Applicant Review PanelMay 3, 2013

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Page | 1   Applicant Review Panel Meeting Minutes Friday, April 26, 2013 The Applicant Review Panel convened in a regularly called meeting on Friday, April 26, 2013 6:00 p.m. at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701 Meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Jawana JJ Gutierrez, ARP staff liaison. COMMITTEE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Feller (Absent) Caroline Limaye Michelle DeFrance 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Brad Parsons, Edwin English, Peg “Seaufy” Frey 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes for the regular ARP meeting on April 19th were reviewed and approved. Member Limaye motioned to approve the minutes, member DeFrance seconded. Motion was passed on a vote of 2-0. 3. NEW BUSINESS: The ARP may discuss and take action on the following agenda items: A. Review demographic data for Austin area precincts The Panel reviewed a map depicting the locations of the top scorers from Round 1. The Panel requested that Liaison Gutierrez obtain current data of Austin’s population. The Panel reviewed the student rankings provided by members Limaye and DeFrance, the rankings show no similarities, therefore it was decided that member Feller’s information is needed to determine the overall student ranking. B. Summary of Round 1 application scores and begin Round 2 Review of Round 2 scores and reconsidered applicant scores from Round 1 by members Limaye and DeFrance. The addition of the “reconsidered” applications created more than 60 chosen applicants, it has been decided that the next round will be the striking round. Each panel member will have list of five to strike, panel members will choose their own method of deciding who to strike. Liaison Gutierrez will contact the Auditor’s office to review the policy with regards to alternates if the selected student receives a strike from Council.  Page | 2   C. Letters to applicants who were not selected A review of a draft letter written by member Limaye to send to the non-selected applicants; Liaison Gutierrez will work with the City of Austin’s Communication team to draft the letter-head format. Further discussion of the draft letter will be addressed at the next meeting, and a vote will be taken to approve the format. It was determined that the letter will be mailed to the non-selected applicants after the Council work session on May 21st. 4. OLD BUSINESS Review ARP work plan and future meeting dates The next scheduled meeting is for Friday, May 3rd at 6 pm at City Hall’s Board and Commissioner’s Room #1101, 301 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701. This meeting is contingent upon the completion of several tasks by Panel members. Liaison Gutierrez will attempt to secure a time slot for the City Council meeting on May 16th. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Request future agenda items, information, and reports Panel members will discuss during the next meeting the process for presenting the recommended list of 60 applications to Council. Staff Liaison Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 6:57 pm without objection.