Board of AdjustmentJan. 13, 2020

P-2 C15-2019-0055 LATE BACKUP PART3 — original pdf

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We believe that Reasonable Developmentshould be the goal.The lot is NOT unique. The hardships are not unique. There are two (2) other lots on Edgewater, one owned by the applicants, which have the exact same characteristics.The SCALE of the proposed project, with its high level of impervious cover, is out of character and has the potential to produce offsite impacts and harm environmental features.The zoning and watershed ordinances applied to this project serve to protect the water supply of central Texans and any interpretation should keep this goal in focus at all times.An Alternative Development Modelwith minimal footprint, pier and beam, and gravity-fed septic, is suggested.There is a better way –Please consider it. Thank you!2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 INTERESTED PARTY SUGGESTIONS –JAN 13, 2020P-2/221 P-2/222