D-8 C15-2021-0041 ADV PACKET PART2 — original pdf

D-8/17D-8/18D-8/19D-8/20D-8/21D-8/22D-8/23D-8/24D-8/25D-8/26D-8/27D-8/28D-8/29D-8/30D-8/31D-8/32D-8/33D-8/34D-8/35D-8/36The North Loop Neighborhood Plan Contract Team | h Contact: James T. Howard, j April 17, 2021 VIA EMAIL elaine.ramirez@autintexas.gov City of Austin Board of Adjustment Austin City Hall 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 Board Members: Re: Letter of Support for Variance Application 5314 Avenue G, Austin, Texas 78751 BOA Case N. C15-2021-0041 I am writing on behalf of the North Loop Neighborhood Plan Contract Team (the “Planning Team”) in support of Mary Schuwerk’s and Nick Paglia’s Variance Application for 5314 Avenue G, Austin, Texas 78751 (the “Application”). As outlined in the Application, Ms. Schuwerk and Mr. Paglia are remodeling a portion of their home to, among other things, bring the home in line with safety and accessibility standards. To meet these standards, the finished floor elevation will need to be increased by 19” from the current finished floor elevation, 7” more than the 12” allowance in §25-2-963. Additionally, 5314 Avenue G is a unique and undersized lot, and the remodel will therefore result in impervious cover of approximately 47.7%, 2.7% more than the 45% permitted for SF-3-NP zoning under §25-2-492 but a 1% decrease from current impervious cover, along with continued encroachment of a setback on the back side of the lot. Ms. Schuwerk and Mr. Paglia have done an incredible job reaching out to and interfacing with the neighborhood regarding this project and have garnered the support of their neighbors along with the support of the North Loop Neighborhood Association and the Planning Team. Ms. Schuwerk and her architect presented to the Planning Team on April 12, 2021, and the Planning Team unanimously voted to support her Application in front of the Board of Adjustment. We strongly believe that current zoning regulations do not allow for reasonable use of the property by Ms. Schuwerk and Mr. Paglia and that the obvious hardship affecting 5314 Avenue G is unique to the property due to its configuration and unusually small lot size. The project will also have no effect on area character, and our understanding is that Ms. Schuwerk’s and Mr. Paglia’s immediate neighbors support the project fully. D-8/37The Planning Team believes that the requested variance is entirely appropriate for this project and that the Application should be granted. We sincerely hope that the Board of Adjustment will approve the variance as requested. We appreciate your time and attention to this letter of support. Sincerely, THE NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN CONTACT TEAM /James T. Howard/ James T. Howard, Chair D-8/38D-8/39D-8/40