F-2 C15-2021-0002 ADV PACKET PART2 — original pdf

F-2/38F-2/39F-2/40From: To: Subject: Date: maria lucchese Ramirez, Elaine 703 and 705 Fletcher 78704 Sunday, January 10, 2021 2:27:46 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** I am in favor of the requested variance for the builder. I am writing to allow the builder the variance they are requesting for their builds. Hello, I am a neighbor of the proposed two builds at 703 and 705 fletcher Ave 78704 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Maria Lucchese 2309 S 2ND ST 78704 Get Outlook for iOS CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. F-2/41F-2/42F-2/43F-2/44F-2/45F-2/46From: Ruth Framel Subject: Case C15-2021-0001 and 0002 Date: January 10, 2021 at 4:15 PM To: elaine.ramirez@austintexas.gov Cc: Brett Framel Good morning Elaine, As a courtesy for our neighbors, I am forwarding 4 responses to the variance requested for Case Numbers C15-2021- 0001 and C15-201-0002. Others will be emailing their thoughts to you directly. To my knowledge, the neighbors on this street are in favor or granting the request. Some felt they had made their preference known to the developer John Meyer, when he walked the neighborhood, and that was enough. However, when I looked at the official responses online at the COA website today, I noticed that only neighbors who are not affected by the building because they live on another street, had responded in the negative. And the BCNA, without bringing it to the membership or asking neighbors, decided to oppose. As neighbors to the lots, we have lived with truly terrible houses and poorly maintained lots for many years. We look forward to the improvement and look of homes that can be built, especially if the variance is approved. I would like to point out that in general I have been in favor of and appreciative of the general protections the McMansion Envelope has provided to neighbors and neighborhoods around Austin. However, especially in this neighborhood, we see way too many builders circumvent this ordinance by building 3 story skinny houses that are not nearly as livable as wider homes, and this type of build is particularly not in keeping with the surrounding homes. This builder is making a fair request based on the unusually skinny nature of the lots. John Meyer is doing a good job of trying to build responsibly and beautifully. As neighbors most impacted by these new homes, we respectfully request that you grant the variance request. Please include the 4 responses to each request attached to this email and confirm receipt. Most appreciatively, Ruth Framel and Brett Framel 709 Fletcher St. 512.415.0569 Alison and Steve Twigge…02.pdf Crystal D Flores respon…02.pdf Genine L Flores respon…02.pdf Ruth and Brett Framel…02.pdf F-2/47Ruth and Brett Framel…02.pdf F-2/48From: John Meyer Subject: Re: 703 and 705 Fletcher Date: January 4, 2021 at 1:56 PM To: paul strange Hello Paul, I saw your response to me from the SC meeting. I was not aware there was a meeting with our project on the agenda for the General Association in December. My understanding from our meeting on 11/13 was that we didn’t have enough time to meet all the deadlines for the SC meeting and then the GA meeting in time to be on the December GA meeting. I understood that we would not be eligible for a General Association meeting until the 1st one in 2021, which I had in my notes as the 2nd Tuesday in March. I remember our talking about how that would push us out until the April BOA meeting if we tried to wait for that meeting before presenting to the BOA. As I recall you’d asked me what our hurry was. As I recall my response was that we have to continue to pay interest and make a living, and that would be quite a long delay. You’d commented that at least interest rates were low right now. At any rate, I wish I had known our project could have been on the General Assembly meeting agenda in December. I feel like the general assembly could have benefitted from the same presentation we plan to present to the BOA. Regards, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 www On Jan 4, 2021, at 1:40 PM, paul strange < > wrote: John we're going to be discussing that tonight as we're going to go to quarterly rather than bi-monthly meetings. Probably be the last month in each quarter, so it would be March 9. Why are you asking? The General Association voted on your Fletcher Street Properties at our December 8 Meeting and we advised the BOA of that decision. From: John Meyer Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 1:11 PM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul Thank you John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 Can you please confirm when the next general association meeting for the BCNA is? Dec 7, 2020, at 8:10 PM, paul strange wrote: John, the Steering Committee voted to oppose your request to pierce the McMansion Envelop on the two 35' lots you own on Fletcher. We feel there a precedent issue involved and not a true hardship. Two narrow 6,849 SF lots owned by the same individual allow for multiple design options. Please advise any questions. F-2/49From: John Meyer Subject: Re: 703 and 705 Fletcher Date: January 14, 2021 at 3:30 PM To: paul strange Hello Paul, Regards, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 www Is there any chance you could call a adhoc meeting for the General Association prior to the 2/8 BOA meeting? We’d like to show the neighborhood group the details of our variance request. We feel like the impact to the neighbors is practically nil since we are only asking for the variances on the side of the houses that face each other. We are not asking for any variance (other than the lot width) for the side of the houses that face neighbors' houses. We’ve spoken to quite a few in the neighborhood and have received very positive feedback, especially from several of the abutting neighbors. On Jan 4, 2021, at 1:40 PM, paul strange > wrote: John we're going to be discussing that tonight as we're going to go to quarterly rather than bi-monthly meetings. Probably be the last month in each quarter, so it would be March 9. Why are you asking? The General Association voted on your Fletcher Street Properties at our December 8 Meeting and we advised the BOA of that decision. From: John Meyer <J Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 1:11 PM To: paul strange < 703 and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul Thank you John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 Can you please confirm when the next general association meeting for the BCNA is? Dec 7, 2020, at 8:10 PM, paul strange > wrote: John, the Steering