Item 09 - 02 Palmer Events Center Process Summary.pdf — original pdf

Art in Public Places City of Austin Cultural Arts Division 5202 East Ben White Boulevard, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78741 512.974.7700 / PROCESS SUMMARY Project Summary Palmer Events Center: Interior Installation The Palmer Events Center is undertaking a phased approach to add improvements through out the building starting with the restroom facilities. The City of Austin has grown rapidly into a top-ten preferred convention destination since opening the Austin Convention Center (ACC) in 1992 and expanding it in 2002. However, the existing Convention Center has insufficient space to accommodate the growth in event demand at the Center, while the facility itself creates a barrier between east and west, with no ground level interaction for the local community and visitors. Therefore, the ACC has begun the process of an expansion to its existing facility, to provide a larger, more efficient facility on a smaller footprint that will be a more active and community-friendly event space in the heart of Downtown Austin. The new Convention Center will nearly double the available rentable space at the Center and position us to compete for the next tier of convention business and build the convention center of tomorrow! Project Background • Expansion of the Austin Convention Center, in conjunction with ongoing initiatives including Waterloo Greenway, the Palm District, and Project Connect, will transform the southeast corner of downtown into a community-centric destination • The completed expansion project is estimated to generate an additional $285 million in yearly economic impact within the local community, provide nearly $13 million in additional annual tax revenue to the City, and support over 1,600 additional jobs. • The expansion will greatly expand the available rental space of the existing convention center, allowing the center to remain competitive in the convention center marketplace • Expansion is the result of nearly a decade of study, with all overwhelmingly supportive of an expansion of the Center. • On Aug. 8, 2019, the Austin City Council approved an increase in the municipal HOT rate of a further 2% for a Convention Center expansion, bringing the total City HOT rate to 11%. • The new Convention Center will be built using Hotel Occupancy Tax and the Convention Center’s revenues, with no reliance on property tax Public Art Goals & Priorities The artwork is intended to provide an aesthetic enhancement for an interior wall spanning the length of a narrow walkway of approximately 90 linear feet and extending upward about 20 feet. The wall is located on the 2nd level of the open lobby space running parallel to functional decorative railing that together create a walkway to the Events Center offices. The artist or artist-led team selected for this project will be expected to coordinate with staff during the implementation of the project so as to minimally impact operations. This project is an opportunity for an artist to create a tactile, visually engaging artwork on the 2nd level of the main entrance lobby space of the Palmer Event Center. The artwork should consider the surrounding natural context of the space and earthy interior finishes. The final artwork could use technology to inform, illuminate, provide humor or narrative while visually engaging visitors and other users of the Palmer Event Center. APPROXIMATE BUDGET: The total budget allocated for this opportunity is approximately $400,000. This amount is inclusive of all artists’ design fees, engineering, permitting, machining and fabrication, transportation, installation, travel, shipping expenses, insurance, and other artwork project-related costs. BUDGET SELECTION PROCESS A five-member selection panel comprised of visual arts professionals and community representatives and advisors will review all eligible submissions. The selection panel reserves the right to recommend one or more artists and one or more alternate artists at the time of the initial review. The Selection Panel consisted of: Rachel Wyatt – Brand Designer and Professor Dana Younger – Sculptor utilizing both traditional and digital techniques China Whitby – Archivist and Art Program Manager for University Health’s Hospital Salud-Art: Art of Healing • • • Program • • The Jury also included Convention Center Staff Camala Jones and Faith Ward as well as Capital Delivery Services project manager, Heidi Tse as advisors and was supported by staff AIPP Project Manager Ryan Runcie, Lindsay Hutchens, Frederico Geib and AIPP Collection Manager, Sean Harrison. Christopher Cardoza – Photographer and San Marcos Arts Commissioner Jennifer Hill – Ceramic Studio Artist and Traveling Instructor VOTING SELECTION PANELIST’S COMMENTS Recommended Artist Amy Landesberg: The artist has a unique take on use/reuse of materials and their relevance to the space's function, as well as an informed integration of technology with nature. For example the airport car rental installation using tail lights (left side, an excellent detail) to create a Swarm to reflect both nature and the nature of car use is brilliant. Visually her work is stunning both up close and at a distance. Her use of color with form is likely to create a pleasing balance with the architecture of the Palmer. Amy's survey of submitted artwork showcased a timeless elegance mixed with contemporary edge that was both beautiful and impactful. Her repurposing of found material sends a visual environmental friendly message without being overbearing. Additionally I found that her use of more abstract design offers a versatility that would be perfect for the Palmer's multiple events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Amy Landsberg is the correct choice that I chose originally as my recommendation for Palmer Events Center Artist. Their choice of patterns and colors drew me in as a spectator and found that their artistry would be engaging for the the section of Palmers that it will be featured in I look forward to seeing the final design that will be installed Recommended Alternate Shan Shan Sheng: This artist has a great sense of robust color and forms that activate the space. The strength, confidence, and beauty of her examples are eye-catching as an initial impression, yet balanced by a serenity that follows with extended viewing. Shan Shan Sheng's art is truly break-taking in any space that it encompasses. From her use of color to the bold use of shape that her pieces take one. She has an international resume that speaks to her skill as an public artists. Once in place her work does not disappoint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Still a personal favorite besides the above chosen. This was the first piece I was drawn to before becoming enchanted by Amy's resume. I hope to see Shan added somewhere in the future in one of our surrounding communities. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (RFQ) On September 11, 2023, the AIPP Panel approved the Request for Qualifications for the Palmer Events Center AIPP Project. Constance White presented. Discussion ensued. Vice Chair Villanueva motioned to approve, with the addition of the Panel’s comments. Panel Member Carr seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION (RFQ) On September 18 , 2023, the Arts Commission voted (9-0) to approve the Palmer Events Center RFQ. A motion to approve items 10 – 15 on consent on Commissioner Gray motion, Commissioner Mok second on a 9-0 vote with Commissioners Maldonado and Csillagi absent. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Artist Selection) AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION (Artist Selection) Kick off ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Mid-Design Review) Mid-Design Community feedback User Dept. Mid-Design feedback ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Design Approval) AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION (Design Approval)