Agenda — original pdf

AE Consumer Advocates Working Group May 21, 2014 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Town Lake Center, Assembly Room 100 Agenda Goal: To understand the current rules and to develop a sustainable set of recommended rules for: • Revising deferred payment plans and service disconnections • Developing an arrearage management plan, and, • Revising appropriate customer service practices. Meeting Objectives 1. Finalize Payment Arrangement recommendations; 2. Finalize Arrearage Management Program recommendations; 3. Finalize Customer Service Practices recommendations; and, 4. Acknowledge the work of the Low Income Consumer Advocacy Group. 9:15 AM Gathering and Sign-In 9:30 AM Welcome, Objectives and Agenda Ground Rules and Updates Discussion and Finalization of Payment Arrangement Recommendations 10:30 AM Discussion and Finalization of Arrearage Management Recommendations 11:30 AM Discussion and Finalization of Customer Service Recommendations Wrap-up and Next Steps • Timeline of Related Activities • Hearing Process Workshop 12:30 PM Adjourn Thank you for your participation today.