AIPP Corridor Program Artist Pool RFQ — original pdf

The nine corridors in the Corridor Construction Program are seen here Art in Public Places | Cultural Arts Division Economic Development Department | City of Austin 201 E. 2nd Street | Austin, TX 78701 512.974.7700 | REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Budget: Various budgets from $40,000 to $200,000 Deadline: February 13, 2020, 5:00pm CST Purpose The purpose of the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool is to provide a streamlined application and selection process for artists interested in being commissioned for public art projects related to the Corridor Construction Program through the City of Austin Art in Public Places Program (AIPP). The Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool will be available to be used beyond the AIPP Program, for other Corridor Program efforts or other entities to select artists. The process of becoming part of the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool requires one application from interested artists. The Selection Panel will convene once to review all eligible applications. The Selection Panel will then recommend artists for approval to the Art in Public Places Panel and Austin Arts Commission. Once approved, all artists in the Pool remain eligible for contract opportunities for the duration of the Corridor Construction Program, as needed. AIPP staff and the Art in Public Places Panel may utilize the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool, in whole or in part, for commission opportunities based on project timeline, scope, previously identified project outcomes, and/or a highly specialized field of opportunity. The list of artists in the Pool will also be made available online for use by any private developers or independent entities. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Corridor Mobility Program Background In 2016, Austin voters approved $720 million in bonds for transportation and mobility improvements throughout the city. Through 2024, a dedicated project team of engineers, data analysts, and builders will be delivering these improvements for a more mobile and safe Austin. This team is guided by City Council’s Contract With Voters, which you can read here: The nine corridor limits: The 2016 Mobility Bond provides $482 million for the Corridor Construction Program. The Corridor Construction Program is the development, design, and construction of improvements along key Austin corridors that enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for all users—whether driving, walking, biking, or taking transit. Corridors are primary roadways that affect the overall transportation network. They are used for getting around, destinations for residents and visitors and home to businesses as well as many Austinites. Building Complete Communities Corridor Program investments seek to address positive outcomes for both mobility and community considerations. Leveraging the 2016 Mobility Bond dollars through partnerships and grants enables the city to provide roadway enhancements. These partnerships and public art enable the city to amplify the community, culture and the mobility experience. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool City of Austin’s Strategic Direction 2023 (SD23) The Austin City Council adopted a strategic direction guiding the City for the next three to five years. SD23 outlines a shared vision and six outcomes of which two directly guide Art in Public Places: Economic Opportunity & Affordability and Culture and Lifelong learning. As part of the SD23 process AIPP and the Economic Development Department will quantify a number of key performance measures including, participants who are satisfied with City-offered culture and lifelong learning events, activities and resources and number of jobs supported. The Department will use that data to better align decision making and budget allocations. Because artists are small businesses, AIPP may ask commissioned artists to outline how many jobs were supported based on their current City of Austin contract as well as whether the contract strengthened their overall business operations. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Goals AIPP values the voice of artists and communities working together. Our goal is to increase access to the decision-making process, viewing and experiencing artwork. AIPP hopes to commission art of redeeming quality that advances the public’s understanding of artwork, increases the quality of public places and enhances the experience of Austin’s mobile viewers (pedestrian, car & bike travel). Through the Corridor Construction program AIPP seeks to attract artists in all stages of their careers to participate in the City’s public art program, enrich the dialogue surrounding mobility and amplify the culture of Austin’s public spaces. AIPP also looks to artists to explore a range of themes suitable for artwork in the public realm with regard to innovation, transportation, safety and environmental impact. Individual project goals will be determined in dialogue with the community. This program seeks artists with either an interest or experience in creating socially grounded artworks; including collaborative, participatory, interactive or process oriented design. The enhancement of place could be centered around artwork that provides opportunities for: