Draft Minutes for Approval — original pdf

AUSTIN – TRAVIS COUNTY EMS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, November 6, 2019 The Austin – Travis County EMS Advisory Board convened on November 6, 2019, 15 Waller Street, in Austin, Texas at 10:03 a.m. Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Dalbosco, Chris Ziebell, Lisa Harris, John Villanacci, Janice Bray Board Members Absent: Robert Ugaste, Jerry Staton Other Attendees: Travis Baker, Julie Potrykus, Vivian Holmes, Jasper Brown, Jason Pickett, Charles Brotherton 1. CALL TO ORDER – November 6, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. 2. QUORUM DETERMINATION A quorum was met and the meeting proceeded. 3. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion: The minutes for the regular meeting of August 7, 2019 were approved on a motion by Board Member Villanacci and seconded by Vice Chair Ziebell on a 5-0 vote. 4. RECEIVE CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS/COMMENTS None. 5. ELECT OFFICERS FOR 2020 Chair Dalbosco opened the conversation to consider officer elections and Board Members discussed. Motion: Board Member Villanacci motioned for Tracy Dalbosco to be re-elected as Chair and Dr. Christopher Ziebell to serve another term as Vice Chair; seconded by Board Member Harris on a 5-0 vote. 6. REVIEW AND ADOPT 2020 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE Board Members discussed the schedule for 2020 and reviewed budget dates that would allow opportunity for the Board to make recommendations to City Council and Travis County Commissioners Court for the FY2020 Budget. Motion: Board Member Villanacci motioned to approve the schedule of first Wednesday of each quarter from 9:30 a.m.-11:30a.m., seconded by Board Member Harris on a 5/0 vote. 7. REVIEW OF SYSTEM REPORTS • Vice Chair Ziebell asked that the Board be shown reports in order to review, provide feedback, and help make improvements. There was a consensus amongst Board Members with being able to look at reports where improvements can be made. • Board Member Harris suggested that members take the next three months to review what is on the EMS dashboard and go from there on deciding what reports they would like to see regularly. This information could be presented to staff at the February 5, 2020 meeting. Chief of Staff Brown offered for the Board to hold a special meeting to review all the reports. EMS has limited resources, therefore narrowing down which reports the Board wants to see would be helpful. 8. RECEIVE UPDATES FROM SYSTEM AGENCIES REPRESENTATIVES: a) Medical Director’s Report: Mark Escott, Medical Director • Dr. Pickett provided an update on the number of call reviews their office handles. There were 1,600 calls and out of that 62 calls were identified to be looked at in greater detail. Unfortunately, the Office of the Medical Director doesn’t have enough staff to review them all. • Dr. Pickett shared that Dr. Escott has been assisting with homelessness in Austin. • Introduction of new personnel: o Travis Baker, Physician Assistant - PA Baker will be helping with ET3 and assisting in the field to help reduce hospital traffic. o William Leggio, Clinical Operations, Practices and Standards Coordinator - Mr. Leggio is currently working on updating the Clinical Operations Guidelines. • The Office of the Medical Director is helping with the Stop the Bleed Program. • Narcan Auto-injectors - Community Health Paramedics distribute them to ARCH and in the field. • Fentanyl Kits - Discussed shelf life. FDA Rules and liability were discussed in regard to expiration dates and how long they are actually good for. The Medical Director must follow those standards. b) Austin EMS Department: Ernesto Rodriguez, Chief • Chief of Staff Jasper Brown reviewed the budget adoption for FY2020 and shared what was approved for EMS including: 19 Full-time employees; an additional 7 Full- time employees for the Community Health Paramedic Program/homelessness project; 12 Full-time employees for the new joint EMS/AFD Del Valle Station. • The Travis Country new EMS station will open in June 2021. • Update on assault on medics. If a medic is in distress while working in the field, codes were developed so they can ask discreetly for help. It was implemented in October for EMS and AFD. • Reviewed unit changes which will help accommodate the system where ambulances are needed. c) Travis County Emergency Services: Charles Brotherton, County Executive • Travis County Commissioners Court approved the city/county interlocal on September 24, 2019. • Reviewed staffing changes. New full-time Program Director is Chuck Spangler; Ashley Voss-Liebig- Division Chief for Clinical Performance and Education; and, Howard Polden - Chief Clinical Supervisor. • County ESDs are dispatched by AFD and medical calls are dispatched by EMS for ground and STAR Flight. • Renewal of agreements with all ESDs - Several ESDs have their own medical director. ESDs 1, 2, and 11 are providing emergency transports. • ESSAT - Emergency Services Standard Advisory Team will begin again with Travis County Executives and ESD Fire Chiefs. d) Austin Fire Department: Absent e) Emergency Services Districts: Robert Abbott, CAFCA President: Absent 9. OTHER BUSINESS - None 10. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 11:11 a.m.