D-5 C15-2021-0002 ADV PACKET — original pdf

BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2021-0002 BOA DATE: January 11th, 2021 COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 AGENT: John Meyer ADDRESS: 705 Fletcher St OWNER: Rooster Res 1 LP ZONING: SF-3-NP (Bouldin Creek) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W35FT OF E205FT BLK 3 BAWCOM SUBD VARIANCE REQUEST: decrease the minimum lot width from 50 feet to 34 feet 9 inches and decrease 45 degree angle side setback plane to 0 degrees on east side. SUMMARY: erect a new Single-Family Residence ISSUES: substandard lot width ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Planning Team Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Perry Grid 614 Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group South Central Coalition D-5/1Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application - - - For Office Use Only Case # __________________ ROW # ___________________ Tax # ____________________ Section 1: Applicant Statement Street Address: __________________________________________________________________ 705 Fletcher Austin Texas 78704 ____________________________________________________________________________ BEING THE WEST 35 FEET OF THE EAST 205 FEET OF BLOCK 3, BAWCOM ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING _________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ SF-3-NP ________________________________________________ John Meyer ________________________________________________ Rooster Res 1 LP December 3 2020 ______________________________________________________________ New construction of a single family home of approximately 3100 SF ____________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 | Page 4 of 8 D-5/2____________________________________________________________________________ I am requesting variances from the Land Development Code for a SF-3 Residential lot: ____________________________________________________________________________ #1) LDC 25-2-492 (D) 50' min lot width to be changed to 34'-9" lot width ____________________________________________________________________________ #2) LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A Side Setback Planes specifying 45 Deg angle above ____________________________________________________________________________ 15' above grade be removed from the shared lot line between 703 & 705 Fletcher (see below) Section 2: Variance Findings ____________________________________________________________________________ This lot was created March,1948 and received water and wastewater services at that time. ____________________________________________________________________________ There has been a house located on this lot for most of the time since its creation and has been ____________________________________________________________________________ sold to different owners over the years. (PRESENTATION PAGE 1: AREA MAP) ____________________________________________________________________________ Single Family Residential use in SF3 zoning is a reasonable use. LDC 25-2-492(D) mandates a minimum 50' lot width for SF3 lots. Therefore without a variance the subject property could ____________________________________________________________________________ not have a house built on it. Had it been created prior to 1948, this lot would have received ____________________________________________________________________________ land status. (see more below) ____________________________________________________________________________ a) b) ____________________________________________________________________________ The subject property is 34'-9" wide and 198' deep for a total of 6,941 sf of land which is a similar ____________________________________________________________________________ land area of a typical/standard lot. All of our hardships are a result of the substandard lot width. ____________________________________________________________________________ The 1st hardship is the narrow lot width of 34'-9" which currently prohibits us from obtaining ____________________________________________________________________________ legal lot status. (see more below) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Houses built on 50' wide lots would not have any of these hardships. These hardships are not general to the area because most of the lots are over 50' wide or have already received land ____________________________________________________________________________ status determination. (see more below) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 | Page 5 of 8 D-5/3____________________________________________________________________________ Granting the requested variances will not alter the character of the area. Conversely, it will ____________________________________________________________________________ work to preserve the character of the area by allowing for the design and sizing of 2 new ____________________________________________________________________________ houses that will look more like the existing houses on the lots as well as other new houses built ____________________________________________________________________________ in the area. (see more below) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ - - 1. 2. 3. 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ parking is not affected ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Parking is not affected ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Parking is not affected ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Parking is not a part of this application ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 | Page 6 of 8 D-5/4Section 3: Applicant Certificate ____________________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ John Meyer __________________________________________________________ 612 Crestwood Dr ________________________________________ KIngsland ________________ TX _______ 78639 ____________________________________________________ (210) 882-6263 __________________ Section 4: Owner Certificate ______________________________________________ _____________ ______________________________________________________ John Meyer Mgr, Rooster Res 1 LP ____________________________________________________________ 612 Crestwood Dr ________________________________________ Kingsland ________________ TX _______ 78639 ____________________________________________________ (210) 882-6263 __________________ Section 5: Agent Information ____________________________________________________________________ John Meyer, Pres, Foristar Development, Inc ____________________________________________________________ 612 Crestwood Dr ________________________________________ Kingsland ________________ Texas _______ 78639 ____________________________________________________ (210) 882-6263 ____________________________________________ Section 6: Additional Space (if applicable) _______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 1: Portion of the City of Austin Land Development Code applicant is seeking a variance _______________________________________________________________________________ from Cont'd: #3) LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Artcl 2.7 Sidewall Articulation specifying a 4' deep and 10' _______________________________________________________________________________ wide sidewall articulation at every 36' be removed from the side of the lot that is a shared lot line _______________________________________________________________________________ between 703 and 705 Fletcher | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 | Page 7 of 8 D-5/5_______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 2 - REASONABLE USE - CONT'D: Lots less than 50' wide are not uncommon as there _______________________________________________________________________________ are approx 60 lots within 1000' of subject property less than 50' wide. (PRESENTATION PAGE 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ NEIGHBORHOOD MAP) _______________________________________________________________________________ It is reasonable for a 34'-9" wide by 198' deep lot to fully utilize maximum Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) _______________________________________________________________________________ and Impervious Cover (IC) allowances enjoyed by other legal lots over 50' wide. For this to happen _______________________________________________________________________________ relief is required from the mandates of LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A and LDC 25-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Subchapter F Article 2.7 as noted herein. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 2 - HARDSHIP - CONT'D: The 2nd hardship is the narrow lot width combined with the _______________________________________________________________________________ side setback plane (LDC 25-2 Sub F, Art 2.6A) limits the potential building width to 14'-6" wide at _______________________________________________________________________________ 25' above grade and 4'-6" wide at 30' above grade. A typical 50' lot would only be limited to a _______________________________________________________________________________ potential building width of 30' wide at 25' above grade and 20' wide 30' above grade. We are _______________________________________________________________________________ asking for a variance from the side setback plane along the shared property line between 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ adjacent lots (703 and 705 Fletcher) in order to allow us to build 19'-6" wide at 25' above grade and _______________________________________________________________________________ 14'-6" wide at 30' above grade. (PRESENTATION PAGE 3: SITE SECTION) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ The 3rd hardship is that the narrow lot combined with the setback articulation requirement (LDC _______________________________________________________________________________ 25-2 Sub F, Art 2.7) limits the potential building width to an unreasonable size. The possible _______________________________________________________________________________ building width is limited to 25' wide (5' setback on either side) and 17' at the required articulation (4' _______________________________________________________________________________ articulation on either side). A typical 50' wide lot would only be limited to 40' at the setback and 32' _______________________________________________________________________________ at the required articulations. We are asking for a variance from the setback articulation _______________________________________________________________________________ requirement only along the shared property line between the 2 adjacent lots (703 and 705 _______________________________________________________________________________ Fletcher). _______________________________________________________________________________ Houses built on 50' lots would have neither of hardships as noted above. After 70 years, the _______________________________________________________________________________ existing house has reached the end of it useful lifespan. We need these variances to build an _______________________________________________________________________________ appropriately sized new house with the same lot utilization as other legal lots. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 2 - AREA CHARACTER - CONT'D: Granting the variance on LDC 25-2-492(D) _______________________________________________________________________________ "minimum lot width" will not change the area character since other new houses of similar size and _______________________________________________________________________________ scope already exist. Granting a variances on LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A "Side Setback _______________________________________________________________________________ Planes" and LDC 25-2 Subchapter F, Article 2.7 "Sidewall Articulation" (on the interior lot line _______________________________________________________________________________ between 703 and 705 Fletcher) will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent lots since the _______________________________________________________________________________ limitation will remain unchanged for the property lines to the west of 705 Fletcher and the East of _______________________________________________________________________________ 703 Fletcher. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ We no not believe these variances will set a precedent as this condition of having a single owner _______________________________________________________________________________ with 2 side by side 35' wide lots is quite unique and not a condition found elsewhere in the _______________________________________________________________________________ neighborhood. | Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 | Page 8 of 8 D-5/6D-5/7Foristar Development, Inc 612 Crestwood Dr Kingsland, TX 78639 John Meyer 210-882-6263 RE: Request Variances for two SF-3 Lots: 703 Fletcher St 705 Fletcher St To reduce lot width requirement Relief on side setback planes Relief on sidewall articulation SUMMARY OF VARIANCE REQUESTS Here are the land development codes we seek a variance from: Variance 1: LDC 25-2-492 (D) SF-3 minimum lot width requirement of 50’ Code specifying 50’ lot: We are asking for a variance from the 50’ minimum lot width so that we are able to be considered a legal lot with the existing 34’-9” lot width. Variance 2: LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A “Side Setback Planes” Code specifying the 45 degree angle above 15’ for the mcmansion tent: We are asking to remove the side setback plane along the shared property line between the two lots. Variance 3: LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.7 “Sidewall Articulation” Code specifying a 4’ deep and 10’ wide sidewall articulation at every 36’: We are asking to remove the requirement for articulation along the shared property line between the two lots. Reasonable Use: This application demonstrates to the board how the zoning regs applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use of the property This lot was created in March of 1948 and received water and wastewater services at that time as well. There has been a house located on this lot for most of the time since its creation and has been sold to different owners over the years. (Presentation page 1: AREA MAP) Single family residential use in SF3 is a reasonable use. LDC 25-2-492 (D) mandates a minimum of 50’ width for an SF-3 lot. Therefore, without a variance the subject property could not have a house built on it. Had it been built prior to 1948, it would have received land status. A lot of less than 50’ width is not uncommon as there are approximately 60 lots within 1000’ of subject property less than 50’ wide. (Presentation page 4: NEIGHBORHOOD MAP) We have presented to the neighborhood zoning commission as well as the neighborhood steering committee. D-5/8Hardship: A) This application demonstrates to the board how the hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property. Hardship should be specific to the property for which the variance is being requested B) This application demonstrates to the board why the hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located. Describe how the hardship relating to the site is different from to other properties in the area. The subject property is 35’ wide and 198’ deep for a total of 6,941 SF of land which is a similar land area to that of a standard lot. Both of our hardships are created as a result of the substandard lot width. The first hardship is that the narrow lot width in combination with the side setback plane (LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A) limit the potential building width to 14’-6” wide at 25’ above grade and 4’-6” wide at 30’ above grade. A typical 50’ wide lot would be limited to potential building width of 30’ wide at 25’ above grade and 20’ wide at 30’ above grade. We are asking a variance from the side setback plane along the common property line between the 2 adjacent lots in order to allow us to build 19’-6” wide at 25’ above grade and 14’-6” wide at 30’ above grade. (Presentation Page 3: SITE SECTION) The second hardship is that the narrow lot width in combination with the setback articulation requirements (LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.7) limit the potential building width to an unreasonable size. The possible building width is limited to 25’ wide (5’ setback on either side) and 17’ at the required articulation (4’ articulation on either side). A typical 50’ wide lot would be limited to 40’ at the setbacks and 32’ at the required articulation. We are asking a variance from the setback articulation requirements along the common property line between the 2 adjacent lots. Houses built on 50’ wide lots would not have either of these hardships. This hardship is not general to the area because most of the lots are over 50’ wide or have already received land status determination. After 70 years, the existing houses on these lots have reached the end of their lifespan. We need these variances to build appropriately-sized new houses and the same building rights as other lots. D-5/9Area Character This application demonstrates to the board how the variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming properties and will not impair the purpose of the zoning regulation Granting the requested variances will not alter the character of the area. Conversely, the variances will work to preserve the character of the area by allowing for the design and sizing of new houses that will look more like the existing houses on the lots as well as the new houses built in the area. There are numerous new houses that have been recently built in the area. Granting the variances on LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A “Side Setback Planes” and LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.7 “Sidewall Articulation” on the interior lot line between 703 & 705 Fletcher will not have adverse impacts on adjacent lots since the limitation will remain unchanged for the property lines to the West of 705 Fletcher and East of 703 Fletcher. We do not believe that these variances will set a precedent as this condition, having a single owner with 2 side- by-side 35’ wide lots, is quite unique and not a condition found elsewhere in the neighborhood. Parking Parking is not affected Summation In summation, I ask the Board of Adjustment to approve these variances so the properties can be utilized in an efficient manner consistent with the current and future needs of the immediate area. D-5/10Foristar Development, Inc 612 Crestwood Dr Kingsland, TX 78639 210-882-6263 Cover Letter December 18, 2020 City of Austin Board of Adjustment Don Leighton-Burwell, Chair One Texas Center 505 Barton Springs Austin, Texas 78704 RE: Request Variances for two SF-3 Lots: 703 Fletcher St 705 Fletcher St To reduce lot width requirement Relief on side setback planes Relief on sidewall articulation Mr. Don Leighton-Burwell, chair and Board Members: We are seeking to obtain variances necessary to build two new single-family homes of a size, scope, and design commensurate to other new homes in the urban core of Austin and the Bouldin Creek area. Additionally the variances are necessary to achieve the full bundle of rights available with regard to Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) and Impervious Cover (IC) enjoyed by other lots that are 50’ or wider. The owner has acquired 2 lots adjacent to one another on Fletcher Street. Each lot is 35’ wide and 198’ deep. Both lots were created at the same time in March of 1948. It is fair and right the City of Austin should have ordinances so that existing homeowners are protected from newly