Corridor Construction Program Presentation — original pdf

Corridor Construction Program Art Pool Selection Process AUSTIN ARTS COMMISSION JUNE 17, 2020 CCP Artist Pool History & Opportunities $720 million bond for improvements leads to Contract with the Voters 13 AIPP projects each with own goals crafted with community input Artists contracted to complete community engagement Scale and media of all types Budgets from $40,000- $200,000 with a total of approximately $1.5 million to AIPP GOALS: attract artists in all enrich the dialogue stages of their careers surrounding mobility amplify the existing culture of Austin’s public spaces advance the public’s Increase the quality understanding of of public places enhance experience of pedestrian, car, & artwork bikers CCP Artist Pool Purpose, Usage, Eligibility ❖Provide a streamlined application and selection process for artists interested in being commissioned for public art projects related to the CCP through the City of Austin AIPP Program. ❖The Pool may also be used by CCP for other community driven creative place-keeping projects as needed ❖Inclusion in the CCP Artist Pool does not guarantee an AIPP Commission. ❖Each CCP - AIPP opportunity will have its own Project Team. ❖Artists in the Pool will submit LOI for each opportunity. ❖Artists with lived experience in the corridors are highly encouraged to apply. ❖Social practice artists are highly encouraged to apply. ❖Artists under current City of Austin AIPP contract are eligible to apply. ❖Artists who have not received a public art commission are encouraged to apply. CCP Artist Pool: Jurors & Project Advisors Marsha Dorsey- Outlaw Artist (Houston) Tres Hernandez Associate + BIM Coordinator at TBG Partners (Austin) Karmimadeeborah McMillan Artist (NYC) Kelly Porter AICP Regional Planning Manager Capital Area MPO (Austin) Coka Trevino Artist & Curator (Austin) Project Advisors: Lynn Osgood, Lisa Byrd, Krissie Marty, Jana McCann; AIPP Panel Liaisons: Tammie Rubin, Stephanie Lemmo; AAC Chair: Jaime Castillo COA Staff: Corridor Program Office - Susan Daniels, Kathleen Rubin; AIPP – Sue Lambe, Laura Odegaard, Alex Irrera, Maria-Teresa Bonet CCP Artist Pool Selection Process & Demographics ❖160 applications received (35% BIPOC) ❖Staff reviewed 160 applications for eligibility and advanced 159 to the Jury for review ❖Each juror reviewed 63 applications and scored them "Yes," "No," or "Maybe" by May 27th ❖On May 28th the Jury and Project Advisors received a ranked list of applicants ❖The Selection Meeting took place via Zoom on May 29th ❖Over the course of the meeting, jurors reviewed and voted on all applications ❖In addition to Artistic Merit and ability to Engage the Community, Jurors considered a balanced representation of artistic discipline, demographics, and gender identifications ❖After final review, Jurors recommended 115 artists for the Corridor Construction Program Pre-Qualified Artist Pool (42% BIPOC) ❖ To note, the Previous Pre-Qualified Artist Pool was ~30% ALAANA Comments from the Jury... The philosophy of inclusion was demonstrated and should offer a strong survey of artists that represent the diversity strategies described in the AIPP plan. I am encouraged and gratified by the climate of inclusion for the applicants that eclipsed technical requirements that ordinarily serve as disqualifiers. I am proud to have played a part. --Dorsey-Outlaw The committee took a broad look at equity including years of experience, access to opportunity, and ethnicity. It was highly important that the pool of recommended artists would be reflective of Austin’s story and can create functional works of art for the corridors. I have confidence in this process and felt that the panel jurors were thoughtful and diverse. --Porter Really enjoyed the process, I do think that we need to have a clearer vision from the get-go on the heaviness of community work relevance. --Trevino I really enjoyed this process and was able to reflect on others’ input and apply that to my decisions. This was a very thoughtful and bright group and I’m honored to be a part of it. --Hernandez I thought the process went really well. To focus on actual artists in the community doing the work everyday is important. I know the goal is to try to be as inclusive as possible. --McMillan