E-1 C15-2020-0057 LATE BACKUP — original pdf

Subject: Date: Importance: Re: Advanced Packet deadline for the Mon. 1/11/21 BOA mtg. Friday, December 18, 2020 3:52:10 PM High *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** From: Elaine, Thanks for reaching out with the reminder. However, once we sat down, replayed the last meeting and sat down and discussed spending more time and money presenting to this committee we have decided to not engage further, Our experience with the first meeting was extremely negative. 2 hours of our time was wasted waiting for technical issues to resolve where we had to pay fees for architects to sit and wait and then members of the committee were dismissive and aggressive from the start and our presenter didn’t even get a full 5 minutes. There were comments from other attendees within social channels regarding this specific meeting and the lack of professionalism demonstrated by specific participants. We did not contribute to these channels of communication in fear that it would further bias the participants against our case. Statements from committee members personalized our case. Individuals made comments regarding their distain for farmhouse modern design, how they personally had no back yard, how they personally live on a much smaller lot than ours, and how their backyards slope (not across their entire lot) and they don’t need a basement exemption. All of these had no bearing on our lot, neighborhood and case, they all only served only to demonstrate how they personalized the case. We have a 10K sq/ft pie shaped lot with a 20ft drop side-to-side, of which none of the committee members live on, so their personal living choices does not have impact on the merit of our case. Even in discussion about representing our case or gathering additional information members proactively stated that would not change their position and would be a waste of our time and theirs. As Austin residents of over 20 years, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in the lack of professionalism and craft that was demonstrated in this meeting. We do appreciate the portion of the committee that behaved professionally, seemed open to listening to the merit of our case and tried to influence the room back to and open or at the very least clarifying position. But for the most part they were not the loudest voices in the room. There was one gentleman that three times said that based on simple facts of our case of which was shape, slope, and % of lot in front yard setback this project qualifies for hardship. We have one of two front facing pie shape lots in the neighborhood of over 200-300 lots in the neighborhood we showed in our submission, the other lot of similar shape and size has a front setback of 15’ and is 3 lots from ours, and that lot does not have the same slope considerations that our lot demonstrates. I can’t believe that a $3000 fee and $65,000 of taxes on a property over 7 years provides this level of service to tax payers. I am severely disappointed in the professionalism, craft and honestly lack of service orientation the loudest portion of this group takes to those Austin residents coming before them seeking clarity and assistance. The fact that others took to E-1/1-LATE BACKUPsocial channels to convey similar views indicates to me that the feedback is valid and our dollars were wasted presenting to an already biased committee. I would ask that our fees get refunded given that there was never intention to listen to this case or engage in clarifying what does and doesn’t constitute a hardship outside of individuals stating that their personal living conditions or design preferences were less than what we were asking to achieve with this project. On a personal note to you, thanks for your help and continued follow-up. Bryan On Dec 18, 2020, at 9:12 AM, Ramirez, Elaine <Elaine.Ramirez@austintexas.gov> wrote: Good morning Applicants on the Mon. Jan. 11th, 2021 BOA mtg. Agenda, Please read this entire e-mail <image003.png> <image003.png> The deadline to submit information for the Advanced Packet (must be submitted in PDF format) is today, Friday, December 18 before 3p.m. Advanced Packet: You have until Friday, Dec. 18th before 3p.m. to submit any maps, surveys, drawings, photos, Support Letters and any additional documentation (including the Special Exception Inspection Report if you applied for a Special Exception, if REPORT not included this case will have to be Postponed) you want included as part of your Advanced Packet for your BOA variance case. This will need to be submitted to me via e-mail in PDF format. The deadline to submit the Presentation (must be submitted in PDF format or Powerpoint) is Monday, January 4, before 3p.m. The deadline to submit Speaker Information (who will speak at the meeting and/or available for questions) is Tuesday, January 5, before 3p.m. The deadline for Opposition and Support letters is Mon. January 11 before 9:00a.m. E-1/2-LATE BACKUPAdvanced Packet: You have until Friday, Dec. 18th before 3p.m. to submit any maps, surveys, drawings, photos and any additional documentation (including the Special Exception Inspection Report if you applied for a Special Exception, if REPORT not included this case will have to be Postponed) you want included as part of your Advanced Packet for your BOA variance case. This will need to be submitted to me via e-mail in PDF format. Presentation: If you would like the Board to follow along with you as you are giving your presentation, you will need to have your Presentation completed and sent to me in PDF format or Powerpoint to give to our City Technician as well as our BOA Board will have access to view this the week prior to the meeting . The Deadline for this is Monday, Jan. 4th before 3p.m. No late Presentations or updated Presentations will be accepted after 3p.m. on Mon. January 4th. The Presentation will need to be labeled with the following information: case #,address of project and name of Applicant speaking at the meeting. Speakers: If you will be speaking/giving presentation or be on the list for the Board to possibly call on you for questions I will need the following information: No late Speakers will be accepted after 3p.m. on Tues. Jan. 5th. 1. Name of speaker to give presentation on BOA Case, are you the applicant, Homeowner, Land Surveyor, Architect, etc. 2. Addtl. possible Speakers name(s) and who they are 3. Address of BOA Case 4. Case # 5. A good phone number, if you have a landline this will be the best phone number to provide? It has to be the phone number that the Speaker will be calling from on Monday Jan. 11th, 2021 to speak at the meeting (it cannot be a different number, your call will not be accepted). Once you send me the number it cannot be changed, it is sent to City Clerk’s office to accept the calls 6. E-mail Address, it will need to be an e-mail address that the Speaker will be able to easily access his/her e-mails? Please note: Any late support that will be accepted after this deadline date of December 18th, 2020 will only be for Opposition and Support letters for this case. Support and Opposition Letters can be received up to Monday, January 11th before 9a.m., in order for the Board to have access to them during the meeting. Also per our IT Dept. please know that using a headset with a microphone will give you the best meeting experience. If meeting participants are calling (using a phone) in to the meeting, and using video from an iPad or computer, they will need to mute the microphone on the other device, and mute the audio from the other device. They are either calling in for audio, or they are E-1/3-LATE BACKUPusing their PC or iPad for audio…they cannot use both, it causes major issues with audio feedback. Respectfully, Elaine Ramirez Planner Senior / Board of Adjustment Liaison City of Austin Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, Texas 78752 Office: 512-974-2202 <image004.png> PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk’s website | City Clerk’s FAQ’s CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. E-1/4-LATE BACKUP