Final - Meeting Design — original pdf

Cultural Funding Arts Commission & Art in Public Places Strategic Planning Meeting Meeting Objective(s): 3 or less is fine 1. Define & leading with a racial equity lens as a Cultural Arts Division (completed in first session) 2. 3. Use community feedback to set Arts Commission role in Cultural Funding Review process, explore best approach to organize AC input & interaction with Inform meeting attendees of potential strategic themes derived from community feedback of Cultural Funding Review Process & process 4. Describe extended Cultural Funding Review process timeline Meeting Location: CAD offices, Date: Jan 13, 2020 Time: 6:00pm‐8:30pm Attendees: Commissioners, AIPP panel members, COA Staff, Facilitators, Community Members Overview: Commissioners will participate in activities to achieve Commission goals and update strategic planning activities. Agenda Item 1.Sign In Leader Commission Liaison Outcome Duration To occur prior to the commencement of the meeting 3‐5 Minutes / 6:00pm 2.Call to Order Chair Castillo Meeting will be called to order. 3.Approval of Minutes and Action 3‐5 Minutes 6:10pm Chair Castillo Minutes and actions will be approved. Cultural Funding Arts Commission & Art in Public Places Strategic Planning Meeting 4.Citizen Communication: General 10‐Minutes 6:15pm Chair Castillo Hear concerns and voices of the citizens. 5.a. Motion to Suspend Robert Rules of Order 5 Minutes 6:20pm Chair Castillo Robert rules of order will be suspended. 5.a. Motion to Suspend Robert Rules of Order 5.b Commission Introduction Cara Welch /Alberto Mejia 6. Staff Introduction &CFRP Refresher & Extension brief 7. Leading with a Racial Equity Lens in the Cultural Arts Ask: Any reflections? Any major comments missing? 10‐15 Minutes 6:30pm Slides 2‐ 16 *Slides 15,16,19 hidden 10‐15 Minutes 6:45pm Slides 17‐ 18 Robert rules of order will be suspended. Introduce the commission members as well as a brief description of the purpose of the meeting. Introduce the staff, go over agenda and plan for the meeting. Meghan Wells and/or Brion Oaks Set a framework for activities and the discussion Commissioners & AIPP will identify tasks that address the themes from the previous session. Commissioners will understand the timeline and planned activities for the extended cultural funding review process Reinstate Robert rules of order for the remaining of the meeting. Margie Reese / MJR Consultants 45 min – 1hr 7:45pm Slides 19‐29 Cultural Funding Arts Commission & Art in Public Places Strategic Planning Meeting 8. Presentation of potential strategic themes derived from community feedback of Cultural Funding Review Process 9. Brainstorm Activity: What tasks can we do to address the Strategic Themes 11. Revisit (Display) Extended Cultural Funding Process timeline 5min 8:30pm Slides 32‐ 35 Marion Sanchez/Cara Welch 30 Minutes 8:00pm Slides 30‐31 Alberto Break 10. Reinstate Robert Rules of Order 11. Other Agenda Items 13. Future Agenda Items 14. Adjournment Materials Needed: 10 Minutes 3‐5 Minutes Chair Castillo unknown unknown Chair Castillo Chair Castillo Chair Castillo 1. Sticky notes (4x4, 4 separate colors) 2. Restickable Tabletop easel pad 3. Welcome Table 4. Agendas, sign‐in sheet 5. Citizen Communication Sign‐Up Sheet and Signage Community Engagement Materials Being Brought: 1. Black Sharpie Markers 2. Discussion Guidelines/Principles 3. Dry erase markers 4. Pen/Paper‐ Recommended for note taking Cultural Funding Arts Commission & Art in Public Places Strategic Planning Meeting Decisions Made: Rationale: Actions Assigned: Outstanding Issues: Room Setup: U Shaped seating for Commission Attendees – Theater Style Seating Notes: