FY 21 Funding Matrix Presentation — original pdf

PROPOSED FY 21 FUNDING MATRIX JUNE 17, 2020 For discussion only. A special called meeting on June 24, 1‐2:30pm has been scheduled for anyone wishing to share their thoughts. Community members may sign up to speak no later than Noon, June 23 by emailing annemarie.mckaskle@austintexas.gov. Action will be scheduled to take place at a subsequent special called meeting of the Commission prior to July 13 (TBD). Welcome Funding Matrix Guiding Principles FY 20 vs FY 21 Working Group Considerations Proposed Funding Matrix Other Resources for Contractors C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S Funding Matrix Working Group Guiding Principles Consistent Funding Program Guidelines Consistent & respect the integrity of the Peer Panel process and score Consistent with historic matrix parameters Ensure Funding Process plan be sound, defendable, explainable C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S Funding Matrix Working Group Guiding Principles - Additional Lead with a racial equity lens Respond to COVID‐19. C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S Arts Commission 4 Pillars Cultivate Leadership Ensure and Encourage Equity Foster Collaboration Inspire Evolution C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S Applications Received 370 Core 22 CHFP $13,052,347 Total Requested C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S Funds Available FY 18‐19 Actual FY 19‐20 Estimated (most current) FY 20‐21 Proposed Beginning Balance $3,215,422 2,960,636 ($1,174,141) Revenue Interest Transfers in Other Funds Total Available Funds Program Requirements Total Program Requirements Excess (Deficiency) of Total Available Funds Over Total Adjustment to GAAP Ending Balance $70,152 $50,335 $30,000 $12,639,480 $12,709,480 $8,623,318 $8,673,653 $7,790,403 $7,820,403 $13,001,908 $12,808,430 $12,808,430 ($292,277) ($4,134,777) ($4,988,027) $37,491 $2,960,636 $0 $0 ($1,174,141) ($6,162,168) What it would cost to keep awards at FY 20 levels How much is available? FY 21 Beginning Balance ($1.2M) FY 21 Ending Balance becomes FY 22 Beginning Balance $194,760 Subtract $400,000 to pay the deficit off in 3 years FY 21 Ending Balance ‐ $194,760 ‐ (2.5% Reserve) Add Estimated FY 21 HOT Revenue + $7.8M Subtract FY 21 Cultural Arts Fund Requirements ($6.3M) C I T Y O F A U S T I N C U L T U R A L A R T S What about the reserve? Budget based on a projection Actual funds received change (+/‐) 10% reserve provides a cushion FY 21 projection: $1.1 million deficit Must be paid back over 3 years ($391,381/year) FY 21 – FY 23 beginning balance will be negative ~ $400k $2,561.420 83 Contracts $1,522,707 81 Contracts $9,246,954 320 Contracts $5,038,989 311 Contracts $2,932,443 124 Contracts $2,058,765 99 Contracts $8,875,931 279 Contracts $4,502,931 293 Contracts FY 20 Data Black Asian MM Hispanic/ LatinX Native American LGBTQ/ D Total ALAANA Contracts FY 20 Contracts Total 31 8% 49 12% 20 5% 23 6% 1 83 0% 21% 124 31% 403 FY 21 Data Black Asian MM Hispanic/ LatinX Native American LGBTQ/ D Total ALAANA Contracts total contracts 22 6% 43 11% 13 3% 20 5% 1 0% 81 21% 99 25% 392 Total Contracts % of Total contracts Total % of Total contracts FY 20 Data Black Asian MM Hispanic/ LatinX Native American LGBTQ/D Total ALAANA Awards FY 20 Awards Total Total Award $609,457 $1,205,554 $370,384 $654,338 $92,710 $2,561,420 $2,932,443 $11,808,374 6% 10% 3% 6% 1% 22% 25% FY 21 Data Black Awards Hispanic Awards