built outsized structures crowding them, or otherwise impacting the reasonable enjoyment of their property. When any such condition did not exist at the time homeowners acquired their property, it is appropriate that it be considered carefully before allowing such condition to arise afterward. In keeping with the spirit of the City’s intention, we have only requested variances along the shared lot line between 703 & 705 Fletcher since all future owners of these two houses will see this condition prior to choosing to buy, and do not need the protection afforded by the ordinances - especially since the requested variances are subtle and do not affect the character of the area. We have not asked for any variances on the side of our lots that abut any neighbor. In this way they keep what they originally bargained for. Thank you for your consideration John Meyer, President Foristar Development, Inc D-5/11ADJACENT RESIDENCE SHED (NO FOUNDATION) FLETCHER PLACE ONE VOL. 101, PG. 144, P.R.T.C.T. LOMA LINDA VOL. 4, PG. 216, P.R.T.C.T. N 6 9 ° 1 2 ' 0 0 " W ' 3 5 . 0 0 ' 9 . 0 ' 2 . 1 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1.8' 1.7' LOT 3 BAWCOM SUBDIVISION ' SHED 9 . 9 7.5' 1 2 . 4 ' ' 4 0 . 8 9 1 W " 7 5 ' 7 3 ° 9 2 S 3.5' 0.4' ' 4 0 . 8 9 1 E " 7 5 ' 7 3 ° 9 2 N E C N E D S E R I 21.1' T E E R T S R E H C T E L F 5 0 7 ' . 6 1 5 ' . 8 7 4 UTILITY POLE EM ' 9.9' 8 11.2' 3 . 9.6' GENINE L. FLORES DOC. NO. 2000205569 D.R.T.C.T. CM 1/2" IRF 1 7 7 . 0 0 ' CM 1/2" IRF 4 4 . 0 0 ' N 6 9 ° 1 2 ' 0 0 " W 2 5 . 0 ' ' 1 . 1 0.5' 1/2" IRS UTILITY POLE S 6 9 ° 1 2 ' 0 0 " E ( R E F E R E N C E B E A R I N G ) W 3 5 . 0 0 ' WATER METER 1/2" IRS F L E T C H E R S T R E E T ( M A R T H A S T R E E T P E R P L A T ) ( 5 0 ' R . O . W . ) LEGEND: WIRE FENCE CHAINLINK FENCE WROUGHT IRON FENCE WOOD FENCE VINYL FENCE ELECTRIC LINE ASPHALT = CONCRETE = GRAVEL = TILE = WOOD = GM = GAS METER EM = ELECTRIC METER IPF = IRON PIPE FOUND IRF = IRON ROD FOUND IRS = IRON ROD SET CM = CONTROLLING MONUMENT (WOOD) RAILROAD TIE = STONE = BRICK = NOTES: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE RECORDED PLAT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING THE WEST 35 FEET OF THE EAST 205 FEET OF BLOCK 3, BAWCOM SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 51, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DATE A SURVEY WAS MADE ON THE GROUND, UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND REFLECTS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE DIMENSIONS AND CALLS OF PROPERTY LINES AND LOCATION AND TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTS. THERE ARE NO VISIBLE AND APPARENT EASEMENTS, CONFLICTS, INTRUSIONS OR PROTRUSIONS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN. THIS SURVEY IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES AND IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE HEREON NAMED PURCHASER, MORTGAGE COMPANY, AND TITLE COMPANY ONLY AND THIS SURVEY IS MADE PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN TITLE COMMITMENT UNDER THE GF NUMBER SHOWN HEREON, PROVIDED BY THE TITLE COMPANY NAMED HEREON AND THAT THIS DATE, THE EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, OR OTHER LOCATABLE MATTERS OF RECORD THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS KNOWLEDGE OR HAS BEEN ADVISED ARE AS SHOWN OR NOTED HEREON. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS PERTAINING TO THE RECORDED PLAT REFERENCED HEREON. DATE: FIELD: 07/30/20 07/29/20 JOB NO.: 20-05548 705 FLETCHER STREET, AUSTIN, TX 78704 0' 15' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"= 30' GF. NO. BORROWER 202001731 TITLE CO. HERITAGE TITLE TECH FIELD TAG RG FLOOD INFORMATION: THE SUBJECT PROPERTY DOES NOT APPEAR TO LIE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A 100-YEAR FLOOD HAZARD ZONE ACCORDING TO THE MAP PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, AND HAS A ZONE "X" RATING AS SHOWN BY MAP NO. 48453C0585 H, DATED SEPTEMBER 26, 2008. DATE: ACCEPTED BY: David AppleD-5/12703 FLETCHER 705 FLETCHER STREET VIEW (CURRENT) 1 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/13705 FLETCHER 703 FLETCHER PROJECT NAME: 703 + 705 FLETCHER ST GSPublisherVersion IMAGE NAME: AREA MAP AREA MAP DATE: PLAN NORTH 12/18/2020 2 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/14705 FLETCHER ST POOL N 6 9 ° 1 2 ' 0 0 " W 7 0 . 0 0 ' 1 0 ' S E T B A C K 703 FLETCHER ST POOL N 29° 37' 57" E 198.04' 5' SETBACK 5' SETBACK 5' SETBACK TWO-STORY RESIDENCE 70' x 24'-9" CARPORT 20' x 8' GARAGE 20' x 12' 2 5 ' S E T B A C K S 6 9 ° 1 2 ' 0 0 " E 7 0 . 