Item 10 - Artist Qualifications_AUS TEP II B AIPP 2024_AC_20240520TEP_Phase_II_ProcessSummary_Kristofoletti & Mazzotta_20240506.pdf — original pdf

Art in Public Places | Cultural Arts Division Economic Development Department | City of Austin 201 E. 2nd Street | Austin, TX 78701 512.974.7700 | Process Summary Project: Terminal Expansion Phase II, Project B Art in Public Places Project Terminal/Apron Expansion and Improvements Phase II A, B and C Art in Public Places Project at Austin- Bergstrom International Airport. The selected artists for Terminal Expansion Phase II, AIPP Project B are Josef Kristofoletti and Matthew Mazzotta. Pre-Qualified Artist Pool SELECTION PANEL Leslie Moody Castro, Independent Curator, Austin, TX • • Fernando Andrade, Artist, San Antonio, TX • Alex Rubio, Artist, San Antonio, TX • • Phillip Townsend, Fellow in African American Art at The Blanton, Austin, TX Julia Hendrickson, Associate Curator, The Contemporary, Austin, TX PROJECT TEAM Julie Harris, Program Manager; Properties Group, Aviation Dept., City of Austin • Gabriel Gomez, Contract Specialist; Properties Group, Aviation Dept., City of Austin • Terra Goolsby, Artist, District 2 • • Cory Hurless, Curator; Program Manager I, Aviation Dept. City of Austin • Burton Jones, Architect; Public Works Project Manager, City of Austin • Rohini Kumarage, Aviation Project Manager, City of Austin • Chris McCray, Designer, AIPP Panel Chair and Project Liaison • Janet Zweig, Artist, Terminal Expansion AIPP Project Phase I PROJECT SUMMARY The City of Austin Art in Public Places (AIPP) program of the Cultural Arts Division, Economic Development Department, seeks to commission three professional visual artists (or artist teams) to design, fabricate, and install artwork for the second stage of the Terminal Expansion Project at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS). Applicants must have been selected as a participant in the 2018-2020 Pre-Qualified Artist Pool. The Terminal/Apron Expansion and Improvements Phase II B opportunity will have a LaunchPAD program component. The LaunchPAD Program provides a professional development opportunity for a local artist to gain technical and administrative expertise needed to compete within the field of public art while providing services benefitting a public art project. The program expands AIPP’s ability to attract new and emerging public artists to participate in the City of Austin’s public art program and provide opportunities for local artists to gain more expertise in public art. LaunchPAD also aids in the growth of the City of Austin public artist talent pool, creating a more solid foundation for Austin public artists as they apply for public art projects locally, nationally and internationally. PROJECT GOALS Art in Public Places seeks to commission works of art of redeeming quality that advance public understanding of visual art and enhance the aesthetic quality of public places through the selection of a qualified artist who can innovatively and thoughtfully design within the context of this project. The goal of the AUS Terminal Expansion Projects Phase II is to select three artists or artist teams who will, in collaboration with the Project Team, design artwork that: » enhances the travellers’ experience by piquing curiosity and/or conveying a sense of wonder; » distinguishes Austin-Bergstrom International Airport and reflects the nature and character of Austin; supports the Airport’s commitment to sustainability; » » contributes to a local, regional and national contemporary art dialogue; and » serves as a significant piece within the artist’s oeuvre. BUDGET Three artist commissions will be awarded in the amounts of $260,000, $155,000, and $155,000. Each award will be inclusive of all costs associated with the project, including design, fabrication, lighting, and installation of artwork (including shipping expenses and insurance), travel, time spent working with city staff, stakeholders and the Project Team, and all other project-related costs. The funds for this project are derived from the 2% for public art portion of the City of Austin’s contribution to the estimated construction budget. SELECTION PROCESS A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was released on September 20th, 2019 to professional visual artists on the 2018-2020 Pre-Qualified Artist Pool. An online artist information meeting was held on September 30th, 2019 to explain the parameters of the three opportunities; a video recording of this meeting was also posted to the internet. On October 29th, 2019, the jury reviewed 29 applications and recommended eight artists as project finalists. Each finalist was paid a $750 stipend which included attendance at a finalist orientation meeting (held on November 14th, 2019 and December 4, 2019) and submission of a conceptual proposal. The eight finalists were Virginia