E-4 C15-2020-0069 PRESENTATION — original pdf

1230 Rockcliff Road Austin, Texas 78746 Case#C15-2020-0060 E-4/1-PRESENTATIONVARIANCE REQUEST 1. LDC 25-2-551(B) – reduce the Lake Austin shoreline setback on the canal only from 25’ to 10’ E-4/2-PRESENTATIONAERIAL E-4/3-PRESENTATIONLAKECLIFF PLAT E-4/4-PRESENTATION• • • REASONABLE USE The property was platted in 1976 as a single family residential lot. The shoreline setback is measured 25' from all points along both the shoreline of Lake Austin and the canal, making this property unreasonably limited for its intended purpose of residential under the current zoning of LA. Applicant seeks to construct a modest single family residential house, which is a fair and reasonable use in the Lake Austin zoning category, as that category specifically prescribes development of a residential nature. E-4/5-PRESENTATION• • • • • • HARDSHIPS The gross site area is 11,446 square feet, well under the minimum lot size of 1 acre for LA zoning; The area of the Property within the 25’ shoreline setback from the main channel and the canal is 4595 square feet; The total area of the Property outside of the 25’ setbacks is only 6,851 square feet; A large portion of the Property is within the 40’ front street setback; There are large trees located on the Property opposite the canal that constrain development of the site; and The City does not provide sewer service to the Property and requires all drainfields be 50’ from a body of water in every direction. E-4/6-PRESENTATIONCHARACTER • • Due to the various site constraints, the proposed construction has a lower impact on the area than neighboring properties given the smaller scale of the proposed house. There will be no adverse impact on adjacent property. E-4/7-PRESENTATIONSURVEY E-4/8-PRESENTATIONSITE PLAN This site plan shows the impervious cover calculations without the variance. E-4/9-PRESENTATIONSITE PLAN This site plan shows the impervious cover calculations with the variance. E-4/10-PRESENTATIONPHOTO OF SUBJECT SITE E-4/11-PRESENTATIONPHOTOS OF SUBJECT SITE E-4/12-PRESENTATIONPHOTOS OF SUBJECT SITE E-4/13-PRESENTATIONPHOTOS OF SUBJECT SITE E-4/14-PRESENTATION