C-1 C16-2020-0009 ADV PACKET — original pdf

BOA SIGN REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C16-2020-0009 BOA DATE: December 14th, 2020 ADDRESS: 7900 FM 1826 Rd OWNER: COUNCIL DISTRICT: 8 AGENT: Rodney Bennett ZONING: GO-NP (West Oak Hill NP) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4.2999AC OF LOT 1 BLK A HAIL SUBD TAXABLE PORTION VARIANCE REQUEST: requesting a 3rd freestanding sign SUMMARY: erect a freestanding sign ISSUES: zero signs on US HWY 290 ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West GO-NP 2 mi ETJ GR-NP; SF-2-NP GR-CO-NP 2 mi ETJ General Office 2 mi. ETJ Community Commercial; Single-Family Community Commercial-Conditional Overlay 2 mi. ETJ NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Bike Austin Covered Bridge Property Owners Association Inc. Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods (OHAN) Oak Hill Neighborhood Plan – COA Liaison Oak Hill Neighborhood Plan – Contact Team Oak Hill Trails Association Ridgeview SELTexas Save Our Springs Alliance Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group TNR BCP – Travis County Natural Resources C-1/1HUDSON N O S S O R CANDELARIA PHOENIX Y E EL R A C S O A T L S L A HIL D A N A R G S G RIN P E S H C A P A S U M M E R V A L E Y E L L A H V HIG F L A T R O C K IN DIA N RID G E S G RIN P N S O P U YA S G RIN P R S A D E C 290 6 2 18 E C A R R E T K S U D D A R K R I D G E T WILIG HT M ES A ! ! ± SUBJECT TRACT PENDING CASE ! ! ! ! ZONING BOUNDARY GALLANT FOX NOTIFICATIONS CASE#: LOCATION: C16-2020-0009 7900 FM 1826 ROAD This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 417 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. C-1/2 Board of Adjustment Sign Variance Application WARNING: Filing of this appeal stops all affected construction activity. This application is a fillable PDF that can be completed electronically. To ensure your information is saved, click here to Save the form to your computer, then open your copy and continue. The Tab key may be used to navigate to each field; Shift + Tab moves to the previous field. The Enter key activates links, emails, and buttons. Use the Up & Down Arrow keys to scroll through drop down lists and check boxes, and hit Enter to make a selection. The application must be complete and accurate prior to submittal. All information is required (if applicable). For Office Use Only Section 1: Applicant Statement 7900 FM 1826 Subdivision Legal Description: 53.77 AC OF LOT 1 BLK A, HAIL SUB Lot(s): 1 Outlot: Zoning District: Sign District: COMMERCIAL Block(s): A Division: I/We Rodney K. Bennett on behalf of myself/ourselves as authorized agent for Ascension Seton Southwest Hospital affirm that on Month October , Day 9 , Year 2020 , hereby apply for a hearing before the Board of Adjustment for consideration to (select appropriate option below): Erect Attach Complete Remodel Maintain Other: Type of Sign: FREE STANDING Portion of the City of Austin Land Development Code applicant is seeking a variance from: LDC section 25-10-130 & 25-10-131 ***SEE ATTACHED*** City of Austin C-1/3Section 2: Variance Findings The Board must determine the existence of, sufficiency of, and weight of evidence supporting the findings described below. In order to grant your request for a variance, the Board must first make one or more of the findings described under 1, 2, and 3 below; the Board must then make the finding described in item 4 below. If the Board cannot make the required findings, it cannot approve a sign variance. Therefore, you must complete each of the applicable Findings Statements as part of your application. Failure to do so may result in your application being rejected as incomplete. Please attach any additional supporting documents. I contend that my entitlement to the requested variance is based on the following findings: The variance is necessary because strict enforcement of the Article prohibits any reasonable opportunity to provide adequate signs on the site, considering the unique features of the site such as dimensions, landscaping, or topography, because: This is a very large corner lot. There is approximately 2120' of frontage on FM 1826 with 2 existing signs. There is 826' of frontage on US 290 with a new entrance and ZERO signs. The granting of this variance will not have a substantially adverse impact upon neighboring properties, because: Of the size of this property. The signs are spread out and not near the neighboring properties. The granting of this variance will not substantially conflict with the stated purposes of this sign ordinance, because: This sign is for a new entrance off of US HWY 290 which will provide quicker access to the hospital. The existing entrances are off of FM1826 and have existing signage. Without this new sign, there would be no way to identify the new entrance is for a hopital, due to the elevation of the street versus the location of the hospital on the property. Granting a variance would not provide the applicant with a special privilege not enjoyed by others similarly situated or potentially similarly situated, because: Most other properties do not serve the public in a life saving capacity nor are they on a large corner lot. OR OR AND, City of Austin C-1/4Section 3: Applicant Certificate I affirm that my statements contained in the complete application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant Signature: Rodney K. Bennett Digitally signed by Rodney K. Bennett Date: 2020.10.19 15:34:52 -05'00' Date: City: Kyle State: Texas Zip: 78640 Applicant Name (typed or printed): Rodney K. Bennett Applicant Mailing Address: 529 Evening Star Phone (will be public information): (512) 627-7227 Email (optional will be public information): Section 4: Owner Certificate I affirm that my statements contained in the complete application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Owner Signature: Date: State: Zip: Owner Name (typed or printed): see attached Owner Mailing Address: City: Phone (will be public information): Email (optional will be public information): Section 5: Agent Information Agent Name: Rodney K. Bennett Agent Mailing Address: 529 Evening Star City: Kyle State: Texas Zip: 78640 Phone (will be public information): (512) 627-7227 Email (optional will be public information): City of Austin C-1/5C-1/67900 FM 1826 RD Portion of the City of Austin Land Development Code applicant is seeking a variance from: I am requesting a variance from the Land Development Code section 25-10-130; “One freestanding sign is permitted on a lot.” for a commercial property zoned GO-NP. We have TWO signs on FM 1826 at two entrances and need a THIRD for a new access being built on US HWY 290. I am requesting a variance from the Land Development Code section 25-10-131: “For a lot with total street frontage of more than 400 feet, two freestanding signs are permitted.” for a commercial property zoned GO-NP. The lot has TWO signs on FM 1826 at two entrances. A THIRD sign is for the new access being built on US HWY 290. C-1/7C-1/8C-1/9C-1/10C-1/11C-1/12C-1/13C-1/14C-1/15C-1/16C-1/17C-1/18C-1/19C-1/20C-1/21C-1/22C-1/23C-1/24C-1/25C-1/26