D-5 C15-2020-0082 ADV PACKET — original pdf

BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET VARIANCE REQUEST: increase IC from 45% to 53%, reduce interior side setback from 5 ft. to 4.4 ft. CASE: C15-2020-0082 BOA DATE: December 14th, 2020 ADDRESS: 908 W. 18th St OWNER: Doug & Jana Harker COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 AGENT: Micah King ZONING: SF-3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 6 CHESTNUT PLACE SUMMARY: maintain shared driveway access, single-family residence and patio ISSUES: 25 ft. wide access easement, depth and slope of lot ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-3 SF-3 SF-3 SF-3 SF-3 Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Central Austin Community Development Corporation Central Austin Urbanists City of Austin Downtown Commission Downtown Austin Alliance Downtown Austin Neighborhood Assn. (DANA) Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Historic Austin Neighborhood Association Homeless Neighborhood Association Judges Hill Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Preservation Austin SELTexas Shoal Creek Conservancy Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group D-5/122ND HALF I W E V G N O L N O E L I S N B B O R I D V A D OLD 19TH I F F L C OLD 19TH L A M A R KIN G SB U RY Y A W K R A P S H O A L C R E E K E C N A V MARTIN LUTHER KING JR E D N A R G O R I S E C E U N 23RD S E C E U N 17TH 22ND HALF 22ND L R A E P 21ST T S E W 18TH E D N A R RIO G 21ST I L E R B A G N A S L R A E P 18TH 16TH 15TH ! ! ± SUBJECT TRACT PENDING CASE ! ! ! ! ZONING BOUNDARY NOTIFICATIONS CASE#: LOCATION: C15-2020-0082 908 W 18TH STREET This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 333 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. D-5/2D-5/3D-5/4D-5/5D-5/6D-5/7D-5/8D-5/9D-5/10\ \ \ I Lot 7 _--.:...J::.!':..;n .•• elev.=104.1' ~~{f- __ _;'--7';;..,.-- ...•.. "c:lcv-- I VU.V Tree #: Size" Type T1: 12" 12" Hackberry T2: 15" Live Oak T3: 23" Cottonwood T4: 27" Pecan SIR I~L~:/~~:E~~~E;~jJ~::~~t-25' Building r Line 83/7 4B Lot ~ -..J stone woll conc. drive o IX) •.... N ..--. ww 'om 00 ain all) ~ix>~ •.... zz-- .-N ~ "0 N cov'd stone 22.8 t 19.0 ;:: FF=105.4' ~~.n (garage) "<t-oo N Two Story Wood House Lot 6 0.1678 AC 18.5' FF=107.2' cov'd conc. porch 19.0' L..-----....l""'r.N '"" .n 13." mortared brick trim--~ T3..t)- i-- o to C N o o SCALE 1"=20' FOUND IRON ROD LEGEND FINISHED FLOOR £lEV. 1/2" 1/2" SET IRON ROD UTILITY POLE &-e-Q---;-e- -~..9" ELECTRIC UNE ELECTRIC MANHOLE CD '.J- WOOD FENCE -//-//- (RECORD) BENCHMARK Square Assumed Elevation 100.00' in concrete curb, BM: cut /~/..-~--- -............'~.., /brick trim '. FIR elev.=106.~' - IMPERVIOUS COVER CALCULATIONS HOUSE - OTHER (CONC. PORCHES, DRIVES, AC PAD.'" WALKWAYS, MORTARED BRICK WALL/TRIM'_e 1899 SQ. FT. FIR elev.=100.2' \ N70·35 OO.W 59.87 Q) "Qeoring Q6se (60.00') ~ -,,. / conc. steps f wi hand rails - 1924 SQ. FT. STONE WALL) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS .3823 SQ. FT. LOT AREA 7311 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS % = 52 ~======~:---~.-~~--~~:!:::::!~~~§~~. T1 ./ -I--I-""-c--t--ei---r--e- c?nc. curb de gutter ~"! \ I BM lr. ./8th"Street State of Texas: County of Travis: The undersigned does hereby certify that property legally described hereon and is correct, and this survey substantially complies with the current Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Standards and Specifications for a Category within a special flood I certify that hazard area as identified by the Federal Insurance Adm. Department of HUD Flood hazard boundary map revised as per Map Number: Zone: X Dated: Dated this the this survey was this day made on the the property shown hereon IB Condition II Survey. 20THday of 9/26/2008 48453C0465H ""MA"""-"'Y is not ,2015. © Copyright 2015 c" C_ •• 1 c:n17C: A •• _.a.:_ T_~ __ 7"71 c: Dk .•.•••.•.•.•.•"11)_AQ1_0e:n') . 4324 D-5/11D-5/12D-5/13D-5/14Portion of the City of Austin Land Development Code applicant is seeking a varian ce from: Land Development Code § 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) for a residential property zoned SF-3 to increase maximum impervious cover from 45% (req uired) to 53% (requested) and to reduce the minimum side setback requirement from 5 feet (required) to 4 .4 feet (requested) to preserve existing impervious cover. patio. shared drive. and residential structure. Section 2 : Variance Findings The Board must determine the existence of, sufficiency of, and weight of evidence supporting the findings described below. Therefore, you must complete each of the applicable Findings Statements as part of your application. Failure to do so may result in your application being rejected as incomplete. Please attach any additional supporting documents. NOTE: The Board cannot grant a va riance that would provide the applicant with a special privilege not enjoyed by others similarly situated or potentially similarly situated. I contend that my entitlement to the requested variance is