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Austin Transitional Grant Area (TGA) Administrative Agent (AA) Report to HIV Planning Council February 2024 PART A & MAI GRANTS ADMINISTRATION/MANAGEMENT UPDATE 1. We received 4 applications for 3 open Supportive Services Funding Specialists positions, but two of them were disqualified by HR. Two interviews have been scheduled for the week of 2/5/24. 2. The remaining position will be reposted. OTHER HIV RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION GRANT UPDATES 1. HOPWA: 1 contract executed, 1 routing for signatures, 1 amendment and 2 extensions waiting for 2. Part C: FFY23 term ended December 31st. 2 contracts are under negotiation and 1 contract waiting City Council approval for City Council Approval 3. EHE PS20: Both contracts are executed and end May 2024. 4. Part A/MAI: 1 amendment routing for signature and 4 amendments under negotiation 1. Estimated Expenditures Through December (not all claims are in yet) PART A & MAI FISCAL UPDATE Formula Carryover $449,918 $424,910 94% Budgeted Amount Expended Amount Percent Expended $3,374,977 $2,644,559 78% $388,620 $237,393 61% $16,925 $16,925 100% $1,774,600 $1,350,551 76% $6,005,040 $4,674,338 78% CATEGORY Formula MAI MAI Carryover Supplemental TOTAL CLINICAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1. CQM Plan Development and Next Steps The CQM plan is currently being revised to include EHE and Part C activities, monitoring and evaluation. 2. CQM Performance Measures Austin TGA Administrative Agent Report to HIV Planning Council, January 2024, Page 12 CQM performance measures for Part A/MAI, Part C and EHE have been drafted and shared with the CQM Committee. Performance measures will be finalized after review from the HRSA TA. 3. Health Disparities Calculator Collaborative Research will be assisting HRAU staff with the development of a Health Disparities Calculator. This calculator is currently in development. 3. CQM Committee Meetings‐ On January 11, 2024, HRA hosted an in‐person CQM committee meeting. HRA plans to host in‐person meetings on a quarterly or bi‐annual basis. 1. TCT Enhancements and Issues: DATA MANAGEMENT UPDATE a. The data staff at HRA continue to work through TCT issues with subrecipients and the TCT Help Desk. HRA meets with the TCT Help Desk weekly. There have been additional meetings with data managers across the state to address enhancements identified by the data managers and providers. b. The Texas Department of State Health Services continues to make enhancements in TCT. Unfortunately, these enhancements often break existing capabilities. c. The need for additional training has been identified and discussed with the subrecipients. The Data Manager has been submitting training needs and requests with the state. i BVCOG is hosting a regional in depth ADAP training April 16 and 17, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Interested parties have to register with our Regional ADAP Liaison, Riley Lasell d. All providers have some data in TCT. One provider started importing some service categories this past fall. This was their first successful attempt to get their data into TCT. This provider has since faced challenges moving forward with importing medical imports. We are working with the TCT Help Desk to address their challenges. e. 2023 RSR i The recipient RSR report was certified before the HRSA deadline. ii All providers have been working on data quality for the upcoming RSR. Providers that are using TCT have some specific limitations. TCT’s RSR Completeness Report does not accurately report out data issues. This is an ongoing issue since TCT’s onset. The state has not been able to address the issues in the report yet. The TCT Help Desk said it is a priority to fix the report. iii RSR Submission meetings have been scheduled with all 8 providers. For providers that receive Part B, BVCOG is included in the submission meeting. All RSR submission meetings are scheduled between February 5 ‐ 12, 2024. Seven providers will be submitting their RSR from TCT and one will be submitting their RSR from their own data system. Austin TGA Administrative Agent Report to HIV Planning Council, January 2024, Page 13 a Three providers have validated their RSR submissions in the EHB so far. i All three providers have received alerts and/or warnings about missing data that is actually entered into TCT. This has been reported to the TCT Help Desk. iv 2023 RSR Submission Timeline: RSR Submission Timeline | TargetHIV v 2023 RSR Manual: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR) Instruction Manual | TargetHIV 2. Provide Enterprise a. The HRAU Manager, Data Manager, and Research Analyst meet with the developer on a weekly basis as part of the discovery phase. Input from subrecipients is being collected in this process. b. The state provided a data file to Austin AA for migration. This data file is being used by Groupware Technologies to map data from TCT to HRA’s version of Provide. The state will provide a second data file when it is time to go live. c. A test version of HRA’s Provide Enterprise was installed on two of HRA’s staff computers. 