List of supporters of the letter to City Council regarding $5 million in additional funds to Arts non-profits — original pdf

Please read this: Request to Arts Commission.pdf Then add your name and organization below. Sylvia Orozco, Mexic-Arte Museum Lisa Scheps, Ground Floor Theatre Charlie Lockwood, Texas Folklife Anne Goetzmann Kelley, Motion Media Arts Center Shea Little, Big Medium Jacqui Cross, Co- Founder, Spectrum Theatre Company Dewy Brooks, Board Chair, Austin Creative Alliance Matt Hinsley, Austin Classical Guitar Jean Anne Lauer, Cine Las Americas Michelle Voss, The Contemporary Austin Chris Cowden, Women & Their Work Christine Hoang, Color Arc Productions Rebecca Campbell, Austin Film Society Rupert Reyes, playwright and former artistic director of Teatro Vivo Renelle Bedell, ZACH Theatre Dr. Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard, Puerto Rican Cultural Center Shannon Grounds, Shrewd Productions Bonnie Cullum, The VORTEX Anuradha Naimpally, Austin Dance India Rudy Ramirez, Avante Theatre Project and The VORTEX Hanna Huang, Austin Asian American Film Festival Ananyaa Ravi, Indie Meme Org Sally Jacques Blue Lapis Light Michelle Schumann, Austin Chamber Music Center Ann Hume Wilson, KMFA Classical 89.5 Liz Cass, LOLA Diane Thomas, Inspiritus Garden Art Design Animon Jose, Indie Meme Org Patti Neff-Tiven, Ground Floor Theatre Melissa Vogt, The VORTEX Ken Webster, Hyde Park Theatre Shawn Sides, Rude Mechs Jennifer Rose Davis, The Archive Theater Karen Jambon, Different Stages Christina J. Moore, ScriptWorks Kate Taylor, Salvage Vanguard Pallavi Malviya, Indie Meme Org Ann Zarate, Trinity Street Players Norman Blumensaadt, Different Stages Manuel Zarate, HBMG Foundation Ryan Crowder, Penfold Theatre Candyce Rusk, Austin ScriptWorks Jenny Lavery, Theatre en Bloc Alexandra Bassett, Rude Mechs Elizabeth V. Newman, The Filigree Theatre Brian Andrew Cheslik, Deaf Austin Theatre Ron Berry, Fusebox Festival Rachel Steed, Last Act Theatre Company Cortney DeAngelo, The VORTEX Pam Fletcher Friday, freelance costumer and theatre teacher Eanes ISD Michael Meigs, Marshall Smith, First Baptist Church (Trinity Street Players) Connor Hopkins, Trouble Puppet Theater Company Dave Buckman, ColdTowne Theater Steve Williams, Trinity Street Players Lisa Laratta, paper chairs Jennifer Sturley, Past is Prologue Productions JoAnn Carreon Reyes, former executive director of Teatro Vivo Don Miller, Deaf Austin Theatre Hank Schwemmer, member ScriptWorks Mark Pickell, Capital T Theatre Lauren Adams, Fusebox Festival Kalie Kubes, Deaf Austin Theatre Dustin Wills, paper chairs Beth Usher, Chaparral Eurythmy Irina Yakushenok, Austin Russian Theater Company Lara Haddock, Austin Playhouse Katie Moore, Mortified Austin, Paramount Story Wranglers Helen Merino, Gateway Theatre Project Jennifer Cunningham, Motion Media Arts Center CB Goodman, Grackle Jack Productions Jules Buck Jones, MASS Gallery John Mathew Bernal, Chula League Winnie Hsia, Sky Candy David R. Jarrott, Jarrott Productions Robert Tolaro, Mary Moody Northen Theatre Fabian Leon Villa, Essentials Creative Will Douglas, Jarrott Productions & company member at The VORTEX Jonathan Wei, The Telling Project Christian Huey, Way Off Broadway Community Players Brent Hasty, MINDPOP Kenneth Gall, Kenneth Gall Photography / the Vortex Andrew Garrison, Independent Filmmaker, Texas Folklife Kate Meehan, President, B. Iden Payne Awards Council Mai Gutierrez, ICOSA Victoria Schwarz, The VORTEX & Austin Children’s Theater Matrex Kilgore, Creative Action and Ground Floor Theatre & company member at The VORTEX, En Route Productions, Spectrum Theatre Company Celia Hughes, Art Spark Texas Sarah Rucker, Full Gallop April Sullivan, Art Spark Texas Kenny Felton, Texas Music Partners Margie Rine, The Contemporary Austin Patrick Anthony, Austin Shakespeare, Capital T Theatre, Shrewd Productions, Teatro Vivo, The VORTEX Tyson Davis Libby Weed, Gilbert & Sullivan Austin Kristin Henn, Excused