G-2 BOA TRAINING — original pdf

Board of Adjustment Training & Staff Support Workgroup 2020-07-02 (Leighton-Burwell, Hawthorne, Von Ohlen & Bailey) -- UPDATED Results /Action Items Proposed by the Workgroup (for discussion and possible action by the whole Board at upcoming BOA Meeting): 1. We want to start BOA trainings ASAP (thanks to our Liaison, this is already underway). 2. We want to have knowledgeable staff available at our hearings to answer questions regarding issues outside of BOA Liaison’s expertise (residential zoning), such was Lake Austin, Signage, Waterfront Overlay, etc. 3. We want to find out status of GIS mapping efforts showing history of BOA cases (location, type, etc.). 4. We want to build new bridges with City Staff and repair relationships from past situations. In addition, we want to be able to increase staff accountability without it appearing as a personal attack. 5. We want to know what the Department Supervisors need / want from BOA to better support each other and our joint processes. 6. We want to temper our deliberations to be focused on the facts of the cases before us and be less inflammatory or confrontational towards applicants and staff. 7. We want to hold ourselves accountable and our BOA colleagues in a civil and respectful manner. 8. We want to create processes for transitions in BOA leadership and for additions of new members to our Board. 9. We want to include training on the role the legislature plays in the BOA. Specifically how we are governed by both City and State mandates and what that means in how we operate. G-2/1