Asian Awards MM Awards LGBTQ/D Awards Total ALAANA TOTAL CAFP Allocation Native American Awards $510,555 $265,488$332,781 $883,394 $66,547 $1,522,707 $2,058,765 $6561696 8% 13% 4% 5% 1% 23% 31% % of Total CAFP Allocation Total % of Total CAFP Allocation Working Group Process by the numbers 4 Commissioners volunteered to serve 6 meetings 100+ scenarios reviewed 2 primary funding priorities 100% blind review $7.3 million estimate dropped to $7 million WG Considerations Equity Lens FY 20 – 29% ALAANA received 25% of HOT funds COVID > impact on ALAANA communities over all Available Funds Total available down 45% Initial estimate lowered $400K between May and June To use or not use 10% Reserve Which programs to reduce/eliminate Impact on FY 22 available funds Impact on Large Orgs Vs Smaller Orgs Number of potential jobs lost Access other resources Commitment to Equity "Acknowledge that the while this is a moment of deep distress, Black and Indigenous people and people of color (BIPOC) are often in distress due to systemic white advantaging and that this fund’s commitment to equity means that it will address this inequity." ‐ Justin Laing, Hillombo Consulting, "Four Criteria for More Justice in COVID‐19 Response Funds", March 21, 2020 http://hillombo.net/blog/4-criteria-for-more-justice-in-corona-response-funds/ Conclusions From Meeting 4 +/= CSMS Whole 58% general 5% in reserve TEMPO @ $100k CI @ $200k 40% to LGBTQ & Disability contractors 30% to ALAANA contractors $3k Min award Revised Projections Just before the final meeting available funds were revised down $300,000. $7.3 million down to $7 million It is possible that projections could change between now and August Conclusions From Meeting 6 +/= CSMS Whole 58% general 2.5% in reserve TEMPO @ $100k CI @ $200k 48% to LGBTQ & Disability contractors 30% to ALAANA contractors 10% Black contractors $3k Min award Impact on Priorities FY 21 – 29% ALAANA received 31% of FY 20 – 29% ALAANA received 25% of HOT HOT funds funds Equity Lens Available Funds FY 21 ‐ $7 million ‐ Total available down 45% FY 20 ‐ $12.8 Million To use or not use 10% Reserve FY 21 ‐ Maintain 2.5% reserve FY 20 – The Full 10% reserve was used to keep FY 20 contracts whole Program FY 20 Approved Awards 2.5% reserve, 58%, 48% L/D, 30% ALAANA, 10% Black contractors Scenario using FY 20 Matrix Recommended SCENARIO Culturally Specific Marketing Supplement Organizational Support Project Support I Project Support II Project Support III Cultural Heritage Festivals Community Initiatives Adjustments TEMPO Faces of Austin Cultural Arts Contracts Subtotal Expenses that cannot be changed Zach Scott Maintenance Marketing PARD Program Administration Tourism and Promotion Cultural Arts Contracts Grand Total Estimated Allocation Amount Allocation Difference $3,730,426 $3,808,530 $1,792,376 $1,616,995 $376,541 $501,380 $200,000 $40,000 $20,000 $8,000 $12,094,248 $60,000 $40,000 $50,000 $522,499 $20,000 $12,786,747 $6,251,742 ($6,535,005) $1,665,173 $1,913,372 $1,012,761 $885,355 $367,541 $360,494 $200,000 $50,067 $100,000 $8,000 $6,561,696 $60,000 $20,000 $50,000 $522,499 $10,000 $7,234,262 $7,234,262 $0 Next Steps Arts Commission meeting to hear Community Feedback (No Action will be taken) – June 24, 1‐2:30pm Sign up for Citizens Communication by noon, June 23 ‐ Email Anne‐Marie ‐ annemarie.mckaskle@austintexas.gov Arts Commission to vote at meeting to be held before July 13. Recommendation sent to Council Council will vote on City Budget mid‐August