Absence Comedy at ColdTowne Theater Olaniyi R. Akindiya AKIRASH, ArtWithAkirash Studio LLC. Jennifer Hart, Performa/Dance,Inc. Jennifer Dugas, Austin Music Foundation Jean Leider, Teaching and Performing Artist and Musician Patricia Shults, Art Alliance Austin J Muzacz, The Mosaic Workshop Alex B. Alford, Austin Shakespeare Olivia Jimenez, The VORTEX, Shrewd Productions, Austin Scottish Rite Theater, Austin Children’s Theater Raasin McIntosh, Raasin in the Sun Alejandra Almuelle Amelia Turner, company member of The VORTEX, Shrewd Productions, En Route Productions Douglas Laustsen Debbie Kizer, Imagine Art Benjamin Galvan Lolita Rodriguez, ATX Artist Social Susan Gayle Todd, Austin Scottish Rite Theater Jason Phelps, Jason Phelps & Co. Talena Martinez, Austin Children’s Theater, Trouble Puppet Theater Company, The VORTEX, Glass Half Full Theatre, & The Ground Floor Theatre Zac Crofford, Austin Children’s Theater, Trouble Puppet Theater Company, Glass Half Full Theatre, The Ground Floor Theatre, & Hidden Room Theater Content Love Knowles, member VORTEX Rep Co Kendra Dobson, 3240 Entertainment Chris Conard Fusebox and Frank Wo/Men Collective Simone Raquel Alexander, New Manifest Theatre Company Imani Aanu, Austin Samba School Stephanie Carll, Present Company Zachary Zulch, Almost Real Things Magazine Natalie Earhart, Almost Real Things Magazine Sarah Marie Curry - freelance artist, actor and teacher (Hideout Theatre, Merlin Works School of Improv, Fallout Theatre, Carol Hickey Acting Studio) JoAnn Benfield, Deaf Austin Theatre Katie Robinson Edwards, Curator, UMLAUF Sculpture Garden + Museum Amy Morrow, The Theorists Nicole Oglesby, The Heartland Theatre Collective Ann Ciccolella, Austin Shakespeare, Artistic Director Carl Gonzales(actor/director)- Trinity Street Players,Teatro Vivo, Salvage Vanguard,Penfold Theatre,Former artistic director of Oh Dragon Theatre. Natalie George, Natalie George Productions Robert Matney, Director of Technology, Whirligig and The Hidden Room Liz Fisher, Artistic Director, Whirligig Melinda Parr, Austin Shakespeare, Shrewd Productions Larry Vanston, Executive Director, Fisterra Projects Kelley Worden, Executive Director, Art From The Streets Rob Halverson, Director, Grapes of Wrath 75 Project Reina Hardy, playwright Jacquelyn Lies, (Actress/Director) - The Baron’s Men Jennifer Rogers (Designer), Vortex Rep Company, Phase6 LLC, Gilbert & Sullivan Austin Liz Beckham, actor at Austin Shakespeare, ZACH, Hidden Room, Theatre En Bloc, Penfold, Hyde Park Theatre, Street Corner Arts, Shrewd Productions Patricia Wappner, actor, Vortex Rep Company Billy Traylor, Founder & Artistic Director – Austin Baroque Orchestra Chelsee Sandaker, Ensemble Administrator – Austin Baroque Orchestra Marina DeYoe-Pedraza, Salvage Vanguard, Ballet East, Glass Half Full Theatre, Trouble Puppet Co. Luis Ordaz Gutiérrez - Artistic Director of ProyectoTEATO Samuel Parrott Katie Green, Twin Alchemy Theatre Collective Nitza DeBiase, Artist and Producer at Lucky Chaos Productions cindy soo, general manager, Lucky Chaos Productions Leng Wong, founder, Lucky Chaos Productions Alice Graulty, board member, El Niño y El Cuento Helen Febrie, Lucky Chaos Lion Dance Beth Burns, Artistic Director, The Hidden Room Theatre Denise M. Fulton, Director, Atelier Dojo Michael Melinger, President, Austin Jazz Workshop Inc. Alicia Adame, Executive Director, Biliteracy Club Communities of Austin (BoCCa) Kelsey Oliver, Alexa Capareda, Roberto Di Donato, Chris Conard, Frank Wo/Men Collective Shirley Johnson, Not Just OOM-PAH! Accordion Concerts and Workshops Julie Slim, Julie Slim & RendezVous (International Jazz Quintet) Joel Laviolette, Rattletree (sponsored project of Women and their Work) Peter Helf, Austin Chamber Music Center Yan Liu, Deaf Austin Theatre John Pike , artist (sponsored project of Big Medium) Sean Gaulager, Executive Director, Co-Lab Projects Karen Gallant, Austin Classical Guitar Sarah Story, Executive Director, UMLAUF