Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceJuly 15, 2024

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Water Forward Task Force (WFTF) Water Forward 2024 Working Group June 26, 2024 Meeting Notes Teams Meeting, 1:00 pm Attendees: Robert Mace, WFTF Marisa Flores-Gonzalez, Austin Water Vanessa Puig-Williams, WFTF Emily Rafferty, Austin Water Kevin Kluge, Austin Water Helen Gerlach, Austin Water Kevin Critendon, Austin Water Teresa Lutes, Austin Water Preview of WFTF member conservation and demand management strategies feedback evaluation: Austin Water talked through their approach of evaluating the feedback received from the WFTF and incorporating it into Water Forward 2024, the Water Conservation Plan, and Drought Contingency Plan. All the feedback received was compiled and categorized based on feedback type. Feedback categories included water conservation strategies, best management practices, and general comments. Water savings and costs will be developed for water conservation strategies and best management practices will be considered and prioritized. There was discussion and questions regarding following: - The process of attributing water savings to the feedback - Tying in the Water Forward planning process so that it directly feeds into the Water - Suggestion for staff to provide review/overview on the goals and scope of Water Forward Conservation Plan in the future to Task Force members Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis Preview: Austin Water shared how they will be using a multi-criteria decision-making analysis process to further evaluate top candidate portfolios determined through the WAVE process. The multi- criteria decision-making analysis allows for evaluation of multiple, potentially conflicting criteria, such as cost and reliability. Staff shared the proposed criteria, guiding principles, and performance measures that were developed earlier in the Water Forward process with Task Force input. Water Forward 2024 Working Group Meeting June 2024