F-3 C15-2021-0018 PRESENTATION — original pdf

Variance Request Gary & Nancy Langdon Residence 3805 Eton Ln C15‐2021‐0018 Board Of Adjustment February 8th, 2021 F-3/PRESENTATION-1Overview • To allow Accessory Structure to remain in Setback • To reduce street side setback from 15' to 2‘ • The placement of utility cables and zoning regulations applicable to the property cause a hardship as it does not allow for reasonable use due to the fact that every underground utility runs through our small back yard leaving us no other location to place the accessory structure than where we have placed it. F-3/PRESENTATION-2Property Survey with Accessory Structure Placement Drawn In X F-3/PRESENTATION-3Drawing of Electric, Gas, Cable and Phone Utility Placement in the Backyard F-3/PRESENTATION-4Photo of Accessory Structure in Current State of Completion and Placement From beyond the gas meter on the right is the only place in the yard where there are no underground utility cables or pipes located. Under the blue tarp on the left is the roll up garage door waiting to be installed. F-3/PRESENTATION-5Area where Gas Line Comes into the Backyard from the Street F-3/PRESENTATION-6Photo along the back fenceline where the Electric wire runs from the street to the Transformer F-3/PRESENTATION-7Photo of the area where the Cables run from the Cable, Phone and Electric Transformer Boxes to the Electric Meter, Phone, and Cable Boxes on the House. F-3/PRESENTATION-8Neighborhood Accessory Structure Examples As you can see from this areal photo – there are other accessory structures, beyond what you see in the photo, in the neighborhood sitting on property lines, in easements and setbacks. In our online research and observing numerous other accessory structures in the neighborhood we had no reason to believe our structure would not be in compliance. F-3/PRESENTATION-9Safety and Security • Gates ‐ We have purchased custom accessory locking gates to fit between the accessory structure and the fence, the accessory structure and the house – allowing no access behind the accessory structure, between the accessory structure and the sides or front yard fence line. • Locks ‐ for safety and security ‐ the steel, roll up garage door we purchased has a locking mechanism as well. F-3/PRESENTATION-10Reasonable Use Hardship • This hardship is unique to our property because of the placement of utilities on the property. • Further hardship unique to this property is due to the placement of the house on the property – using up every inch of the setback on all three sides. • The placement of the utilities and the house itself leaves us with no alternate useable space for the placement of the accessory structure. • If the variance is not granted we will be forced to demolish the accessory structure of which we have spent an inordinate amount of time in the design, construction and cost ensuring it is well constructed, secure and in accordance with the look of the current dwelling and the surrounding neighborhood and not placed on any utility lines. F-3/PRESENTATION-11Approval would not Alter the Character of the Surrounding area. • We have paid very close attention to every detail in the design, planning and construction of this accessory structure. • We have spent an inordinate amount of time in the design, construction and cost to ensure the accessory structure is in accordance with the look of the current dwelling and the surrounding neighborhood. • The pitch of the accessory structure roof exactly matches the pitch of the garage roof. • The accessory structure will be painted the exact color as the house. F-3/PRESENTATION-12Navigating the Process • In speaking with the code officer and city offices in an attempt to understand the code violation and how to remedy it we have come across confusing and seemingly conflicting information ‐ it was said to me, “don’t feel bad – this is confusing to those of us who work with it every day as well”. • From who initially filed the complaint – I was initially told a citizen filed the complaint • • Then I was told twice that the complaint came from within the code office itself • To being able to continue work on the accessory structure itself • The code officer said yes, you can continue work on the accessory structure itself as it is in compliance • Another office said no, you must stop all work immediately if there is any violation at all • To what could be done to remedy the violation • Move the accessory structure • Cut 2’ off the accessory structure to bring it into compliance – which seems to not be accurate • File for an Exception – this does not meet the criteria for an exception • File for this Variance – which we are here today to do It strikes us as if there is not consistency in the understanding and dissemination of information from within the city offices. How would we as citizens who do not do this every day be able to understand and navigate the process correctly and effectively to alleviate frustrating, time‐consuming and costly situations such as this? In our initial research we thought we understood the process accurately – clearly we were mistaken, but in trying to remedy the violation ‐ navigating the confusing, conflicting information has not made the process easy – leaving us less than confident that we now have accurate information to move forward. F-3/PRESENTATION-13Letters of Support from Direct Neighbors ‐ other indirect neighbors have indicated they have sent letters of support directly to the BoA office as well. Every neighbor I have spoken with have no complaints, have offered to assist us in the construction of the accessory structure and to offer support in the variance process. F-3/PRESENTATION-14F-3/PRESENTATION-151‐7‐2021 To Whom It May Concern: My name is Brehan Gonzalez Fraga and I own the residence at 12009 Aspendale Drive; Austin, TX 78732. My house is adjacent to the residence at 3805 Eton Lane; Austin, TX 78732 which is owned by Nancy Langdon and family. As a resident of the neighborhood, I do not oppose the shed which the Langdon’s are building for the following reasons: 1.) The structure is in their backyard 2.) The structure will be built to mirror the facade of their primary residence 3.) The structure will not interfere or threaten any joint/shared water, electrical, cable lines etc. Thank You. Brehan Gonzalez Fraga 512‐426‐1835 F-3/PRESENTATION-16F-3/PRESENTATION-17