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Na(cid:415)onal Week of Prayer Event Request Date: March 7, 2024 Time: 6pm Loca(cid:415)on: Freedom Home Bap(cid:415)st Church, 3405 Oak Springs Dr, Aus(cid:415)n, TX 78721 Es(cid:415)mated a(cid:425)endance: 75‐100 people Event Descrip(cid:415)on: The primary purpose of the Na(cid:415)onal Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is to bring a(cid:425)en(cid:415)on to the na(cid:415)onal HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States and to the roles that faith communi(cid:415)es have had, and con(cid:415)nue to have, in HIV preven(cid:415)on, educa(cid:415)on, service, and advocacy. The event promotes efforts to improve HIV awareness, foster compassionate responses to HIV preven(cid:415)on and care, and support healing through a wide range of ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es. These include sermons and lectures on HIV, candle‐ligh(cid:415)ng ceremonies to remember those we have lost, prayer vigils, concerts, and HIV educa(cid:415)on and tes(cid:415)ng. HIV Planning Council’s Role: We will pay for catering for the dinner on the 7th, and in return we will table at the event and/or give a recruitment presenta(cid:415)on. This will allow us to recruit and spread awareness for the Planning Council at a community event that serves one of our priority popula(cid:415)ons. National Week of Prayer Event Budget $ 27.99 Red Ribbon Pins (metal) Pok‐E‐Joe's Catering Sausage, Brisket Veggie skewers Pinto beans, potato salad, green salad Unsweet tea, lemons, ice, sweetener 15% gratuity HEB Cookies 3 trays assorted Alyssa's Healthy Vegan Bites Total $ 1926.25 $ 42.16 $ 1968.41