Fleck, Laurie Frick, Kat Kohl, Josef Kristofoletti, Beili Liu, Steve Parker, Margo Sawyer, and Reji Thomas. Finalists presented their conceptual proposals to the Project Team on January 17th, 2020. The Project Team artist selection recommendations were as follows: Selected Artists: • Project A ($155,000 Budget): Beili Liu • Project B ($260,000 Budget): Josef Kristofoletti • Project C ($155,000 Budget): Kat Kohl Alternates: • Project B Alternate: Laurie Frick • Project A+C First Alternate: Steve Parker • Project A+C Second Alternate: Margo Sawyer SELECTION PANEL COMMENTS Recommended Artist Beili Liu: “Beili Liu is a seasoned artist with a great deal of installation experience. Her work is quiet but strong. She demonstrated a great ability to collaborate and communicate concisely.” Recommended Artist Josef Kristofoletti: “(Kristofoletti) employs technique and process that best conveys sense of wonder & curiosity. The process of social & community feedback will incorporate the nature and character of Austin.” Recommended Artist Kat Kohl: “Kat Kohl’s work is contemplative and multi-faceted. She is organized and demonstrated a strong background in architecture and material.” ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Prospectus/Selection Process) On March 3, 2019, the AIPP Panel approved the prospectus for the three Terminal Expansion Project Phase II AIPP Projects A-C at Austin Bergstrom-International Airport. Vice Chair Walker motioned approval, Panel Member Carr seconded. Arts Commission Liaison Brett Barnes and Panel Member Tammie Rubin were absent. Vote 5-0-0. AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION (Prospectus/Selection Process) On March 18, 2019, the Austin Arts Commission approved the prospectus for Terminal Expansion Phase II Art in Public Places Projects A-C at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Motion to approve item 6.c on consent. Motioned: Commissioner Barnes; seconded: Commissioner Polgar; passed on consent 7-0, Commissioner Fonte off the dais, Commissioner Garza absent. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Artist Selection) On February 3, 2020, the AIPP Panel approved the selection panel recommendations for the three Terminal Expansion Project Phase II AIPP Projects A-C at Austin Bergstrom-International Airport. Arts Commission Liaison Barnes motioned approval, Panel Member Lemmo seconded. Vote 7-0-0. AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION (Artist Selection) On April 20th, 2020, the Arts Commission unanimously approved the selection panel recommendations for the three Terminal Expansion Project Phase II AIPP Projects A-C at Austin Bergstrom-International Airport. Commissioner Mok motioned approval, Commissioner Fonte seconded. Vote 8-0-0 (Barnes absent). AUSTIN CITY COUNCIL (Artist Selection) On June 11th, 2020, the Austin City Council unanimously approved the selection panel recommendations for the three Terminal Expansion Project Phase II AIPP Projects A-C at Austin Bergstrom-International Airport. The motion authorizing the negotiation and execution of an agreement with TRUSONIC, LLC was approved on consent on Council Member Pool's motion, Council Member Harper-Madison's second on an 11-0 vote. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Mid-Design Review) On September 12, 2022, Artists Josef Kristofoletti and Matthew Mazzotta presented their Mid-Design to the Art in Public Places Panel via Zoom. The Panel gave feedback. No action was taken. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL (Final Design Approval) On May 1, 2023, Artists Josef Kristofoletti and Matthew Mazzotta presented their Final Design to the Art in Public Places Panel via Zoom. The Panel gave feedback. Vice Chair Villanueva motioned for approval. Panel Member Muzacz seconded. Motion passed 5-0-0. _____________________________________________________________________________________ TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE On March 29, 2024, the Art in Public Places Program issued of Notice of Termination for Convenience to Artists Josef Kristofoletti and Matthew Mazzotta for the AUS TEP II AIPP Project. The reason for termination was listed as: A signed “User Department Public Art Evaluation Form for Technical Feasibility and Maintenance” for the proposed Final Design was not provided by the Department of Aviation (“Sponsoring Department”) to the Art in Public Places (AIPP) program. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ART IN PUBLIC PLACES (Budget Increase) On May 6, 2024, the AIPP Panel approved an Updated Artwork Budget ($1,000,000) for the Austin- Bergstrom International Airport, Terminal/Apron Expansion and Improvement Phase IIb AIPP Project with Artists Josef Kristofoletti and Matthew Mazzotta. Panel Member Carr motioned for approval. Panel Member Davis seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0.