Arts CommissionOct. 18, 2021

Austin Film Society Diversity Equity and Inclusion Journey Presentation — original pdf

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R E G U L A R H E A D E R OUR DEI JOURNEY MISSION The Austin Film Society empowers our community to make, watch, and love film and creative media. 2 D E I I N H O L L Y W O O D Vision: Equity and inclusion inform all AFS decision-making. DRAFT – CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE G R E A T F I L M – A F S C I N E M A 4 A U S T I N P U B L I C : A H O M E F O R M E D I A M A K E R S Austin Public is a non-exclusive and content-neutral media studio that offers low- and no-cost training, equipment, facilities, and content distribution services to all Austinites. S K I P D A Y 5 P R O G R A M E X P A N S I O N : W O R K F O R C E D E V E L O P M E N T Workforce Development Program • Participants from underrepresented communities • Paid Internship for 8 months • Training in Digital Media Production • Develop job skills • Job referral and placement • Workforce Program Manager S K I P D A Y 6 A U S T I N S T U D I O S : J O B S / I N D U S T R Y C A T A L Y S T S K I P D A Y 7 W O R K F O R C E D E V E L O P M E N T & A U S T I N S T U D I O S The short and long-term productions based at Austin Studios, like the CW’s Walker, provide robust opportunities for graduates of AFS’s workforce development program and creatives seeking jobs in the film/TV/media sector. S K I P D A Y 8 A F S G R A N T & F I L M M A K E R S U P P O R T $2 million in grants since 1996 Supports artists traditionally underrepresented in the film industry and who are working outside of large industry centers. AFS intends for the Grant program to actively work against the structural racism and sexism in the screen industries. S K I P D A Y 9 2 0 2 1 A F S G R A N T R E C I P I E N T S In FY 2022, AFS has so far made grants to 10 feature-length film projects by 14 directors. 85% of recipients identify with a community of color, and 86% are female- identifying. S K I P D A Y 10 C I T Y O F A U S T I N V I S I O N S T A T E M E N T Austin is a beacon of sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity; where diversity and creativity are celebrated; where community needs and values are recognized; where leadership comes from its community members; and where the necessities of life are affordable and accessible to all. 11 TIMELINE Beyond Diversity / Leadership Austin Training Planning / Visioning Engaging / Implementing 2019 2020 2021 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2022 Q4 Q1 Staff Training with Tara Cooper Board Training with Tara Cooper Listening to Understand wtih Tara Cooper Q3 Monthly Meetings with Leadership Team and Tara Cooper begin Draft Program Plan Completed Strategic Planning begins Strategic Plan presented to full AFS Board Strategic Plan adopted by full AFS Board (expected) DEI Steering Committee formed; Tara Cooper engaged Equity Audit: Listening Sessions Equity Audit Complete Results of Listening Sessions shared with Leadership Team DEI Marketing Consultation with Leslie Wingo and Alexis Rossi begins THANK YOU “The work of anti-racism is becoming a better human to other humans” – Austin Channing Brown – June 22, 2020 13