F-4 C15-2021-0019 LATE BACKUP — original pdf

Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. Please see attached. We are in favor. *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Friday, January 29, 2021 1:40:59 PM C15-2021-0019 Ramirez, Elaine Allison Enderle Bassetti Date: Subject: To: From: F-4/1-LATE BACKUPF-4/2-LATE BACKUPFrom: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: 34th Street Cafe Ramirez, Elaine Fw: zoning 5909 Bull Creek Saturday, January 30, 2021 4:58:37 PM Scan.pdf *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Subject: zoning Hello Elaine, I am scanning my response to you but also wanted to add to it. Besides the fact that the goal here is not to block the building , because i know it will occur, but to look at it in a different capacity. First, my concern is that next door ( South ) they are building a very large two story home, once a one story bungalow. Then on the North side of my property, they are adding a 2 story structure obviously in the back yard. So what i will experience is something that i would like to ask to re-consider giving the variance to basically constrict a breeze in my back yard because of two new large structures. Not to mention no sun light for grass, landscaping, gardening, etc. How about just sun bathing to capture Vitamin D , especially during COVID. I also am interested in knowing if the home requesting the variance, ever pull permits for some of the past remodels, enclosing a garage, adding a large carport, adding sq footage, and now adding this structure. Also on the property is a portable building next door to me. (unsightly). I am sure the city is looking at the impervious coverage , because it sure does seem tight on this property. There is also a creek on the North side of the property. That would be a better location for this structure, because it's not really bothering anyone on that side, because of a small creek. The accesses is also better to put a walk way to the back to accesses , rather than walking all the way around the property to accesses during rain? i really think the architect and the home owner could improve on the sight by switching it to the other side. Sometimes it takes someone else to see a better vision. If they move it to the other side, i would consider granting a variance. If for some reason they are able to build it, then i hope the windows don't face into my yard. They could just sell the property and find something larger to put all of the square footage together or just work with what's already there? F-4/3-LATE BACKUPThis is my reason for denying the variance. Thank you! Eddie Bernal 512-415-1752 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. F-4/4-LATE BACKUPF-4/5-LATE BACKUPTo: Members of the City of Austin Board of Adjustment Re: Agenda Item F-4, February 8, 2021 – Request to Deny for Lack of Unique Impediment a Variance Request for Building Easement at 5909 Bull Creek Rd From: Allandale Neighborhood Association’s Zoning/Planning/Land Use Committee 1] Applicant seeks a variance to reduce rear setback requirement to construct a guest house in their back yard. The reason given is to house and care for elderly parents. We are most sympathetic to multi-generational households and the need to care for elderly relatives. However, Applicant has chosen not to pursue the obvious, non-contentious option of adding to their existing residence. By building a detached, second residential structure on their SF-2 zoned lot, they are obtaining a non-SF2 zoning outcome if this variance is granted. 2] Construction of a second residential structure is prohibited by this property’s deeds restrictions (Lot 22 Allandale Sec 3 – attached). 3] Applicant has not specified any unique impediment – a reason they cannot follow code – that compels asking for a variance to build a detached second residential structure. The neighboring lots on Bull Creek Rd are all of the same depth. No specific hardship is cited, except that the site is not big enough for what they wish to have, which violates the deed restrictions. TCAD show the lot to be ≈12,600 sqft. Currently the lot has ≈4000sqft impervious cover. 4] Applicant has not addressed whether additional impervious cover, combined with building in the natural creek channel, would threaten to divert water flow to the neighboring property to the south. The TCAD map of this lot shows a natural creek channel to the rear of the lot and it borders a storm drain, a part of Shoal Creek, that was improved when the Bull Creek Diversion was installed. The stonework channel runs along the North property boundary. From the application description, there is no discussion of whether the variance requested involves the natural creek channel on this property. Adding to the existing single family home would mitigate these problems. 5] Applicant has not addressed whether heritage trees on the 5909 Bull Creek lot, or heritage trees on neighboring lots, would be damaged or removed by the proposed construction of a detached secondary residential structure. This poses peril to neighborhood character and quality of life. Note the presence of a large deck on the survey. Adding to the existing single-family home would mitigate this peril. For these reasons, we respectfully ask the Board of Adjustment to deny the requested variance. We hope the Applicant will consider the issues we have raised in this request to deny and pursue a multi-generational housing solution that considers deeds restrictions, topography, water run-off, and heritage trees. 1 F-4/6-LATE BACKUP 2 F-4/7-LATE BACKUPF-4/8-LATE BACKUPF-4/9-LATE BACKUPF-4/10-LATE BACKUP