respite, play, connection, or other meaningful community concepts. Individual Public Art Opportunities These opportunities are for creating diverse types of artwork in partnership with community. Once commissioned, artists may propose designs of a variety of means, methods and media. Goals: Each project will seek community input from the neighborhoods surrounding the corridor and artwork location with the goal of an artwork that reflects the neighborhood culture. That community in dialogue with AIPP staff will create the goals for each specific artwork opportunity. Community Engagement: Once an artist is under contract, the artist will work with the community in a dialogue to develop artwork ideas that address the goals of the project. Scale and type: Scale should be appropriate to each opportunity and could include iconic large scale placemaking pieces, streetscape additions, murals, small scale two-dimensional artwork interventions, community based processes are vital to the success of the Corridor Construction Program artworks. Locations: Sites may be determined in conjunction with Corridor Construction Program Office and consultants, City staff and community stakeholders. All artwork opportunities will be located in, on, at or near the nine corridor capital improvement project locations. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Individual Project Budgets By ordinance, the funds for public art are derived from 2 percent of the City of Austin’s estimated construction budget for each capital improvement project (CIP). The total award for an artist contract must include design, fabrication and installation, including travel and shipping expenses, insurance and other project-related costs. The individual projects budgets anticipated through the City of Austin’s current 2016 Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool are projected to be between $40,000 and $200,000. Budgets will be determined by both location and scale of artwork. Insurance Insurance will be required of all commissioned artists for the entire length of the contract. Workers Compensation insurance may be waived if the artist is installing the work without any paid subcontractors. Unpaid volunteers must sign a waiver of liability release form. If any subcontractors are hired by a commissioned artist, these coverages, as well as workers’ compensation insurance, will also be required of the subcontractors. More detailed information on City of Austin insurance requirements can be found online at: Insurance may be purchased directly from an agent or through a local arts organization as a sponsored project. AIPP can supply a list of possible insurance resources. Artist Information Meeting Artist Information Meetings will be held in January and February. Artists will be able to join the meeting remotely. AIPP staff will present information on the Corridor Construction Program and review the application procedures. The presented materials and any Q&A will be posted to the City’s website after the meeting: AIPP staff and facility representatives will be available to answer questions. Artists may also reach out to AIPP staff with questions! Additional sessions may be added, watch for meeting updates. Eligibility Artists with lived experience in the corridor location areas are highly encouraged to apply. Artists with a social practice are highly encouraged to apply. Artists under current City of Austin AIPP contract are eligible to apply. Artists who have not received a public art commission before are encouraged to apply. Requirements: Live in the Austin metropolitan area (Williamson, Travis, Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Burnet and Blanco counties) Visual artists, or artist teams At least 18 years of age Ineligible persons include: Full-time, permanent City of Austin employees Project consultants and their employees Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Evaluation Criteria The selection of an artist or artist team shall be based on artist qualifications which best meet the requirements contained in the Request for Qualifications. The Selection Panel will review and consider the following evaluation criteria: ● Artistic merit and technical expertise; ● Ability to engage the community in which the artwork is being proposed; and ● Demonstrated success completing works of art. For more info on the full AIPP project selection criteria: Submission Requirements Applications must be received by 5 pm on February 13, 2020 via Applications include: ⮚ Artist resume ⮚ Five to ten images of completed relevant artwork with descriptions ⮚ A letter of interest answering 4 questions: 1. Why are you interested in working on a Corridor Construction Program art project? 2. Do you have a personal connection to any of the corridor locations? 3. How might your artwork function to connect people to people or people to places? 