Backup_241009 WF24 Working Group Meeting Notes — original pdf

Water Forward Task Force (WFTF) Water Forward 2024 Working Group October 9, 2024 Meeting Notes Teams Meeting, 10:00 am Attendees: Madelline Mathis, WFTF Marisa Flores Gonzalez, Austin Water Robert Mace, WFTF Matt Cullen, Austin Water Jennifer Walker, WFTF Emily Rafferty, Austin Water Vanessa Puig-Williams, WFTF Discuss 10/8 WFTF meeting content: The group further discussed the content shared at the recent 10/8 full Water Forward Task Force meeting. The topics included the water loss report, its alignment with the Water Conservation Plan, and updates to the draft Water Forward 2024 plan report. Discussion included the following: - The numbers that go into calculating water loss, comparing the gallons per connection unit with the gallons per capita unit that is in the Water Conservation Plan, and aligning the units - The Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) as a metric and using something else that is easier for stakeholders to understand and engage with - Polybutylene service lines and AW’s plan to allocate more money and resources to expedite the process of replacing those that remain in the water distribution system - Adding more visuals and graphics to the draft Water Forward plan surrounding - Apparent loss versus real loss and the importance of apparent loss to be able to the GoPurple Program measure real losses Water Forward 2024 Working Group Meeting October 2024