZE Name LOT MAXIMUM FAR Area 9,877 SF 3,950 SF TREE SCHEDULE # TREE TYPE PROTECTED TREE DIAMETER 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 A YES SPANISH OAK NO TALLOW YES PECAN YES PECAN TEXAS ASH NO MULBERRY NO NO PECAN YES PECAN NO PECAN YES PECAN YES PECAN 1' - 9" 1' - 2" 2' - 6" 1' - 10" 1' - 2" 0' - 9" 1' - 5" 1' - 7" 1' - 2" 2' - 7" 1' - 10" KEYNOTE LEGEND 508 509 530 531 533 1/4 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE - NO CUT OR FILL WITHIN THIS AREA 1/2 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE - NO CUT OR FILL GREATER THAN 4" WITHIN THIS AREA EXISTING BUILDING OVERLAPS 1/4" CRZ - NO DEMO IN THIS AREA EXISTING BUILDING OVERLAPS 1/2" CRZ - NO DEMO IN THIS AREA NEW PRIMARY STRUCTURE TO BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 10'-0" TO THE REAR OF EXISTING ADU 25' - 0" PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 7888 - TEXAS ASH 14"Ø NO SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE EXISTING DRIVE 7889 - MULBERRY 9"Ø NO " 0 - ' 5 7890 - PECAN 17"Ø NO 7891 - PECAN 19"Ø YES 7885 - TALLOW 14"Ø NO 7886 - PECAN 30"Ø YES 220SF DEMO OF SINGLE STORY 10' - 0" 7892 - PECAN 14"Ø NO 509 508 E E N N I I L L G G N N D D L L I I U U B B I I K K C C A A B B T T E E S S T T N N O O R R F F 7887 - PECAN 22"Ø YES 509 508 531 EXISTING FRONT PORCH 1100SF EXISTING SINGLE STORY PROPOSED TO BE CLASSIFIED AS ADU NEW PRIMARY DWELLING IS PROPOSED TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THIS AREA AT THE REAR OF THE LOT • PRIMARY DWELLING TO BE CONSRUCTED A MINIMUM OF 10'-0" BEHIND EXISTING STRUCTURE. FOOTPRINT TO AVOID 1/2 AND 1/4 CRZ FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN INSIDE SETBACK LINES FAR FOR PRIMARY STRUCTURE NOT TO EXCEED 2850SF FOR A SITE FAR NOT TO EXCEED 40% OR 3950SF BUILDING ENVELOPE TO REMAIN INSIDE MCMANSION TENT • • • • 533 530 508 509 7893 - PECAN 31"Ø YES " " 0 0 - - ' ' 5 5 SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE " " 0 0 - - ' ' 5 5 W 10' - 0" 10' - 0" E E N N I I L L K K C C A A B B T T E E S S R R A A E E R R E E N N I I L L Y Y T T R R E E P P O O R R P P 509 508 A - PECAN 22"Ø YES T E E R T S S E L A Z N O G 509 508 E E N N I I L L Y Y T T R R E E P P O O R R P P 7884 - SPANISH OAK 21"Ø YES 530 23' - 9 1/2" 23' - 9 1/2" 7884 - SPANISH OAK 21"Ø YES 1 TREE PROTECTION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" l t v r . 7 1 0 2 _ s e a z n o G _ 2 1 0 2 \ S E L A Z N O G \ d n a v r \ p o t k s e D \ 2 9 4 l f j \ s r e s U \ : C M A 1 2 : 6 1 : 2 1 2 0 2 / 2 2 / 4 CONSULTANTS LEGEND NOTES REVISION NO. DESCRIPTION DATE FOR INTERIM FOR INTERIM NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING OR PERMIT PURPOSES. BIDDING OR PERMIT PURPOSES. RESPONSIBLE ARCHITECT: JASON FRYER GONZALES A & B 3406 GONZALES ST TREE PROTECTION N N PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH SCALE (FOR 11' X 17") HALF INDICATED SHEET SCALE (FOR 24" X 36") ISSUE DATE JOB # DRAWN BY A1.3 As indicated 04/15/21 2012 Designer D-12/16