D-5 C15-2021-0033 ADV PACKET PART2 — original pdf

D-5/21D-5/22D-5/23D-5/24D-5/25D-5/26D-5/27D-5/28D-5/29 N L R E D D U R G C M T R O F I ) S E R A V W O R ( K C A B T E S T N O R F " 0 - ' 5 2 I ) S E R A V W O R ( I N L N S S E L D R A Y T N O R F ' 5 2 T N E R R U C K C A B T E S K C A B T E S D R A Y T N O R F ' 2 1 D E S O P O R P 12' - 0" 25' - 0" NO REFERENCE ISSUED D-5/30From: To: Subject: Date: Rebecca Sheller Ramirez, Elaine C15-2021-0033 221 Lessin Ln Friday, May 07, 2021 10:33:49 AM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Elaine Ramirez, Case Manager for BOA, Please forward to Board of Adjustment for Monday's meeting (5-10-21). C15-2021-0033 221 Lessin Ln: I oppose the application for variance at 221 Lessin Ln, a condominium development across the street from my SF-3 property. Why have setback standards in place if they can be easily waived? I have been concerned about the Lessin Ln development during the application to Planning Commission & City Council for re-zoning from SF-3 to SF-6, and then the subsequent application to the Planning Commission to waive setbacks for water retention ponds. These events have happened virtually this past year with cumbersome mechanisms for citizens to participate. I am concerned about this current application to Board of Adjustments to waive setbacks from the city frontage streets, Krebs Ln and Lessin Ln. The applicant's argument for re-zoning and waivers consistently has been that they could be building much worse. I feel that the development would still thrive with one or two fewer units. I hope for institutional memory from city commissions and boards that the applicant is "promising" to preserve the neighborhood character and keep trees. Unfortunately I do not feel that city representatives are receptive to citizen input. Sincerely, Rebecca Sheller 209 Krebs Ln Austin, TX 78704 512-496-9939 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. D-5/31From: To: Subject: Date: Carmen Hernandez Ramirez, Elaine C15-2021-0033 221 Lessin Ln Friday, May 07, 2021 4:31:21 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hi Elaine Ramirez, C15-2021-0033 221 Lessin Ln: Please forward to Board of Adjustment for Monday's meeting (5-10-21). As the homeowner directly next door to the 221 Lessin property, I oppose the builder's request for a variance on the front yard setback requirements. The builder knew about the setbacks when they requested to move from SF-3 to SF-6. The builder also knew about the retention pond setbacks but was granted a variance in a previous hearing. At what point do the zoning plans no longer matter? Granting this new variance makes the property SF-whatever the builder wants. What about the rest of the neighbors who have to adhere to the 25 ft setback, is the city allowing variances for individual homeowners? It is my opinion that instead of granting a variance, the builder should instead build fewer houses. From the very beginning, the neighbors have argued that the builder could not possibly put 17 houses on the lot but the builder insisted that they have plans proving that 17 houses fit. Obviously not, since the builder needed a variance for the retention ponds and now again for the front yard setbacks. Please consider denying this request for a variance and instead asking the builder to put 2-4 fewer homes on the property. Thank you for your consideration, Carmen Hernandez 216 Krebs Lane CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. D-5/32From: To: Subject: Date: Public Hearing Comments C15-2021-0033 Friday, May 07, 2021 12:54:29 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Ms. Ramirez My name is John Arnn, my family (Janee, and our daughter Taylor) live at 3701 Wilson Street, across East Bouldin Creek and 200 feet (ft.) downstream (north) from the proposed construction. We all vociferously object to the proposed variance from setback requirements. In fact, everyone on the east side of Wilson Street (which also borders Bouldin Creek) has a 25 ft setback from the street curb. Furthermore, the last developer (immediately across Lessin Lane) from this proposed development) has built right up to the "legal edge" in every instance and there is no reason to suspect this developer would do anything any differently, especially since they have requested some special consideration in the way of variances. Am I to expect that, if granted in this instance, I shall also be granted a variance and can extend my residence to within a few feet of the curb? Historically, what the City of Austin fails to take into account when they issue variances and/or pass new, less restrictive, codes is drainage. In our case the aforementioned "last developer" built the foundation to the very edge but the eaves of the roof extend beyond this and the developer appears loath to install gutters. Thus, the rainwater pours unabated onto surrounding properties, creating gullies and erosion, on its way to dumping into the creek--all of which was entirely foreseeable, particularly to persons in planning. I mention drainage because the same developers that request this variance in setback also requested variances with respect to drainage, stormwater, retention ponds etc. This is a community/neighborhood and we live here with things the way they are and don't need things changed simply because developers have more money and lawyers. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Please find the attached comment form. Sincerely, John Arnn CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. D-5/33D-5/34D-5/35