0 0 ' F L E T C H E R S T R E E T 703 FLETCHER: ALLOWABLE AREAS SITE AREA ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS COVER PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS COVER ALLOWABLE BUILDING COVER PROPOSED BUILDING COVER BUILDING AREAS CARPORT GARAGE TWO-STORY RESIDENCE TOTAL BUILDING AREA 45 % 40 % 6,849 SF 3,082 SF 2,459 SF 2,740 SF 2,130 SF SF 0 SF 40 SF 2,700 2,740 SF TWO-STORY RESIDENCE 70' x 24'-9" GARAGE 20' x 12' CARPORT 20' x 8' 5' SETBACK S 29° 37' 57" E 198.04' 705 FLETCHER: ALLOWABLE AREAS SITE AREA ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS COVER PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS COVER ALLOWABLE BUILDING COVER PROPOSED BUILDING COVER (450 SF REDUCTION) (200 SF REDUCTION) BUILDING AREAS CARPORT GARAGE TWO-STORY RESIDENCE TOTAL BUILDING AREA PLAN NORTH 6,849 SF 3,082 SF 2,478 SF 2,740 SF 2,130 SF SF 0 SF 40 SF 2,700 2,740 SF 45 % 40 % (450 SF REDUCTION) (200 SF REDUCTION) ALLOWABLE F.A.R. 2,740 SF 0.4 TO 1 ALLOWABLE F.A.R. 2,740 SF 0.4 TO 1 IMAGE NAME: SCALE: DATE: TWO LOTS: A SITE PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" 11/16/20 3 PROJECT NAME: 703 + 705 FLETCHER ST GSPublisherVersion PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/15D ST R S 3 D ST N S 2 ST ST S 1 Legend W LIVE OAK ST PROPOSED LOTS (703 + 705 FLETCHER ST) OTHER SUBSTANDARD LOTS (LESS THAN 50’ WIDE) FLETCHER ST E V T A S E R K C A O W OLTO RF ST 0.1 0 0.04 0.1 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: 1: 2,443 Notes NEIGHBORHOOD MAP 4 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/16TYPICAL 50' LOT 30'-0" 20'-0" 32' 30' 25' 20' 15' I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 I E N L Y T R E P O R P 703 FLETCHER 705 FLETCHER 14'-6" 4'-6" 32' 30' 19'-6" 14'-6" PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA 32' 30' 25' 20' 15' I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 25' 20' K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 15' I E N L Y T R E P O R P 5'-0" 40'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 24'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" 24'-6" 5'-0" PROJECT NAME: 703 + 705 FLETCHER ST GSPublisherVersion IMAGE NAME: DATE: SITE SECTION SITE SECTION 11/16/20 5 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/17CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA 24’-6” 14’-6” 24’-6” 19’-6” ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE AREA ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE AREA STREET VIEW 6 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/18CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA 24’-6” 14’-6” 24’-6” 19’-6” ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE AREA ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE AREA OVERHEAD VIEW 7 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/19TYPICAL 50' LOT 703 FLETCHER 705 FLETCHER 32'-0" 16'-6" 20'-6" PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA " 0 - ' 0 1 PROPOSED ALLOWABLE AREA " 0 - ' 0 1 36' 15' I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 " 0 - ' 0 1 36' K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 15' I E N L Y T R E P O R P ALLOWABLE AREA CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA CURRENT ALLOWABLE AREA K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 I E N L Y T R E P O R P K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 5'-0" 40'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 24'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" 24'-6" 5'-0" IMAGE NAME: DATE: ARTICULATION DIAGRAM ARTICULATION DIAGRAM 12/18/2020 8 " 0 - ' 0 1 36' K C A B T E S G N D L U B I I ' 5 I E N L Y T R E P O R P PROJECT NAME: 703 + 705 FLETCHER ST GSPublisherVersion PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/20SUBSTANDARD LOT WIDTH (34’-9” EACH) HARDSHIP ASKING FOR (LDC 25-2-492-D) 1. PERMISSION TO BUILD ON A LOT WITH A SUBSTANDARD LOT WIDTH 2. REMOVAL OF THE MCMANSION SIDE SETBACK PLANES BETWEEN THE TWO LOTS (LDC 25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.6A) 3. REMOVAL OF THE SIDEWALL ARTICULATION REQUIREMENT BETWEEN THE TWO LOTS LDC (25-2 Subchapter F Article 2.7) NOT ASKING FOR NO ADDITIONAL F.A.R. NO ADDITIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE NO ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS COVER NO ADDITIONAL HEIGHT NO CHANGES TO THE FRONT OR SIDEYARD SETBACKS NOT A PRECEDENT SUBSTANDARD LOT WIDTH (34’-9” EACH) 2 ADJACENT LOTS WITH THE SAME OWNER SUMMARY 9 PROJECT NAME:PAGEIMAGE NAME:703 + 705 FLETCHER STD-5/21705 703 D-5/22Date: December 30. 2020 TO: Board of Adjustment Subject Case CI5-2021-0001 & 0002 703 and 705 Fletcher Board Members. Sincerely, Paul Strange President and Zoning Ctiair The Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Assodatkm tias voted against the variance reqtHest of John Meyer to pierce ttie McMansion Envelop. VNfe do not feel ttiere is a hardship other ttian economic. Our rationale is that the owner of two adjacent lots of approidmately 6.900 SF each should be atHe to design around ttie lot width limitafions withcxjt requiring a variants. Ttiank you for your service. Bouldin Creek Neighfatorhood Association, P. O. Box 3683, Austin, Texas 78704 D-5/23Results of Neighborhood Door-to-Door Survey FOR or DON’T CARE OPPOSE SUBJECT PROPERTIES Total Houses in Survey: Total Respondents: “For or Don’t Care” respondents: “Against” respondents: 95 26 23 3 27.4% 88.5% 11.5% D-5/24D-5/25D-5/26