H-1 BOA MONTHLY REPORT JAN 11, 2021 — original pdf

Granted PP Cases 0 9 BOA Monthly Report July 2020-June 2021 Jan 11, 2021 Due to technical difficulties – 9 cases were postponed and 1 withdrawn 1) 25-10-133 (University Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District Signs) (H) to allow for illumination of two (2) wall signs and two (2) projecting signs 2) 25-10-133 (University Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District Signs), (F) to allow wall signs above the second floor, (G) (1) projecting sign for each building façade and (H) to allow for all signs to all be illuminated 3) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback and 25-2-551 (Lake Austin District Regulations) (E) (2) to increase maximum impervious cover on a slope 4) 25-6-472 (Parking Facility Standards) Appendix A (Tables of Off- Street parking and Loading Requirements) to reduce the number of required parking spaces 5) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (2) (a) for a Two-Family Residential use location at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure 6) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) decrease the minimum lot width and 25-2 (Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2, Development Standards, 2.6 Setback Planes) to decrease the 45 degree angle side setback plane 7) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) decrease the minimum lot width and 25-2 (Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2, Development Standards, 2.6 Setback Planes) to decrease the 45 degree angle side setback plane 8) to amend existing Granted variance C15-2020-0065, to remove the condition related to STR’s 9) 25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B) (1) (b) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback Withdrawn 1 1) 25- 2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard and 25-2 Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 3, 3.3 to increase the finished floor elevation of the first story Denied Discussion Items Jan 2021. interpretations 0 8 0 new inquiries (Added dec# 2020) The deposition of the case items: 24 A. Granted 20 B. Postponed 1 C. Withdrawn D. Denied 7 E. Discussion Items 59 H-1/1Granted 10 December 14, 2020 1) 25-10-131 (Additional Freestanding Signs permitted) (C) to increase the total number of freestanding signs 2) Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2, Development Standards Section 2.1 (Maximum Development Permitted) to increase the F.A.R 3) 25- 2-515 (Rear Yard of a Through Lot) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum rear yard setback 4) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum rear yard setback and 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum interior side yard setback 5) 25- 2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations)(B) (1) (a) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback and (C) (2) (a) increase the maximum impervious cover on a slope 6) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) setback requirements to decrease the minimum side yard setback and 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to increase the impervious cover 7) 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites)(B)(2) reduce setback and (C) (1) (b) increase height limit and (C)(2)(b) increase height limit 8) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum front yard setback and 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum rear yard setback and 25-6-472 (Parking Facility Standards) Appendix A (Tables of Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements) to reduce the number of required parking spaces 9) 25- 2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations)(B) (1) (a) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback and (C) (3) (a) increase the maximum impervious cover on a slope 10) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (5) (a) to increase the total area of a Second Dwelling Unit and to increase the second floor area PP Cases 1 1) 25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B) (1) (b) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items Dec. interpretations 1 new inquiries 0 0 8 The deposition of the case items: 24 A. Granted 11 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn 7 D. Denied E. Discussion Items 51 (Added dec# 2020) H-1/2November 9, 2020 1) 25-10-133 (University Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District Signs) (G) to allow for one (1) wall sign, one (1) blade sign, and a vinyl letter board, all illuminated 2) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (2) (a) which requires an Accessory Dwelling Unit to be located at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure 3) 25-2-1176 (Site Development Regulations for Docks, Marinas, and Other Lakefront Uses) (A) (4) (a) to increase shoreline frontage 1) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum front yard setback and rear yard setback and 25-6-472 (Parking FacilityStandards) Appendix A (Tables of Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements) to reduce the number of required parking spaces 2) 25- 2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B) (1) (a) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback and (C) (3) (a) to increase the maximum impervious cover on a slope 3) 25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B) (1) (b) from shoreline setback requirements to reduce the shoreline setback 4) 25- 2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback and Section 25-2 Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 3, 3.3 to increase the finished floor elevation of the first story 1) 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum lot size and to decrease the minimum lot width 2) 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) in order to increase the impervious cover 3) 25- 2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (5) (a) to increase the total area of a Second Dwelling Unit and (b) to increase the second floor area of a Second Dwelling Unit Granted PP Cases Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items 3 4 0 3 9 Oct. interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: 14 A. Granted 10 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn D. Denied 7 E. Discussion Items 43 (Added Oct# 2020) H-1/3 October 12, 2020 Granted PP Cases 1 1) 25-2-947 (Nonconforming Use Regulation Groups) (B) (2) to increase the improvement value 1) 25-2-1176 (Site Development Regulations for Docks, Marinas, and Other Lakefront Uses) (A) (4) (a) to increase shoreline frontage 2) 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) to decrease the required setback and increase the maximum allowable height requirements of Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2 – Development Standards a) (B) (2) reduce setback and b) (C) (1) (b) increase height limit 3) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (5) (a) to increase the total area and (b) to increase the second floor area 4) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) a) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback and b) from Section 25-2 4 Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, 3.3 to increase the finished floor elevation Article 3, 1) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback 0 1 Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items Oct. interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: 11 A. Granted 6 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn D. Denied 4 E. Discussion Items 34 8 (Added Oct# 2020) H-1/4 September 14, 2020 Granted 1) 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of a Through Lot) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum rear yard setback ct Regulations) (C) (3) to increase the 4 2) 25-2-551 (Lake Austin Distri maximum IC on a slope 3) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (B) 4) 25-2-774 (Two-Family Residential Use) (C) (2) (a) for a Two-Family Residential use location at least 10 feet to the rear or side of the principal structure from lot area 1) 25-2-947 (Nonconforming Use Regulation Groups) (B) (2) to increase the improvement value 0 1 PP Cases Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items Sept. interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: 10 A. Granted 2 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn 3 D. Denied E. Discussion Items 26 26 0 (Added Sept # 2020) H-1/5August 10, 2020 1) 25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) to reduce the Shoreline Setback 2) 25-6-472 (Parking Facility Standards) Appendix A (Tables of Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements) to reduce the number of required parking spaces 3) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) (D) to decrease the rear setback 4) 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum interior side setback; decrease the minimum rear yard setback; to increase building coverage; increase impervious coverage 0 4 Granted PP Cases Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items Aug. interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: 6 A. Granted 1 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn D. Denied 3 E. Discussion Items 18 18 0 0 (Added Aug # 2020) H-1/6 0 2 1 Granted PP Cases Withdrawn Denied Discussion Items July interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: 2 A. Granted 1 B. Postponed 0 C. Withdrawn D. Denied 3 E. Discussion Items 10 3 10 July 13, 2020 1) 25-10-133(C) to exceed sign area from 150 sq.ft. and (G) illuminate Both signs 2) 25-2-963 (D)(2) (a) to move the docks by consolidating them into 1 dock And to raise the top of the rail elevation to the 2 slip dock 1) 25-2-492 to decrease the minimum interior side SB, to decrease the Minimum rear yard SB, to increase the BC, to increase the IC 1) 25-10-124 (B)(1)(b) to increase the maximum sign area on lot and 25-10-125 (B)(2) height 2) 25-2-721 (C)(1) and (2) secondary SB area to allow construction of a home And to increase the maximum allowable IC 3) 25-2-492 to decrease the minimum interior side SB (Added July’s # 2020) H-1/7