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Austin Area Comprehensive Planning Council Ryan White Part B Administrative Agency Report Submitted by Jonathan Garcia February 27, 2023 I. Part B Grants Administration/Management Update N/A II. Part B Expenditure Summary Update The 23‐24 Part B expenditure summary is as follows: 83% of the contract year has expired, with 70% of the funds used through January 2024 (RW). 83% of the contract year has expired, with 88% of the funds used through January 2024 (State R) 42% of the contract year has expired, with 40% of the funds used through January 2024 (State Services) Table 1: Ryan White, State‐R and State Services FY 22‐23/22‐24 Part B Billing Summary RW (All agencies) CATEGORY Expended Amount Percent Expended Service Delivery $4,190,559.00 $3,395,480.29 70% January 2024 Budgeted Amount Budgeted Amount Expended Amount Percent Expended $1,318,117.00 $1,209,775.74 88% State R (All Agencies) CATEGORY Service Delivery State Services (All Agencies) Budgeted Amount Expended Amount Percent Expended Service Delivery $4,551,005.00 $1,738,688.14 40% III. Ryan White Part B Expenditure Summary Update (Austin Agencies Only) ***Out of variance: Expenditures are more than 10% (over or under) the contract year percentage. Allocation Expended Justification $100,000.00 $69,790.60 Out of variance: HIPCSA: Staff expenses are currently lower than anticipated for this project due to staffing changes. In addition, we are in a slow period for assistance which will pick up in the coming months. Oral Health $135,500.00 $155,313.58 Out of variance: We have significant unfunded costs as our funding does not cover all necessities of this category. Seeking additional money from the administrative agency, to cover the additional expenses. Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services $644,282 (114%) $736,695.24 Out of variance: Expenses are greater than the funding allows and we continue to help those in need. Seeking additional money from the administrative agency, to cover the additional expenses. $12,500.00 $9,206.90 Within variance (74%) $67,750.00 (122%) $82,413.72 OUT OF VARIANCE: Have program income money to cover overages in expenses. $75,300.00 $85,006.18 OUT OF VARIANCE: Have program income money to cover overages in expenses. Mental Health $117,500.00 $126,125.26 Out of variance: Has program income to cover the overages. $70,000 $93,999.34 Out of variance: Have program income money to cover overages in expenses. Service Category Health Insurance (70%) (115%) Early Intervention Services Emergency Financial Assistance Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (113%) (107%) (134%) Non‐Medical Case Management V. Client Complaints Food Bank $3000.00 (90%) $2,709.50 Within variance Total Regular Ryan White $1,225,832.00 (111%) $1,361,260.32