E-3 C15-2020-0068 PRESENTATION — original pdf

3115 Westlake Drive Austin, Texas 78746 Case#C15-2020-0068 E-3/1-PRESENTATIONUPDATED VARIANCE REQUEST *Updated Request: LDC 25-2-551(B) – reduce the Lake Austin shoreline setback on the canal only from 75’ to 15’ only. *Based on feedback we received from the Board, we respectfully request that our variance request be updated to remove the increase to impervious cover within the 0-15% slope category. E-3/2-PRESENTATIONAERIALS E-3/3-PRESENTATION• • REASONABLE USE The property owner is requesting a shoreline setback reduction as to the canal only to accommodate a proposed guest house and related improvements as allowed under LDC 25-2-893(D). To accomplish the same, a variance is being requested. This is a fair and reasonable use in the Lake Austin zone district, as this district specifically prescribes development that is residential in nature. E-3/4-PRESENTATION• • • • HARDSHIPS The slough accounts for 16,757 square feet and is 378’-6” in length; The 75’ shoreline setback deduction from the main channel is 12,545.8 square feet; The 75’ shoreline setback deduction from the slough is 53,612.8 square feet; The total area of the Property outside of the 75’ setbacks is only 51,213.3 square feet; E-3/5-PRESENTATION• • • • HARDSHIPS CONTINUED The upper portion of the Property near Westlake Drive is unbuildable due to extensive slope and has an existing driveway that is to remain; The 75’ setback from the slough encompasses the entire width of the Property in many areas and only allows for, at the largest, an 18’ wide house; The length of the Property is approximately 780 feet, while the width is only 167 feet; and Given the width of the slough and the shoreline setback, the guest house requires a driveway of that extends across more than ¾ of the length of the Property. E-3/6-PRESENTATION• • • • CHARACTER The proposed construction is limited to a guest house, which is common along Lake Austin. The existing house and proposed guest house has a lower impact on the area than neighboring properties given the smaller scale of the existing house and proposed guest house. The construction will be consistent with the various construction styles found throughout Lake Austin. There will be no adverse impact to adjacent properties. E-3/7-PRESENTATIONE-3/8-PRESENTATIONE-3/9-PRESENTATION• • • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION LOCATION The proposed construction is out of the root zone of all of the trees located along the canal. The proposed construction is wholly contained within the 0-15% slope category. The updated construction plan reduces the overall footprint of the driveway and parking area. E-3/10-PRESENTATIONImpervious Cover Calculation With Existing Setback *With existing setback restrictions, the new proposed driveway (6,472.5 sq. ft.) would exceed the total amount of allowed impervious cover on the site and the guest house could not be built. E-3/11-PRESENTATIONImpervious Cover Calculation With 15’ Canal Setback E-3/12-PRESENTATIONFLOOR PLAN E-3/13-PRESENTATIONPHOTOS OF SUBJECT SITE E-3/14-PRESENTATIONPHOTOS OF SUBJECT SITE E-3/15-PRESENTATIONOTHER DEVELOPMENT IN AREA E-3/16-PRESENTATION