4. Have you previously worked with communities or civic/social practice in your art practice? ⮚ Three professional references For technical assistance submitting your application online, please contact or call (210)701-0775 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm CST). Selection Process The Art in Public Places Panel will convene a Selection Panel to evaluate artist qualifications for this Artist Pool. The Selection Panel will review the applications including letter of interest, images of recent and relevant work, resume(s), professional references and recommend a list of artists for the Pool to be approved by the Art in Public Places Panel and Austin Arts Commission. The convened five-member Selection Panel will be made up of visual arts professionals of which at least two must be local. Selection Panel members may include: ● Fadeelah Muhyee, Associate Director of Community Engagement, Creative Action ● Chun Hui Pak, Austin Artist ● Francisco Arrendondo, Principal, North Arrow Studio ● Tres Hernandez, Landscape Architect Associate, TBG Partners ● Coka Treviño, Artist and Curator, Big Medium Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Project Advisors may include: Jana McCann — Principal, McCann Adams Studio » Susan Daniels – Deputy Director, Corridor Program Office » Kathleen Rubin – Leveraging & Partnerships Coordinator, Corridor Program Office » » Lynn Osgood—Executive Director, Civic Arts » Lisa Byrd—Founder, Creative Cultural Works » Tammie Rubin –Art in Public Places Panel Project Liaison » Stephanie Lemmo –Art in Public Places Panel Project Liaison » » To be determined – Community Member » To be determined – Community Member Jaime Castillo – Austin Arts Commission, District 9 No gallery owner, dealer or art agent may serve as a juror due to the potential for conflict of interest. No juror may serve more than once in any two-year period in an attempt to bring a diversity of interests to the selection process and to more precisely match the expertise of the jury members to each project. For each individual opportunity for the Corridor Construction Program AIPP projects, separate Project Teams including design professionals, City staff, Community members and Visual Arts Professionals will determine the selected commissioned artist. The artist will be contracted to complete community engagement, develop a design with community input, present the design for approval, and manage the artwork through the installation process. The artist or team’s final design is subject to approval by the Art in Public Places Panel and the Austin Arts Commission and may be subject to review by other relevant City Boards and Commissions and stakeholder groups. The Austin City Council must approve negotiation of any contract over the established administrative authority. Additional Policies » The Austin Art in Public Places program reserves the right to decline any and all submissions, cancel any qualified list at any time, or commission an artist through another process. » Inclusion in the Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool does not guarantee a commission. » Additional eligibility criteria may be set for commission selections. » Artists may only have one active permanent artwork commission contract with the Art in Public Places program at a time. » The Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool may be used by the Corridor Construction Program to commission art or creative interventions outside of the AIPP Program with budgets of all sizes. The Pool will be available to be shared with community members, developers, or entities desiring to commission an artist for artwork. Limited information on artists in the Pool may be promoted on the City of Austin website. » The AIPP Panel and Arts Commission may recommend an artist directly from the Pool, recommend a short-list of artists for interviews or paid proposals or recommend releasing an invitational Call-to-Artists. » The Austin Art in Public Places program may open the Pool for new applicants as needed. Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool 21st Artist Information Session #1 George Washington Carver Museum meeting room #1 6-8 pm Civic Arts Led Community Engagement Approval of Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Prospectus by AIPP Panel and Austin Arts Commission 12th Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Request for Qualifications opens 8th Artist Information Session #2 Location TBD 10 am -12 pm 13th Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool Request for Qualifications DEADLINE Commitment to Equity Art in Public Places embraces cultural equity. It is the goal of the program to ensure as many people as possible have meaningful engagements with public art and access to viewing, experiencing and creating artwork. AIPP actively seeks to provide members of historically underrepresented communities, which can include identities such as Black or African-American, Arab-American, Asian-American, Hispanic or LatinX, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Nations, LGBTQIA, or a person with a disability, with equitable access to public art opportunities. In support of this commitment, the program will make every effort to expand access to the collection and programmatic decision-making. For each project, every effort will be made to comprise project selection panels and finalist pools for AIPP commissions with representatives from a variety of historically underrepresented communities to better reflect the diversity of Austin. Schedule December January February March April May Contact/Questions Marjorie Flanagan, AIPP Sr. Project Manager 512-974-8706 Artists notified of acceptance to Pool Pool ready for use Selection Panel review of qualifications and recommendation of Pool Approval of Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool by AIPP Panel and Austin Arts Commission Corridor Construction Program Artist Pool