D-4 C15-2020-0081 ADV PACKET PART3 — original pdf

D-4/39D-4/40D-4/41D-4/42D-4/43D-4/44November 9,2020 City of Austin Planning & Development Services PO Box 1088 Austin, TX 78701 Re: 1209 North Weston Lane; June Goodwin, Property Owner/Applicant Ladies and Gentlemen, The purpose of this letter is to provide you information regarding the application of regulatory authority in the Rob Roy on the Lake, Section 1 Subdivision. This subdivision application was filed in 1982 and the plat was recorded in 1983. Homes began being built in late 1983and early 1984. There are 83 lots in the subdivision. 1 was President of the HOA for two terms in the late 90's. Thereafter, I assumed the role of Chair of the Architectural Control Committee, a position that 1 held until 1 sold my house in the subdivision in 2014. 1 was very familiar with the permitting status of new home and remodel home construction during that period. There are approximately 13 lots in the subdivision with frontage on Lake Austin. There are several other lots up the hill from the dead end of Weston Lane that, while not being on Lake Austin, are within 500' of the 504.9 contour line which historically was the limit of the City's jurisdiction. None of the original homes built on Lake Austin were built with City building permits. Furthermore, the City of Austin Water and Wastewater Utility did not review and approve on-site sewage facility permits for these homes. This was done by Travis County. I am now aware that the City of Austin adopted a limited purpose annexation in May of 1982 that extended 500' from the 504.9 contour line and would encompass all of the lots in the subdivision that have frontage on Lake Austin and several of up the hill from the shoreline properties. 1 am aware that sometime several years after the year 2000 when the first original home on Lake Austin was demolished for construction of a new home that the City of Austin asserted its' limited purpose zoning jurisdiction and required a building permit. Thereafter the City consistently required building permits for any remodel home that was within the 500' limited purpose annexation. D-4/45D-4/46