Arts CommissionJuly 15, 2024

Item 12 - Elisabet Ney Museum RFQ - 20240618 — original pdf

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CALL TO ARTISTS Public Art Opportunity Elisabet Ney Museum Grounds, District 9 City of Austin (Texas): Art in Public Places (AIPP) Call open – Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Deadline for Submissions – 7:00 PM CST, Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Submit all information via Request for Qualifications The City of Austin Art in Public Places program (AIPP) of the Cultural Arts Division, Economic De- velopment Department (EDD) seeks to commission one professional visual artists or artist-led team to design, fabricate and install an exterior artwork at Elisabet Ney Museum at 304 E 44th St, Austin, TX 78751. Public Artwork Goals • A work of art of redeeming quality that advances public understanding of visual art and enhances the aesthetic quality of public places • Honors Elisabet Ney’s art, history and legacy • Conceptualizes a strong overall artwork design approach that integrates with the site • • and surrounding natural environment Is easily maintained and vandal resistant in an exterior environment Is permanent with an expected life span of at least 20 years Project Background The Elisabet Ney Museum is the former studio and portrait collection created by 19th century sculptor Elisabet Ney. The museum offers a range of educational programs, exhibits, special events, workshops and lectures throughout the year In 1892, European portrait sculptress Elisabet Ney (1833-1907) purchased property in Austin, established a studio named Formosa and resumed her career as a sculptor of notables. At Formosa, Ney sculpted legendary Texans, including Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston. Ney also assembled at her American studio portraits of European notables, including King Ludwig II of Bavaria, Otto von Bismarck, Arthur Schopenhauer and Jacob Grimm. At the turn of the 19th century, Elisabet Ney’s studio became a gathering place for influential Texans drawn to “Miss Ney” and to the stimulating discussions of politics, art and philosophy that took place there. Following Ney’s death, her friends preserved the studio and its contents as the Elisabet Ney Museum and established the Texas Fine Arts Association dedicated to her memory. The Museum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places based on its signifi- cance as the former American studio of Elisabet Ney, and a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios program. The property is also desig- nated as a Texas State Antiquities Landmark, a Texas Recorded Landmark, a City of Austin Land- mark, and listed as a contributing site to the Hyde Park National Register Historic district and the Hyde Park Local Historic District. Receiving 21,000 visitors each year from local, national, and international locations the Elisabet Ney Museum is located in historic Hyde Park. Hyde Park is defined by W. 38 Street to the south, W. 51 Street to the north, Duval Street to the east, and Guadalupe Street to the west. It is situ- ated just north of the University of Texas and borders the neighborhoods of Hancock and North Loop. Hyde Park traces its origins back to 1891 and is considered to be Austin's first suburb. Artwork Budget: $100,000 Funded by a 2012 voter-approved bond, the Capital Improvement Project features renovation of the Ney studio, including a new HVAC system, and improved weatherization. Building and inte- rior improvements will also resolve water penetration and interior air quality issues. As per City of Austin Ordinance 2% of the estimated construction budget is set aside for the commissioning of public art though the AIPP Program. The total award for the artist contract is $100,000.00, and is paid over the course of the commis- sion with milestones at community engagement, design, fabrication, installation, and closing. AIPP recommends that selected artists or artist-led teams budget 20% for their artist design fee, 10% for contingency, and budget the remainder for all other project expenses including but not limited to: insurance, promotion, community engagement, design, all engineering, fabrication, materials, subcontractors, travel, transportation, shipping, permits and installation. Possible Artwork Siting There are limited locations where an artwork can be sited throughout the facility, as the site is historical. Potential artwork locations include the new entry point from Shipe Park on 44th Street and Avenue G. The final artwork site will be determined in collaboration between the se- lected artist, City staff, and the community. Eligibility The City of Austin AIPP program strives to commission a broad range of artworks which contrib- ute to the current dialogue in the field of visual art. AIPP defines artist as an individual recog- nized by critics and peers as a professional practitioner of serious intent and substantial ability. • Experience creating 3-dimensional permanent artwork in materials suitable for exterior environments • Austin-based visual artists who reside in the seven counties bounding the Austin metro area (Travis, Hays, Williamson, Bastrop, Caldwell, Burnet, and Blanco counties) • at least 18 years of age Ineligibility Design professionals, including architects, who do not have a consistent visual art practice are ineligible to apply as team leads, but may be a part of an artist-led team. Artists who have more than three permanent artworks represented in the AIPP public art collec- tion; artists who currently are under an active contract for a permanent AIPP project; and artists who have completed an AIPP project within the past year are ineligible to apply. City of Austin full-time employees, or contractors hired by the sponsor project, are ineligible. Submission Requirements 1. Credentials: CV/Resume (limit 3 pages) 2. Short responses to the following questions (100-300 words per question): a. Describe your artistic practice and how you are a good candidate for this partic- b. As an artist approaching public art, how do you design works that respond to a ular opportunity. particular site? c. How do you collaborate or engage with community in your art practice? Please give an example of a successful public artwork with elements informed by com- munity feedback. d. Do you have a personal connection to the Elisabet Ney Museum or nearby com- munities? If so, please describe. 3. Ten images of previous work (only one image per page). a. Label each image with: title, date of completion, location, materials, art budget. b. For team applications, please indicate the lead artist for each project; or provide c. an annotated image list. IMAGES OF INCOMPLETE PROJECTS OR PROPOSAL IDEAS WILL NOT BE RE- VIEWED 4. Three Professional references: (names, phone numbers and email addresses) 5. Demographic Survey Selection Criteria • Technical quality and aesthetic appeal of past work • Dedicated and consistent artistic practice • Authenticity, creativity, and innovation of work as presented • Communication of ideas and intentions • Ability and enthusiasm to engage the community in which the artwork will be installed • Experience with public art projects of a relatively similar size and scope Selection Process A five-member selection panel composed of visual arts professionals and community represent- atives will review all eligible submissions. Only one artist or artist-led team and one alternate will be recommended for the commission. Project Schedule (Subject to Change) Winter 2025 Winter 2025 Winter 2026 Selected Artist under contract Construction begin Target Installation Artist Information Meeting DATE; TIME (CST) TBD AIPP staff will present information on the project and answer questions from interested artists. AIPP staff will also review the application procedures. The presented materials, along with Q&A, will be posted to City’s website after the meeting: portunities. Questions regarding this solicitation must be directed in writing to: Art in Public Places Coordinator – Lindsay Hutchens,