Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

HIV COUNCIL PLANNING HIV PLANNING COUNCIL REGULAR GOVERNANCE/MEMBERSHIP AND CARE STRATEGIES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 The REGULAR GOVERNANCE/MEMBERSHIP AND CARE STRATEGIES COMMITTEE meeting on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2023, remotely via Teams. Glenn Crawford called the HIV PLANNING COUNCIL GOVERNANCE/MEMBERSHIP AND CARE STRATEGIES COMMITTEE Meeting to order at 6:04p.m. Planning Council Members in Attendance: Planning Council Members in Attendance Remotely: Interim Committee Chair Glenn Crawford, Nel-Marinel Hernandez, Steph Adler, Joe Anderson Jr. convened in a PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the HIV PLANNING COUNCIL GOVERNANCE/MEMBERSHIP AND CARE STRATEGIES MEETING on 7/12/2023 The minutes from the meeting of 7/12/2023 were approved on Glenn Crawford’s motion, Steph Adler second on a 4-0 vote. For: Glenn Crawford, Nel-Marinel Hernandez, Steph Adler Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Joe Anderson Jr., Jonathan Garcia, Rocky Lane. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATIONS 2. Members will declare conflict of interest with relevant agenda items, service categories, and/or service standards 1. None STAFF BRIEFINGS 1 3. Introductions/Announcements Facilitated by Jaseudia Killion and Deena Rawleigh. The September applicants, Wendell Mayes IV and Zac Garay introduced themselves to the committee. 4. Office of Support staff report Facilitated by Jaseudia Killion and Deena Rawleigh. Ashley Garling is the new Finance/Allocations, Strategic Planning and Needs Assessment Committee chair. The STAR Awards workgroup has determined a venue option. Internal workgroups have been created for event specifics. An additional workgroup meeting will be the end of the month. The next phase is voting from the selected nominees. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. New voting and non-voting member interviews New membership interviews are not recorded for the privacy of applicants. The motion to approve Gin Pham, Wendell Mayes IV, and Zac Garay’s application to join the HIV Planning Council was approved on Glenn Crawford’s motion, Steph Adler second on a 4-0 vote. For: Glenn Crawford, Nel-Marinel Hernandez, Steph Adler, Joe Anderson Jr. Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Rocky Lane, Jonathan Garcia. The motion to approve GE Loveless’s non-voting member application to join the HIV Planning Council was approved on Joe Anderson Jr.’s motion, Glenn Crawford second on a 5-0 vote. For: Glenn Crawford. Nel-Marinel Hernandez, Steph Adler, Joe Anderson Jr. Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Rocky Lane. The motion to approve Kelle’ Martin to join the HIV Planning Council was approved on Nel-Marinel Hernandez’s motion, Glenn Crawford second on a 5-0 vote. For: Nel- Marinel Hernandez, Steph Adler, Glenn Crawford, Jonathan Garcia, G.E Loveless. Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Rocky Lane. 6. Discussion of Directives to Sunset 2 Discussion facilitated by Jaseudia Killion. The Affordable Care Act Directive and Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services (OAHS) Directive history and purpose were discussed with council. Both directives were decided to be continued. The OAHS directive was recommended to be edited to enhance the interpretability of the “some other mechanism” statement to “or other mechanisms that increase physical availability of services.” This recommendation will be brought to the next available Business Committee meeting. 7. Discussion of World AIDS Day event Budget Discussion facilitated by Deena Rawleigh. The council has approximately $7,500 of FY23 budget to spend prior to February 29, 2024. The Office of Support has suggested hosting HIV Caucus recruitment events for our Black and Latinx MSM communities. The Office of Support is taking additional recommendations for how this money should be spent. 8. Discussion of Latinx Caucus Event and Black Queer Field Day Event Discussion facilitated by Jaseudia Killion. The Latinx Caucus Event and Black Queer Field Day events are potential recruitment efforts to engage two of our priority populations throughout this Fall and Winter. Workgroups will likely be created for further planning on these events. 9. Discussion and approval of meeting times and locations Discussion facilitated by Jaseudia Killion. The Office of Support was taking suggestions for meeting times and location for this committee. These suggestions will be brought to the next available business meeting for further discussion. 10. Discussion of Planning Council Member Attendance and Membership Report Discussion facilitated by Deena Rawleigh and Nathalia Delgadillo. All council members are in compliance with the attendance policy as of August 2023. The Monthly membership report was updated to show the three additional members and current state of reflectiveness. 11. Discussion of Social Media and Events calendar, training calendar, and recommendations for Planning Council Budget 3 Discussion facilitated by Jaseudia Killion and Nathalia Delgadillo. Lean Sigma Six training opportunity is coming up this fall. Job openings in the AA were discussed. Joe is the next planning council member to be featured for Membership spotlight. No other suggestions for the budget were mentioned. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 12. Discussion and review of workplan calendar For next month, we will cover Integrated Plan feedback, HIV Resource guide, and new member orientation materials and recruitment strategies. ADJOURNMENT Glenn Crawford adjourned the meeting at 8:33p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the 10/3/2023 meeting on GLENN CRAWFORDS’ motion, JOE ANDERSON JR.’s second on a (3-0) vote. 4