based on the following finding s: Reasonable Use The zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: The regulations do not allow for a reasonable use of the property due to the configuration of the lot. which includes a shared drive in a 25'-wide access easement. which provides key acess to an adjacent condominium development. and due to the sloping to pography of the curved drive. which impacts the safety of replacing the drive with 2"-wide concrete strips. To preserve the drive without the variance . an existing patio must be demolished, the front walkway must be demolished and replaced by gravel, and the rear parking area must be demolished and replaced by 2'-wide concrete strips, and the house would have to be remodeled along th e sides. Hardship a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: The single-family residential property has a shared drive running through its backyard and is encumbered by a 25'-wide access easement, which is especially unique to the pLoperty due to the depth of the lot and the sloping, curving d rive. Also, due to nearby residential structures, the drive cannot be relocated without removing a key point of ingress and eg ress to nearby residences, and most houses in the area are not just a few inches within the side setbacks. b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: Properties with single-family residences in the area do not generally have a shared drivew ay and 25'-wide access easement runn ing through their back yards. There are a few lots in this area with an access easement running through them , but - with the exception of the adjacent lot to west - those lots have deeper lots than this property, and this is the only single-family lot of this depth that has a curving driveway with an approximate 10% slope traversing the rea r yard. City of Austin I Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application 6/26/20 I Page 5 of 8 D-5/15D-5/16D-5/17D-5/18D-5/19 Micah J. King Attorney 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, Texas 78701 Direct: 512.370.3468 November 20, 2020 The Board of Adjustment c/o Elaine Ramirez, Planner Senior Board of Adjustment Liaison Re: Update Regarding Request for Variance at 908 W. 18th Street (the “Property”) Dear Board Members: This is to provide you with new information regarding this variance request. Case. No. C15-2020-0082 Based on our new survey, we have reduced our request for maximum impervious cover from 53% to 52.2% (45% required), and we have reduced our request for the minimum side setback from 4.4' (6.5-inch encroachment) to 4.5' (6-inch encroachment) (5' required). We also have additional letters of support. In addition to the letter from the neighbor to the rear of the Property, we also now have letters of support from the adjacent neighbors on both sides of the Property, as well as from the Judges Hill Neighborhood Association. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to meeting with you soon. Sincerely, Micah King Enclosures HB: 4852-1115-8482.1 D-5/20D-5/21Blake Dollahite 906 W. 18th Street Austin, Texas 78701 The Board of Adjustment c/o Elaine Ramirez Planner Senior and Board of Adjustment Liaison City of Austin Development Services Department . Re: Letter of Support for Variance Request for Adjacent Property at 908 W. 18th Street Dear Board Members: I own the residential property adjacent to the east of Doug and Jana Harker’s property and support the requested variances to preserve their existing impervious cover, home, and patio. The property makes sense for our neighborhood as-is and we do not want them to be required to do any demolition. I hope that you approve the variances and appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Blake Dollahite D-5/22Lisa Kaind_ 910 W. 18th Stree: Austin. Texas 7871'i_ The Board of Adjustment c/o Elaine Ramirez Planner Senior and Board of Adjustment Liaison City of Austin Development Services Department Re: Letter of Support for Variance Request for Adjacent Property at 908 W. 18th Street Dear Board Members: I own and reside at the residential property adjacent to the west of Doug and Jana Harker's property and support the variances to preserve their existing impervious cover, home, and patio. as well as the shared drive. Their property is consistent with the area's character and should be allowed stax as-is without any demolition work. I also prefer it be left so as the direct neighbor we are not subjected to the noise and structural damage of the jackhammering that would be required to remove it. The street repair for my water main & the demo of the house 3 doors down caused significant vibration and cracking of sheetrock. Please do not subject us to unnecessary demolitions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~-4 Lisa Kaindl D-5/23D-5/24908 W. 18th Street C15-2020-0082 Photo of Porch D-5/25Photo of Shared Drive D-5/26Photo of Shared Drive D-5/27Photo of Shared Drive D-5/28Photo of Front of Residence D-5/29Photo of Side Setback on West Side of Property D-5/30