D-1 C15-2020-0025 ADV PACKET PART1 — original pdf

BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2020-0025 BOA DATE: January 11th, 2021 ADDRESS: 3707 Rivercrest Dr OWNER: John Riley COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 AGENT: David Cancialosi ZONING: LA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 21A BLK D * RESUB OF LT 66 BLK A & LT 21 BLK D RIVERCREST ADDN SEC 2 VARIANCE REQUEST: reduce front setback from 40 ft. 10.5 ft. and increase I.C on a slope gradient of more than 35 percent to 11.5 percent SUMMARY: erect single-family structure + associated improvements ISSUES: LA zoning category was assigned to properties regardless of their compliance ZONING LAND USES Site LA North LA South East West PUD LA LA Single-family Lake Austin Planned Unit Development Single-family Single-family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets BRNA Association Inc. Bike Austin City of Rollingwood Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Glenlake Neighborhood Association Save Our Springs Alliance Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group TNR BCP - Travis County Natural Resources The Creek at Riverbend Neighborhood Association D-1/1D-1/2D-1/3D-1/4D-1/5D-1/6D-1/7D-1/8D-1/9D-1/10D-1/11D-1/12D-1/13D-1/14D-1/15D-1/16D-1/17D-1/18D-1/19D-1/20D-1/21D-1/22D-1/23D-1/24D-1/25D-1/26D-1/27D-1/28D-1/29