3. Data Reports and Projects a. EHE CAP was submitted in the EHB. The AA will continue efforts to submit the Part A and Part C CAP by their deadlines in July 2024. b. The Data Manager submitted data files for Collaborative Research to use for multiple data projects and dashboards. c. The Data Manager is supporting an effort to prepare for the HOPWA Monitoring Visit. HUD has selected the Austin AA to monitor March 18 – 22, 2024. d. The EHE 2023 Triannual Data Report ‐ Trimester 3 is due February 15, 2024. HRA is working with the providers to submit EHE Providers report in HRSA EHB portal. No client complaints have been received by the AA CLIENT COMPLAINTS AUSTIN PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATES AUSTIN, Texas ‐ Rising numbers of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Austin‐Travis County have officials urging individuals to use local FREE or low‐cost testing and treatment resources to prevent the spread of infection. “Anyone can get an STI, but many don’t show symptoms,” said Austin‐Travis County Public Health Authority Dr. Desmar Walkes. “At the same time, many STIs can be treated, and early detection can prevent major complications and spread. With the rate of infection rising nationally and locally, we urge everyone to get tested regularly and treat any infections as soon as possible.” Austin TGA Administrative Agent Report to HIV Planning Council, January 2024, Page 14 Rates of infection increasing in Austin-Travis County According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the levels of many STIs including gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia have increased across the nation, and Austin‐Travis County is unfortunately following suit. The most current data available from the Texas Department of State Health Services show some alarming statistics including: The number of new chlamydia infections per person remains stable but still high at 614.8 cases per 100,000 population in 2020. The rate of new cases of gonorrhea per person for Travis County has been steadily increasing with a 50 percent increase from 2015 to 2020. In 2015, the number of new primary and secondary syphilis cases per person in Travis County was 15.7 per 100,000 population. By 2020, cases increased by 30 percent to 20.7 cases per 100,000 population. The new infection rate for HIV has been declining in Travis County since 2015, but there are still disparities. Black women in Travis County have the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses compared to women of other races and ethnicities. Common STIs may not have symptoms Many STIs, including chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV) and HIV may not show symptoms. Individuals may have an infection without knowing and unwittingly pass that infection on to their partner or partners. Infected people with an untreated STI may also develop other health concerns or complications like pelvic inflammatory disease, cancer, infertility, heart disease, organ failure or chronic pain. Get tested and treat STIs to protect yourself and others A critical step to prevent the spread of STIs is to get tested regularly, even if you don’t have symptoms or don’t think you were exposed. Early treatment can prevent complications from STIs and keep you from passing one to someone else. You can also get vaccinated against HPV and start PrEP to prevent contracting HIV. City of Austin offers FREE or low-cost resources for STI testing Anyone in Austin or Travis County can take advantage of FREE or low‐cost resources for STI testing and treatment, including: 3rd Annual LGBTQIA+ Health and Resource Fair – Dec. 9, 2023, 12 ‐ 5p.m., Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752, free parking available with validation. This public event offers STI/HIV testing, valuable resources from community organizations, entertainment and more. RBJ Sexual Health Clinic – 15 Waller St., Monday‐Friday, 8 a.m. ‐ 12 p.m., and 1 ‐ 5 p.m., appointments recommended. $20 for testing and treatment of common STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. Red Ribbon program – FREE testing for HIV as well as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis throughout the City by appointment or at the mobile clinic. Austin TGA Administrative Agent Report to HIV Planning Council, January 2024, Page 15 Austin TGA Administrative Agent Report to HIV Planning Council, January 2024, Page 16