Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Austin Water Resource Planning Task Force Meeting Minutes Approved May 29, 2014 The Austin Water Resource Planning Task Force convened in a regular meeting on May 27, 2014 at Waller Creek Center, 625 East 10th Street, Room 104, in Austin, Texas. Members in Attendance: Sharlene Leurig, Chair (Absent) Tom Mason, Vice Chair Kris Bailey Christianne Castleberry Luke Metzger Marisa Perales (Absent) Paul Robbins Lauren Ross Stefan Schuster (Absent) Brian Smith Jennifer Walker(arrived 6:49pm) Staff in Attendance: Greg Meszaros, Daryl Slusher, Teresa Lutes, Drema Gross, Sonja Stefaniw, Dan Strub, Geneva Guerrero, Jeff Fox, Jane Burazer, Heather Dalrymple, Adam Smith, Rick Coronado, Dan Pedersen, Chris Chen, David Green, Joe Smith, Jean Drew, Denise Avery, and Felicia Cancino Additional Attendees: Roger Baker, Jordan Furnans, Mary Sahs, Richard Hoffpauir, James Beach, Bill Bunch, Izzy Hauss, Joshua Grimes A. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Mason called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Roger Baker spoke for three minutes during citizen communication providing his suggestions to the Task Force. C. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting minutes for the May 19, 2014 Austin Water Resource Planning Task Force regular meeting were approved on Member Ross’ motion and Member Castleberry’s second on a 7-0-0-4 vote with Members Perales and Smith absent and Member Walker not present to vote. D. VOTING ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE 1. Assign Members to Working Groups Vice Chair Mason suggested that they assign members to the same Working Groups as mentioned at the last meeting. 1) Evaluate City’s Water Needs – Members Robbins, Ross, Bailey 2) Examine Future Water Sources – Members Mason, Schuster, Robbins, Smith Austin Water Resource Planning Task Force Regular Meeting May 27, 2014 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give at least 4 days notice before the meeting date. Please call Felicia Cancino at the Austin Water Utility Department at 512-972-0114, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711 Page 2 of 2 3) Evaluate Potential Water Management Scenarios – Members Castleberry, Schuster, Walker, Perales 2. Meeting Schedule – Vice Chair Mason suggested, with no objection, to vote on the schedule at the next meeting since the Chair and other members were absent. He also suggested that the members review their schedule and have their available dates by the next meeting. E. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS Greg Meszaros introduced Mr. Richard Hoffpauir as the first presenter, informing the members that the presentation was recorded and added to the website as indicated at the last meeting. Mr. Hoffpauir presented information on Water Availability Model and addressed the Members’ questions and concerns. 1. Presentation on Water Availability Model (WAM)/Conditional Reliability Mode (CRM) – decision support tool overview F. DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR TASK FORCE’S REVIEW Members discussed their goals in more detail 1. Discussion of Task Force Goals and Work Plan including discussion of prioritizing development of drought response recommendations G. REPORTS BY TASK FORCE None H. NON VOTING DISCUSSION ITEMS None I. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Vice Chair Mason suggested that the members wishing to have individuals present at future meetings come prepared at the next meeting with dates those individuals are available to include on future agendas. J. ADJOURN Vice Chair Mason adjourned the meeting at 9:15pm without objection.