Backup_240611 WF18 Implementation Working Group Meeting Notes — original pdf

Water Forward Task Force (WFTF) Water Forward 2018 Implementation Working Group June 11, 2024 Meeting Notes Teams Meeting, 3:00 pm Attendees: Paul DiFiore, WFTF William Moriarty, WFTF Emily Rafferty, Austin Water Marisa Flores-Gonzalez, Austin Water Discussion of IPR Updates Staff provided a verbal update on the progress of implementing the Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) water management strategy to date. Staff has been working internally on implementing IPR as an emergency strategy. An internal IPR working group meets bi-weekly with representatives from many Austin Water (AW) work groups. AW has had initial conversations with TCEQ about permitting. AW has made the decision to use effluent diverted to sidestream IPR treatment facilities from South Austin Regional (SAR) Wastewater Treatment Plant for the IPR project after weighing the pros and cons between SAR and Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. AW has been working internally to develop the 3 different scopes below: 1. Reclaimed transmission main routing study for a rotation list engineer 2. Improvements necessary at intake to Ullrich – new pump station and intake downstream of Tom Miller Dam for rotation list engineer 3. Amendment for current consultant’s (Plummer) scope to include support for application for a separate TPDES permit for side-stream treatment process AW hopes to have all three of these consultants on board by the end of Summer 2024. In Fall 2024 AW will work with consultants to provide information for a bid package that can be put out to issue an RFQ in Winter 2025. Between approximately Summer of 2026 through Summer of 2028, AW is aiming for design and construction of IPR. Task Force member questions and discussion included the following: - Questions and discussion regarding the permitting, timeline, and cost of the strategy - Potential concerns were raised about algae and PFAS - Questions and discussion regarding the criteria used to make the decision between SAR and Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment plants - Request to provide information on how the IPR strategy compares to others in terms of cost/benefit from the WF2018 plan Water Forward 2018 Implementation Working Group Meeting June 2024