Sculpture Garden + Museum Joe WIlliams, Austin Classical Guitar James Fidlon, Austin Classical Guitar Susan Thomson, Leadership Chair, Paradox Players Paige Jeter, First Baptist Church (Trinity Street Players) Paloma Mayorga, PrintAustin Collective Ron Pippin, OUTSIDE VOICE (Sponsored Project of Big Medium) Amy Tarver, Executive Director, TILT Performance Group & Business Manager, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival Chuck Ney, Producing Artistic Director, Horizon Line Theater Sarah Zeringue, First Baptist Church (Trinity Street Players) Amy Bennett, General Manager, Paradox Players Carol Wagner, Fusebox Festival Board Chair Elizabeth O’Brien, First Baptist Church (Trinity Street Players) Matthew Teodori, line upon line percussion Zac Traeger, The Museum of Human Achievement Rachael Garbowski, Big Medium Carmen Rangel, The Mosaic Workshop & Viva La Painter Dan Redman, Mosaic Sound Collective Ann McNair, Conspirare Elizabeth Doss, paper chairs Aurel Garza-Tucker, Austin Chamber Music Center Madeline Warner, Austin Chamber Music Center Andrea Ariel, Andrea Ariel Dance Theatre Coka Treviño, The Projecto Mike Lavigne, Violet Crown Club House Travis Weller, Austin New Music Co-op Joshua Green, Executive Director, ArtUs Co (Pump Project) Nathan Felix, Composer/Director Keep Composers Weird Jessica Nero, Blue Lapis Light Julie Holden, ScriptWorks John Riedie, Austin Creative Alliance Heather Bishop, Austin Scriptworks Martha Koock Ward, Arts Lunch Bunch Aaron M. Clay, ScriptWorks Katherine Schroeder, Different Stages Alejandro Pedemonte - Central Arte (former Pedemonte Productions) James E. Burnside, ScriptWorks & TILT Performance Group Megan Bommarito, Salvage Vanguard Theatre CJ Menge, Inside Out Steelband Briandaniel Oglesby, playwright Mindy Rast-Keenan, vice-president, Austin Summer Musical for Children Roberta Weston, Art Department Chair, Austin Community College Kelli Bland, Performer, Director and Costume Designer Dr. Tom Nevill, Dean of Arts & Digital Media, Austin Community College Alex Casillas, Lighting and Scenic Designer Laura Neill, playwright Gabriela Kane, Texas Folklife Robert Stevens, actor, Austin Shakespeare, Last Act Theater Company, The Baron’s Men, et al. Malyssa Quiles, Company Member with The Vortex, Shrewd Productions, New Manifest Theatre Andrea Calo, MASS Gallery Christine Garvey, MASS Galley Adam Roberts, Co-Founding Artistic Director, TILT Performance Group Susan Morehead, Texas Folklife (former chair, board member, interim ED) Michelle Haché, Stage Director, Gilbert & Sullivan Austin & Austin Summer Musical for Children Andrew Rodriguez, Board Chair The Hidden Room Theatre Joshua Thomson, 2019 Austin Creative Ambassador, Atlas Maior, Artist Advocate AJ Garcia-Rameau, Ventana Ballet Helen Parish, The VORTEX Johnna Henry, MASS Gallery Valoneecia Tolbert,Actor for Austin Shakespeare & Company member for: Hidden Room Theatre, Shrewd Productions, The Vortex & Ashe Arts Eva McQuade, Actor and company member with The Vortex, Shrewd Productions, New Manifest Theatre Christine Lee, Board Member, Fusebox Festival Rommel Sulit, Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors, Austin Creative Alliance; Associate Artistic Director, Street Corner Arts; Ensemble, Hidden Room Theatre; Actor w/ Acclaim Talent Carlo Lorenzo Garcia, Actor/Director/Company member of Street Corner Arts, Jarrott Productions Natalie D. Garcia, Actress/Company member of Jarrott Productions Joseph Garlock, Violent Crown Robert Deike, Ronin, Austin and Central Texas Performer Chistopher Hynes Austin Artist Beth Schindler, MASS Gallery Lady Lola LeStrange, Performer Susannah Crowell, Performer and Teaching Artist Jeremy Rashad Brown, Brown Boy Productions, The VORTEX board president Kirtana Banskota-Banskota Productions Benjamin Summers, Street Corner Arts Andrea Skola, Street Corner Arts Polly Monear, Pangolin Arts Collective W. Joe Hoppe, Lucky Tiger Press Kate Murray, Texas Folklife & Unfine Arts