Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

1. 2. 3. 4. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL Regular Meeting Minutes The Art in Public Places Panel convened a regular meeting on Monday, January 8, 2024, via Zoom. Chair Stephanie Lemmo called the Meeting to order at 6:02 PM. Panel Members in Attendance: Chair Stephanie Lemmo, Vice Chair J Muzacz, and Panel Members Sarah Carr, Taylor Davis, Kristi-Anne Shaer, Lisa Woods, and Arts Commission Panel Liaison Monica Maldonado. Staff in Attendance: AIPP staff: Program Manager Constance Y. White, and Coordinators Alex Irrera, Ryan Runcie, Frederico Geib, Sean Harrison, Bryana Iglesias, Lindsay Hutchens. Guests in Attendance: Yuliya Lanina, Dana Perrotti, Ernesto Hernandez, & Rehab El Sadek PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the Art in Public Places Panel Regular Meeting on Monday, December 4, 2023, were approved on the motion of Panel Member Carr and Panel Member Shaer seconded. Passed 7-0-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussion of Chair’s Report on ‘Setting the tone for 2024’ by Chair Lemmo. Chair Lemmo acknowledged the new year and welcomed new Panel Members and staff. Discussion of Arts Commission Liaison Report on Action items from the December 2023 Arts Commissions Meeting by Arts Commission Liaison Maldonado. No Report. Discussion of AIPP Panel working group to review AIPP program policies (AIPP Ordinance, Guidelines, Public Private Partnerships (P3s), Planned Unit Development (PUD), Public Improvement District (PID), and Equity Statement). AIPP Program Manager White explained the working group’s scope of work. Chair Lemmo discussed working group participants. Interested participants include Arts Commission Liaison Maldonado, Chair Lemmo, Panel Members Carr and Shaer, and Arts Commissioner Heidi Schmalbach. 5. Discussion of In-Person vs. Virtual AIPP Panel Meetings. Chair Lemmo lead a discussion on in-person vs. virtual Panel meetings in the new year. Meetings will be held in person as need-based on the agenda. 5. Discussion: Review the Mid Design for Slaughter Lane Corridor: Segment A AIPP Project. Yuliya Lanina presented. No action was taken. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS ACTION: Approve the Modified Final Design for the Comal Pocket Park AIPP Project. Dana Perrotti presented. Approved on the motion of Panel Member Woods and Panel Member Davis seconded. Passed 7-0-0. 7. 8. 9. Project Managers Updates – AIPP Staff. None. Collections Manager Report – Sean Harrison. AIPP Coordinator Harrison briefed the Panel on several collection update, including repairs to Obelisqos by various artists and Magic Portal by James Talbot. AIPP Program Manager Update – Constance Y. White. AIPP Program Manager White updated the Panel on TEMPO on Trail, AIPP 40th anniversary, and the La Peña Art in Public Places Impact Study. She also noted that she will be speaking at a Women and Their Work event Can Public Art Change the World? in January. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lemmo adjourned the meeting at 7:32 PM without objection. The minutes were approved at the February 5, 2024, meeting on VICE CHAIR MUZACZ’S motion, PANEL MEMBER SHAER’S second on a (6-0-0) vote.