Committee voted to oppose your request to pierce the McMansion Envelop on the two 35' lots you own on Fletcher. We feel there a precedent issue involved and not a true hardship. Two narrow 6,849 SF lots owned by the same individual allow for multiple design options. Please advise any questions. F-2/50From: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Date: December 4, 2020 at 4:22 Thanks John. The SC will be meeting Monday and I'll get back to you after they have voted. From: John Meyer Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 11:12 AM To: paul strange < Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul, > I’ve attached the cover letter we included to the CoA with our applications for the variances for the 2 lots at 703 and 705 Fletcher. I thought it might be useful in your Steering Committee meeting next week. Please feel free to use it or not as you like. I hope all is well. Regards, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 ww On Nov 20, 2020, at 10:22 AM, paul strange : No. It's a simple case and not hard to understand. I don't know what you or your architect could personally add that would clarify the issue further. On Nov 20, 2020, at 10:11 AM, paul strange < wrote: John, we have enough information based on your submission to make a recommendation to the Steering Committee. Once they meet and vote, I'll advise you of the SC's decision. From: John Meyer < Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 10:15 AM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Will we be attending the SC meeting to present our case? Thanks, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 www. From: John Meyer < Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 8:16 AM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul, > Do you know yet when we’ll be having this meeting? Regards, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 Nov 14, 2020, at 3:33 PM, paul strange wrote: John, I will call an ad hoc meeting if you get me something in the next couple of days. It's a simple issue, what F-2/51John, I will call an ad hoc meeting if you get me something in the next couple of days. It's a simple issue, what are the precedent issues if we would recommend approval. From: paul strange < To: John Meyer < November 14, 2020 3:15 PM 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher John, once I have them, I will schedule a meeting. As I told you, we don't meet unless we have an applicant ask to meet with us and have all the background, we require to understand the situation and the "ask". When we meet, we start our meetings at 7:00. Please understand, we are a volunteer organization and as such often have competing commitments. Also, we have not been meeting much this year due to the Covid and the LDC rewrite. I'm not going to tell them to keep their schedules open until I have something to show them. Our architect should have some massing models to go along with the floor plates for illustrations for Monday. What time is the meeting scheduled? On Nov 12, 2020, at 4:37 PM, paul strange < > wrote: John, I'll see you tomorrow @ 10:00. My printer is low on color ink, but you might want to print out the BCNA FLUM. From: John Meyer < Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 12:30 PM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul, Thanks John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210.882.6263 From: John Meyer < Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5:00 PM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul, > Regards John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 ww Would there be a time on Friday or Monday we could get together for a short meeting about these lots? I could come to your office or we could meet at our architects in one of their meeting rooms on E 7th St. On Nov 9, 2020, at 4:53 PM, paul strange <s wrote: The Steering Committee meets monthly and the Zoning Committee meets Monthly when we have an applicant that wants to contact us. Due to the LDC Rewrite, which is presently on hold, we have not had many meetings this calendar year. The GA will meet the 2nd Tuesday in December and quarterly in 2021. The SC has had their November Meeting and I'm not calling the Zoning Committee together until we have a genuine need. All meetings are being held virtually via Zoom. From: John Meyer Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 10:47 AM To: paul strange Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher Hello Paul, > > F-2/52My apologies for not replying sooner. We are meeting with the architect tomorrow to see/discuss some potential ideas for working with these two lots. I should be able to get with you soon after that - hopefully this week. How often does the Zoning Committee and BCNA Steering Committee meet? Also, how long do you put it out to the general association for a vote? We’re working on a preliminary timeline and trying to get a sense of the process. Regards, John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 w On Nov 9, 2020, at 10:37 AM, paul strange < wrote: John, I haven't heard from you. Reach out when you are ready to discuss these two properties. From: paul strange Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 9:35 AM To: John Meyer < <k < Subject: Re: 703 Fletcher and 705 Fletcher John the process is that the developer communicates with the Zoning Committee who makes a recommendation to the BCNA Steering Committee who then votes on that recommendation which then goes to the general association for a vote. Please communicate directly with me as I am chair of the ZC. ; pinkhouse iphone Coldwell Matt >; Ronnie Dittmar >; Jesse Moore > >; Kate Francis On November 3, 2020, at 8:26 AM, John Meyer <J > wrote: Hello All, We are planning to develop the lots at 703 and 705 Fletcher. Each lot will have a new single family home built on it. However there are some issues. Currently each lot is only 35’ wide and the minimum lot width requirement in Austin is 50’. Therefore we’ll need to obtain a variance. I’d like to discuss some potential options related to the variance and would like to meet with the neighborhood group. Would it be possible to have a preliminary conversation with the group, or a steering committee or a sector rep? I’m not sure if we’ve found the latest contact info related this particular neighborhood group. So, if not, please accept our apologies. If you wouldn't mind to forward this email on the appropriate person (or let me know who might be a better contact), I’d really appreciate it. I can be reached at the number below as well. Regards John Meyer, President J Angelo Design Build 210-882-6263 FLUM.pdf> F-2/53