Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

AUSTIN – TRAVIS COUNTY EMS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, February 6, 2019 The Austin – Travis County EMS Advisory Board convened on FEBRUARY 6, 2019, 15 Waller Street, in Austin, Texas at 9:30 a.m. Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Dalbosco, Chris Ziebell, Lisa Harris, Justin Otwell, John Villanacci, Jerry Staton, Janice Bray, Robert Ugaste Board Members Absent: None Other Attendees: Brett Steffen, Mark Escott, Vivian Holmes, Jeff Hayes, Chuck Brotherton, Selenia Xie, Ashleigh Voslevik, Teresa Gardner, Robert Abbott, Jason Pickett, Jasper Brown 1. CALL TO ORDER – February 6, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. 2. QUORUM DETERMINATION A quorum was met and the meeting proceeded. 3. RECOGNITION OF SERVICE AND RECOGNITION a) Mark Clayton - This item was postponed. 4. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Motion: The minutes for the regular meeting of November 7, 2018 were approved on a motion by Board Member Ugaste and seconded by Board Member Villanacci on an 8-0 vote. 5. RECEIVE CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS/COMMENT Selena Xie - New President of the Austin EMS Employee Association - Introduction to Board Members. 6. REVIEW OF SYSTEM REPORTS - This is covered under Item 7. 7. RECEIVE UPDATES FROM SYSTEM AGENCIES REPRESENTATIVES: a) Medical Director’s Report: Mark Escott, Medical Director, Office of the Medical Director (OMD) • Dr. Escott provided an update (see attached). Reviewed Office of the Medical Director Organizational Charts and a list of “Responsibilities of the Medical Director under TAC 197”. • OMD will be relocating in June to join other the city offices housed at Techni Center, 4201 Ed Bluestein. • OMD’s EMS Fellow position anticipated to be approved in FY2020. • Will be requesting approval in the FY2020 budget to hire a part-time CPR Take 10 employee to teach by-stander CPR to citizens. A full-time employee was requested during last year's budget planning, however it wasn't approved. Chair Dalbosco commented the Board will be looking at budget recommendations at the next meeting and will look at this item. Dr. Escott noted that the EMS Department has a full-time employee for their CPR program and said all high school students in the AISD and several other school districts have to complete mandatory CPR training prior to graduation. • Board Members asked to have ESD Medical Directors attend a future meeting to receive updates and see if there are any needs to help improve a cohesive medical direction and improve communication for the system. b) Austin EMS Department: Ernesto Rodriguez, Chief • Chief of Staff Jasper Brown provided an update that included an overview of reports: Blood Glucose Test in Stroke; Overall On-Time Rate – Combined City & County; Overall On-Time Rate – Travis County Only; Travis County Response Time Performance (see attached). • Board Members asked to see the 90th percentile data for ESDs and AFD, as well as review other Travis County reports. Chief Abbott offered to bring reports to a future meeting. Vice Chair Ziebell asked that shared reports be the ones where improvement is needed. Board Member Harris requested to see average response times for Priorities 2-5 at the next meeting. Board member Bray inquired about opioids on the street and will follow up later with Dr. Escott to discuss. • May 3rd is the deadline for the city budget recommendations from Boards and Commissions. Board Members will discuss at the May 1st meeting. • Once ESO is operating throughout the system, a generation of data will be easier to obtain. For the EMS Department, February 24th will be the ESO go-live date. c) Travis County Emergency Services: Chuck Brotherton, County Executive • Travis County Commissioners Court approved the city/county interlocal agreement on Dec 18, 2018. The agreement is a placeholder for one or two fiscal years. In the upcoming months the city and county will begin working together on a new agreement. • ESD 16 will overlay existing ESD 8. They will be providing a paramedic on an engine. All fire stations will be made into 24/7 and will have a paramedic at every station. • Ashleigh Voslevik with Travis County was introduced. She is the coordinator of data for the county. d) Austin Fire Department • AFD will be rolling out new AED's soon. • They are not yet able to utilize ESO software, but look forward to getting it in the future. e) Emergency Services Districts: Robert Abbott, CAFCA President • Chief Abbott gave a presentation and distributed coordinated material (see attached). Future stations will break ground in 2020. The reports show what is current at this time. ESDs are working together along with city and county and the communications on planning is improving. The group discussed challenges and opportunities for ESDs. 8. OTHER BUSINESS • Board Member Otwell announced his resignation with his last meeting being May 1st. Chair Dalbosco thanked Board Member Otwell for his service. • Chair Dalbosco asked for a board member to consider taking on the role of a parliamentarian, which would include writing letters for the group. 9. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 a.m. The minutes were approved on this the 1st day of May 2019 on a unanimous vote.